Trades 2&3 Haven't really worked in my favour this week I am currently down around £75 total how ever I am confident FLT will start to work in my favour next week, FOSL though, I am not so sure, I may close this on Monday morning.
Currently I am risking 1.25% of my money (£100 per trade, 100/8000), I look where I want to place the stop loss (1.5xATR below the trend line) and then I work out how many shares I can take on. Soon I will be moving the amount of risk up to 2% and then to 4%, if I am confident enough and doing well, in summer.
I also have a limit of 4 trades open at any time, at the moment as I am 16 and studying A levels I do not have a lot of time because of revision ect.
I have been looking at a stock, HAL. It was mentioned on a US programme earlier this week as being 'cheap' so I decided to look at it and it was on the trend line I drew in last month. It looks like it could be a good trade, I may open a position in it on Monday. I have also been looking at DPZ (I had dominoes pizza last night and it was amazing;p) but there is resistance at 70 and its finding it difficult to stay above, I may consider a position in DPZ if it breaks 71.50.
My new book got delivered last night, Market wizards - Jack D. Schwager. So far so good!
If you want to follow my trading journey on twitter for daily tweets on what's going on then follow @Trading_Journey, I wont say much on here until the weekend in long replies like this, its easier to tweet when I'm out of the house.