Need Reviews on AC-Markets


Junior member
I need reviews on Advanced Currency Markets. I've a query and really wanted someone and all who are actually trading with them rather than relying on the comments from executives of ACM itself with whom i had a talk last week.

Currently i'm having account with GCI Financials. But for me, they are a crook! There is so much of slippage when trading with GCI, which on asking them before getting an account opened they denied! So i will be getting account closed with them.

I wish to know if there is slippage with AC-Markets though they mention that they do guarantee fills! This is where i need help from anyone who's broker is ACM. If i trade any major economic announcement and put stop buy/sell orders then do they really fill such orders at my designated prices? Or slippage is there? Secondly do they increase the spreads during those times? If yes, then what is their usual increased spread?
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You should also ask if they still do individual pricing as has been reported in the past as this will increase the spread you pay.
If someone can help here..

Anyone has any info on ACM markets?
Live accounts.wires..spreads(how wide they can be)
Any input
I had a call from ACM today saying they are the 2nd largest fx retailer in the world. Anyone know anything about them? They are swiss based but i don't find anything in the reviews.
simply google Forex+broker+reviews. you will find that reviews by traders are not exactly good regarding this broker.
ODt, I already replied you on another thread, why you beating about the bush on a thread that died in 2007??!

You want info, then contact FINMA yourself and stop trying to put a cat amongst the pigeons, then get back to us with a reply, think you are capable of doing that? :clap: