Need Help on European Index Spreads


Junior member
Sorry if i am repeating a topic , as me a new member of this forum. I want to know if anybody is doing Spread Trading in European Indexes (Mainly , CAC/DAX , Eurostoxx/Dax , Eurostoxx/CAC and DAX/AEX) .

I am using Stellar Auto spreader and trading from last 6 months on these spreads. I am facing following problems if anybody can guide the solution or at least can minimize them.

1. I am getting lot of bad fills😢 , speacilly in product which are range bound like Eurostoxx/CAC ( me tried this product in different ratios like 4:3, 3:2, 7:5, etc, but GETTING veryyy bad fills, almost on every trade)

2. I am not getting any idea of a good strategy which can be profitable on Spreads. 🙁

3. As i am doing Intraday, so i dont know which signals i should watch before entering or exiting from my position.

4. I need somone to share his/her knowledge with me and if possible to guide me.. very very thanks in advance.🙂
Hello Apcorona..
Sure i can help you.
IG index have fast executing dealing platform.

Spreads are not of importance if you have winning trades..

Need advice or analysis, come and walk to my site

Waves of Future Trading

We are there to help and guide you.


Was that helpful or are you just trying to promote your joke of a website. I really hope you don't find anyone stupid enough to buy your bullsh!t.


I don't trade spreads myself, only outrights so others maybe of more help, but if you are continually getting such bad fills then it makes sense to try a platform other than Stellar, or to leg into the spread yourself instead of using an autospreader.

As for your other questions, if you are still at the stage where you asking these questions then perhaps you should consider trading on a simulator or Demo account for a while, then moving on to the live market when you are more confident that you know what you are doing. There is no point in throwing away any more money than neccessary while learning.

Another thing. Why have you decided to trade spreads rather than outrights? You will get a lot more help and advice from books/forums etc on outrights and you don't have to pay 2 sets of spreads/ commissions.
thanks aspire.. i see on my stats that you did not even visited my website..
so you are JUST TALKING a WAY in the air.. what a bull****..

i thought english people are polite.. 👎


Was that helpful or are you just trying to promote your joke of a website. I really hope you don't find anyone stupid enough to buy your bullsh!t.


I don't trade spreads myself, only outrights so others maybe of more help, but if you are continually getting such bad fills then it makes sense to try a platform other than Stellar, or to leg into the spread yourself instead of using an autospreader.

As for your other questions, if you are still at the stage where you asking these questions then perhaps you should consider trading on a simulator or Demo account for a while, then moving on to the live market when you are more confident that you know what you are doing. There is no point in throwing away any more money than neccessary while learning.

Another thing. Why have you decided to trade spreads rather than outrights? You will get a lot more help and advice from books/forums etc on outrights and you don't have to pay 2 sets of spreads/ commissions.
Don't be too harsh GJ - it's embarassing enough getting an E grade in your GCSE IT coursework, let alone posting it on the bloody internet...
It clearly does, as you persist in posting. Prove it doesn't matter to you by taking this rubbish elsewhere. Go on - I dares ya...

ok my site is crap.. are you happy now?..

maybe i am just better.. at forecasting.

euro/usd short 1.43

you think you can say al this, because my status is currently rookie on this website,

this doesn't mean nothing.. i witness before opposings on forums, but when you made some accurate forecasts, they suddenly al want to be your friend..

watch your language.. , it seems your parents have raised you well :clap:
It's not the actual site design that's the problem (Although you may have a problem with the hit counter), it's the content.

You are asking people for 549 Euros for a 1 year sibscruption to your 'forecasting' service.

For this we would get :-

"At least several updates a week via email.
Updates if market action demands one.
Also you receive future visions , at the moment i have them."

So, for 550 Euros a year I would be expecting some pretty fukcing spectacular future visions..... And as an example you have hand picked this:

"in the first part of 2008 with oil heading higher and higher.
The current volatility is the same as in 1980. And i am expecting
a sharp fall in prices in all commodity markets.
In contrary to mainstream experts, i see a sharp fall in oil.
I see oil moving to at least 60$.
result: oil came down sharply from the 147 top and is now in the 3x zone."

You did not predict a fall from 147 to the 3x zone... You predicted 'in the first part of 2008' that oil would fall to at least 60. But we all know that 'in the first part of 2008' oil ranged very roughly between 85 and 95. It was very nearly march by the time it broke 100. It then went fecking miles offside all the way up to 147 before eventually heading back down below 60.

Well done. Is this worth a 550 Euros per year subscription?.. Well you're obviously very pleased with this peice of forecasting because this same prediction of yours is right there in the first block of text on the front page of your site!!

"At waves of future trading we are there to help you get started. And of course guide you
through the financial markets. We deliver high accurate financial forecasting.
in 2008 we succesfully announced a great fall of oil, and commodities.
Oil has fallen from 147$ to 35$. A huge correction. And we at waves of future trading
saw this coming."

..I could go on for a while...

It really annoys me to see people who obviously can't make decent money from the markets trying to take money from begginers who don't yet know better by selling their systems, courses, knowledge, 'visions' etc. Unfortunately a lot of people put a lot of effort into learning to trade and only a very few 'make it' so there are a lot of these sorts of people about. This attempt, however, is probably the poorest I've seen.
Appologies to the original poster.

I imagine Apcorona is still looking for some advice on trading European equity index spreads.

oo i thought my design sucked.... well there lots to improve.. to the website..
i dont denie this.

people offered BY THEMSELVES.. to pay for this service.. actually..
actually this is a sign that i did some good work earlier before..
because i left of a forum.. and people mailed.. me actually.. .. to ask what a subscription costs..

yeah gold i called for fall at 970.. and it moved first.. to 1030.. but as i forecasted to fall to the 6xx zone.. its a well done forecast., but i did mention my euro forecast .. which i forecasted to go to 12x

actually many people were opposite.. of me, when i first joined in the forum..
cause 95% could not imagine.. gold to fall to 6xx and euro to 12x
but as time passes.. there were even people.. which retreated from their longs..
and ofcouse they were very grateful.. to me. and thankful..
actually i warned that metals will go sharply lower.
actually i helped lots of people with this, but this is not what you want to HEAR or SEE

really.. 47 euro a month.. is nothing against. trade risk and money which people risk..
you have to know this to. and actually the tax law in holland is disgustingly high.. and thats why its not expensive.. at all. in holland many forecast service ask 200/300e in 1 month. my intention is to help the people out, let me say that clearly.

actually during this INTERNET.. many very UN experienced people join in the markets, and they actually dont know what they doing.. and wind up losing tones of money.

lets leave this discussion for now.. OK

my apologises for the original poster.

Appologies to the original poster.

I imagine Apcorona is still looking for some advice on trading European equity index spreads.
aspire .. lets leave this discussion for now.. ok..
last thing i say:

i made some changes on the content.. for example.. i have removed that oil thing from the first page..
actually on second thought i agree that it suits better not on first page..but actually i removed this totally.

of oil , i was still bearish at 140. were majority people thought 200. furthermore i called for a crash in oil..but i did not mention.. from which level.. hence i do not claim i have said before that it will go from 147 to 35. but i mentioned the crash.. BEFORE. and not AFTER

enjoy trading 2009
I asked for some help when i started this thread, as i am posting a reply after few months so let me tell you all guys that now i am not facing the bad fills problem, so its going good.

I have one more question, if anybody can tell me any resource or site from where i can get daily fair values of DAX , CAC ,and Eurostoxx, .. and also from where i can get the yield curve (for eurodollor).. etc.

I will be very happy if any experienced spread trader can discuss the things on this forum or on messenger.