Is Level 11 for beginners

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zenda
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Well-known member
- I ask myself some funny questions sometimes? Such as Is level 2 a good place for beginners to start? If not what is Naz's beginners course about? If Fx is so simple and trades for 24 hours and you just got a dozen pairs to trade, why bother with 50,000 shares? - Why does anyone ever buy a system ? - With advanced trading platforms from trading houses as sophisticated as tradestation with free live data feed. how is it that people pay hundreds of dollars every year for data feed and software? Has anyone ever backtested backtesting? Is Spam free similar to Scam free? On what timeframe do candlesticks start working? Why arn't elliot waves working on Fibonacci numbers instead of 5? How can I start to run seminars and make a few thousand dollars one Sat/Sun? Why are new traders so gullable? I have been working on a Seminar - what do you think? 😉

I'm proposing my new seminar is based on " The application of the "Gann" theory, coupled with chinese numbers and integrating the New Elliot wave Fibonacci theory, it is loosly based on the hanging man/Doji candlestick application, using modified point and figure charts - Special software is required ($595) and data feed ($150 pm - I get a cut) - the new seminar will be run on a Sunday (no live trading) and you can start with as little as £100 in capital - and I propose to charge £925.00 (including notes). :cheesy:

Interested parties should be aware this is not an advert - !!
I'm signing up as long as you remember to include trading strategies based on astrological charting...this will of course require you to increase the cost of seminar which is fine by me ,remember after all ,"it is better to give than it is to receive"..there you go just by word association I have identified a field of trading research completely untapped...I am of course talking biblical trading strategies...I feel one coming on...the 11th Commandment rule... thou shoulds't never fight the trend...LOL

Zenda said:
- I ask myself some funny questions sometimes? Such as Is level 2 a good place for beginners to start? If not what is Naz's beginners course about? If Fx is so simple and trades for 24 hours and you just got a dozen pairs to trade, why bother with 50,000 shares? - Why does anyone ever buy a system ? - With advanced trading platforms from trading houses as sophisticated as tradestation with free live data feed. how is it that people pay hundreds of dollars every year for data feed and software? Has anyone ever backtested backtesting? Is Spam free similar to Scam free? On what timeframe do candlesticks start working? Why arn't elliot waves working on Fibonacci numbers instead of 5? How can I start to run seminars and make a few thousand dollars one Sat/Sun? Why are new traders so gullable? I have been working on a Seminar - what do you think? 😉

I'm proposing my new seminar is based on " The application of the "Gann" theory, coupled with chinese numbers and integrating the New Elliot wave Fibonacci theory, it is loosly based on the hanging man/Doji candlestick application, using modified point and figure charts - Special software is required ($595) and data feed ($150 pm - I get a cut) - the new seminar will be run on a Sunday (no live trading) and you can start with as little as £100 in capital - and I propose to charge £925.00 (including notes). :cheesy:

Interested parties should be aware this is not an advert - !!

Why do some people vote Labour and others Conservative? How long is a piece of string? Why does the lazy trader seek the holy grail? Does greed sell "no work required" trading systems?"

Why are we sad b*ggers sat in front of a screen rather than be out in the sunshine?

Answers on a cheque please. :cheesy:
OK I'll include it...

Ok Chump I will include the astrology things - (Silly of me to forget!) its also been brought to my notice that I have forgotton to include how it relates to DW options theories and spread betting in general, so I have Extended the seminar (I'm now finishing at 4 pm (not 3pm ) and I am going to include the following additional subjects - Level2 - Forex and Pork Bellies (the truth at last) - With this additional extra knowledge - I feel an increase in charges by £235 should be fully acceptable to new traders. And for the T2W members who have sent me a private messages - Yes I am a self made milllionaire ( in 5 months) and no I will not show you my trading accounts thats Private !! 😎

PS and yes use can use the system and bet as Spread Bet CFD and level 2 or direct in cash at Ladbrokes.
Well! I'm a millionaire and i made 10.3 mill in one day, but i don't have to prove it. Do i!
Zen, if your ever in need of a couple of mill, don't be affraid to just ask, i hate money, but i can't seem to stop making the darn stuff! It's like a horrible rash, i'm sick of it! PeeDee!
I'm not going to LIE! but making 10.3 mill in one day using SB, scalping the odd point here and there, with only £100 in the account isn't easy, but you can do it, honest! Firstly, money management and knowing the market your in, HELPS!, a little bit, most importantly youv'e got to be an IDIOT, that's the main ingredient! Then you SELL, and i mean SELL, sell your'e mum if need be( intraday, of course!), then sit back and watch the WONGA roll in! EASY, in it.
Neil -

Quote: How long is a piece of string?

Ans: about 12 inches is a rule ! ARF ARF ARF, YUK YUK YUK! HE HE HE HE!
Level 2 is definitely for beginners. Spend 2 weeks with this and you will be ready for level 4.

Level 8 is for real experts m8y.
You gotta L'arf, arf

BBB said:
Neil -

Quote: How long is a piece of string?

Ans: about 12 inches is a rule ! ARF ARF ARF, YUK YUK YUK! HE HE HE HE!

BBB , you are a wag :cheesy:
Salty - You dumba$$! I thought you would have recognised them as Market Maker mnumonics! (Gnash Gnash!)
Level 11? Where can I get Levels 3 to 10? Ah, I suppose those are the iceberg steps....
