In theory yes, but trading it simply like that will be a waste of time. There will be times when it works but you'll get killed at other times if all you do is follow it up or down. Just look back and see how well it would have worked in the past.
Divergences between MACD-Histogram and prices identify major turning points. These signals rarely occur, but when they do, they often let you catch major reversals and the beginnings of new trends. The bullish divergence A-B flags a major buying opportunity. Prices are at a new low, but the indicator is trading a higher bottom. It shows that bears are exhausted and bulls are ready to gain the upper hand.
Also how far back to people use their 'starting' point from? i.e; if looking for a decline do you go to the lowest low in the graph or do you go to a pin closer to the actual one moving?
Also do you mark on the point moving or the one before it?
1) Am I analysing it incorrectly?
2) Is this proof that one cannot rely on MACD?
Also looking up PIN bars now, after seeing quite alot especially @ for example 15:00 where it peaked and then dropped.
Ah right - nailed it on the head with regards to the trade to quickly I agree, will sit back and observe some more, thanks Splitlink 🙂
I found a book that has most of the qustions that you are asking, I was pondering a lot of questions but find it a bit silly asking till I came on this site and found others asking the same questions. the book is called "The Financial Spread betting handbook" by Malcolm Pryor. Best £20 I spent. read it a couple of times then try again. I started more or less the same way as you, start off with £250 in my account, took it up to £700 in 2 weeks then the stuff hits the fan (well I've never heard about non agricultural farm labour reports before then) Now I am researching charts, indicators and trying to learn some diciplines
Heres a bit of divergence I noticed recently:
Problem with divergence is that its hard to test and a bit subjective.
Follow Black Swan's advice on a demo account, it will be very educational. Then read another book or two, I'm sure you'll find some good threads on here with suggestions (A Elder is a good starting point)
EDIT: Sorry just realised my line hasn't shown for some reason, look at the MACD histogram in early May compared to during the lower low in June.
Talking about the pins, they work better if they pierce something that interests you ie. a trend line or average. I've noticd with that chart I posted that they seem to give a good signal with digressions, too. Just a thought.
Indicators have an uncanny ability to tell you everything once it's happened.
What do you use to select trades?
Youre right, I dont trade them unless they are off support or resistance and even then I am selective. On your chart there is an obvious PIN with divergence although without seeing more of the chart its impossible to say if this was at a S&R level, it worked though. As far as divergence goes that is a perfect example.
Indicators have an uncanny ability to tell you everything once it's happened.
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
Soren Kierkegaard
Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)