Seasonal strength comes in summer and I am long here in N7. It has work to do but it certainly has a chance. I have bought the strength a couple of times in the past couple of months and taken stops. When it goes it will pay back the losses and already performed well earlier in year. Not sure I know if this is the break or not that will be the one. Just got to keep swinging the bat and hope John Arnold agrees..
Actually, is this by any chance because the market is always in Contango as we move into winter demand period. Current forward prices are as follows:
NGV7 6.319
NGX7 7.050
NGZ7 7.792
If you look at a continuation chart the rollovers will always show increasing prices during this period. Whether you can realise this by buying and holding NGZ7 is unclear.
The contango is already priced into the forward price curve. Look at where you got out of the october contract and where you bought the november..quite a premium in the Nov already!!
I am not saying you cannot make money I am just saying that a continuation chart of historical price will give a misleading view of how much you are likely to make by holding a long in a single contract.
I have traded NG for years and I assure you there is not a no brainer trade at this time in the year. Natgas has half a chance here but I am flat for now.
KTF - Just been looking at seasonals and despite the contango in Nat Gas forwards it does actually have the strongest historical upside tendency of any commodity in October with (since 1983) a 63% chance of an advance max upside has been 82.9% , min return -16.8%. This bucks the trend of the index as most commodities including gold, silver and crude have a seasonal declines in Oct.
Good luck, I will be looking for the right signal to jump on there with you. Hope you survived the last few volatile days, NG is not for those with cardiac issues.