Need advice for choice of "broker"



I've been trading for a while now, and thought that I might try spread betting. Can anyone help me find a "broker", or whatever we call it in these circles. The main priorities are these.

1. Trading platform. This matters all. I find many of the spreadbetting platforms useless. I'm looking for a platform who let's me enable technical analysis to real time info. An example of a platform i HATE is the one of Capital Spreads.

2. Small spreads. Self explaining. 😛

I will be really gratefull for som help.

Thanks in advance.
Hello Kingen,

Have you tried Finspreads ?

I'm not sure but I think alot of the SB companies use the same realtime info now.
The only reason why I mention them is the low cost per point you can bet. After their initial 8wk (I think) period you can bet at 50p per point.

or IGIndex.
This is on the front page;

Have a dig around there's loads of chat on each of the betting companys on here. Good and bad viewpoints. They are all much of a muchness if you ask me. That is until you start moving to bigger stakes then the lag gets a little longer. They hate scalpers aswell. Depends how good you get/ are. Finspreads platform is really not very good IMO and they tend to go down at major news times...

All the best