need an oppinion on books.

i am a complete begginer and want to learn about options trading and mechanical strategies.

Would experienced traders give their valued oppions on my choise of books?
or maybe suggest something else. I am interested in later using this knowlage in swing trading.

I am foreigner living in Germany and not so much is available in english
(taken from

Option Trading Basics: A Guide to Getting Started
Jim Bittman (Autor), Jody Costa
Marketplace Books (28. Dezember 2009)
ISBN-10: 1592803814
ISBN-13: 978-1592803811

Trading Stock Options: Basic Option Trading Strategies and How to Use Them to Profit in Any Market
Brian Burns
P & L Publications (15. November 2009)
ISBN-10: 0578041804
SBN-13: 978-0578041803

The Complete Guide to Option Strategies: Advanced and Basic Strategies on Stocks, ETFs, Indexes and Stock Index Futures (Wiley Trading)
John Wiley & Sons
ISBN-10: 0470243759
ISBN-13: 978-0470243756
Agreed - no need for books yet, use this forum and other sites for information.

But its not just facts you need - more important is how to use them. It is not possible to predict 100% what the market will do, but you must be able to predict 100% what you will do if the market does X, Y or Z. Real traders on this site will help you predict and control your own responses. This site is free, so costs less than books, but the market costs the most.