Three days later you are stopped out. (see chart)
The advantage of this exit management strategy is that it is pretty mechanical so takes the emotion out.
The disadvantage is that, yes, from time to time you see something get to your first level and then come back and stop you out. When you have been doing this for a few weeks or months you inevitable think "WTF, I was 150 ticks up and now I've taken a loss, I'm a d*ck, etc etc etc". But it depends what you are trying to do. Since, in trending markets, they usually follow a step pattern (s becomes r) and vice versa, I have found it is the best compromise between protecting your profits and catching the bigger move.
The other technique I like to employ is dividing your position into two or three (or even four or five) depending on how far you think the market can go and then just exiting some at each level and trailing the stop on the rest in the way I have outlined. This is a little more comforting since you are getting some out and this often diminishes your loss if it should get to the first level and come back.