myTrack-myBroker ?

Downloaded myBroker demo trying to find ideal trading software system to suit a not so young trader, preferrable 0nline variety. At the mo i'm using ADVFN streaming (silver) and Heargreaves Lansdown- online as a broker. Would like to open another online, that includes ect, being to old for level 2 imo, but needing live feed for slightly lower key daytrading.
As AIQ charting, and direct dealing depending on service level, are included with myBroker it sounds ideal, not sure if the spreads ect. for ftse stocks will be advantageous though. Trading uk only at present but Nasdaq possible in the future.
Would be gratefull for any pointers, advice, info, comments general or from current or ex-myBroker users.
Thanks in advance
Col Walden
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MyTrack is highly thought of in the USA as a Real Time data feed, and that is certainly my experience here too.Almost never out.Spreads for MyBroker will be "normal", but there are 2 advantages: You get a deal on MyTrack services with them plus they can set you up with a US trading account (if you want/need it). Daytrading will not be practical (except US stocks) as you will be paying stamp duty + normal uk spreads. The MAY however offer UK stocks through their USA trading account service, then you'll avoid the stamp duty. The only way to get away from stamp/spreads is to go the Deal4Free /spread betting route trading CFD's. You'll still need real time charts thou- like AIQ/MyTrack.

Try use mytrack feed and you can get UK charts. Plus you can have an account with them.

You can download a demo.

If you like it you might wish to add the AIQ charting option.

Hope this helps

Thanks Chartman and Neil for your help, still thinking about the best options for the money, i'm so used and like, the Advfn streaming monitor layout, 100 stocks on 2 pages that its going to be difficult, to find a comparable one.