My Live trades

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Now then Walking Eagle, where do we begin?... Firstly my direction and suggestion for you to join Phil Newton and/or Dan Armitage should be taken up asap as it's patently obvious to any experienced trader that you are at best an intermediate level trader (like myself). In no way, shape, or form should you be offering mentorship or advice to'd be deluded and dangerous for you to offer up guidance to noobs given the mess you got yourself into this week. Hey, we all have bad weeks, but your confusing explanation as to why and how, and then how you extricated yourself from a situation you needlessly found yourself in, revealed so much and once again highlighted your total unsuitabilty to teach..

Given you're not short of a bob or two why not ask a few of the mods for names and numbers of the one or two first class mentors who they know, you never know they may be able to fit you in..?

Right then, let's have it eh..

I honestly think you've got more front than Harrods to be asking for money to train folk. Your only reason for posting this journal is that you want noobs to be so impressed they'll give you money, so stop it with the soft sell and pathetic attempts to get folk onside by claiming folk are "being nasty to me Sir" fookin hoo, man up ffs. If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined the firm, and what did you honestly expect, that everyone would think you're aces, form an orderly Q in order to give you a hundred quid a month so you can keep you and Lady Wirral in creme de menthe? If you'd bothered to do your research before joining T2W you'd have known it's a baptism of fire, there's tons of you whoppers in the FX world...just reflect on how you're now projecting yourself given you've aligned yourself so closely with them...

To blame others for your difficult week came as no surprise, as I've said up thread you've failed the essential mentor test, but I'll let you think on what that is.. To now ask the 'school prefect' for help, because you've had a bad week, is bizarre in the extreme.

No-one has bothered you in *your trading* from what I can see, or interfered in your sophist tautology, tbh I've hardly looked at this journal this week and when I did I noticed at best you get 5 views, generally 2-3, on ocassion none and yet you keep baiting me, bizarre..You've posted what, 180 times this week, (practically all on this thread), I've probably posted half a dozen/ten times on this thread this week, so how can you childishly blame me and or others for your failings, did we make you take/or stay in those trades?

And stop it with this "well post your trades up then.." If I decide to run a journal I'll do it at my own pace for my own reasons, not because a beaut like you throws down a infantile school playground challenge. I swing trade the major pairs and occasionally play the Euro off 5-15min TFs..suits me fine thanks, I don't need to try and fleece and seduce folk out of their hard earned..You're the one asking for money, therefore you're the one who has to pass the "credibility test", no-one else..

Not adding up;

Your excuse for your random 8 cable losses in a row didn't wash

Adjusting stops from 50 to 150 and just staying in those trades by 10-15 pips (luck as opposed to judgement)

Randomly choosing and flitting from pair to pair

1% per trade, 3% per trade, 3% total, 9% total

Waking up at 3am to close a trade

Skimming entries/exits in your favour

Refusing to take a loss or bank small or decent gains due to (incorrectly) believing you have an audience hanging on your every decision when in reality no one gives a fook

One day you're day trading, the next day/days a random mixture of swing/day trading

The constant wandering narrative containing your biases and beliefs on the market and why price does what it does ...

And finally just stop being so disingenuous, as I've said before your staying or going is all about time v money and has nothing to do with folk questioning your trades; have you created a good enough image of yourself, on this little corner of the interweb, in order to grab a few 'students' is what it's all about..nothing else.

So crack on, but if Leo, Flash, Scobe, Bandit, me.. anyone else wants to pass comment, or pick you up on your faults/examine your methodology, then deal with it. But tbh I reckon they've sussed you and will give your thread little interest from here on in, but you are after all still in incubator phase so you've still got a chance to convince..

But If you can't cope then just stfu and jog on eh son?

I think I have called this one about right all along.

When I have a bad day, or am in the middle of a trade that has temporarily gone the wrong way, you turn up and actually "gloat" like some kind of petulant child. Have you any idea how ridiculously juvenile that actually looks?

You will only turn up here to "gloat" as an when I make a loss or have a bad week, Last week I made some 342 pips to add to my present running total of 2400 pips. Strangely you didn't show your face at all much then ....

Lets face it, you have and have always had some sort of bitter chip on your shoulder, you are supercilious, juvenile and jealous of anyone else's success on these forums. You never have any constructive comments to make regarding trading on here at all. The only talents you seem to posses are those to deride others.

You have consistently "chickened out" of putting yourself on the line with live trades as I and others do on this forum. Your credibility to even comment is absolute zero. You will simply be ignored in future so I can concentrate on trading and you can continue to concentrate on the above...
Great trades wirraltraders. I'm following your trades a few weeks now... I like the way you trade not really my style but I learn from it, thx....
only thing I don't understand that what is the real problem of Black Swan and the others.... guys, why don't you just post your trades like wirral and then you can critize him... I'm just a newbie so maybe my words worth nothing for you guys but I see that you just looking for the opportunity to say " you made a mistake wirral" like a typo.. boring.. talk about the trades and post your trades every day like him....
just an opinion...

As I said earlier, I have to disagree with you. This weeks trades were not great at all. A great trade would have been to buy those pairs 100 pips lower and make some +300 pips between them. I could blame the current distraction of the nagging petulant child crying all the time and tugging at my my coat sleeves, but there is no one to blame but myself at the end of the day. My judgement was definitely off this week compared to last week when I managed some 340 pips.

I am resolved to not let that happen again ..
But there is no one to blame but myself at the end of the day.

As I said earlier, I have to disagree with you. This weeks trades were not great at all. A great trade would have been to buy those pairs 100 pips lower and make some +300 pips between them. I could blame the current distraction of the nagging petulant child crying all the time and tugging at my my coat sleeves, but there is no one to blame but myself at the end of the day. My judgement was definitely off this week compared to last week when I managed some 340 pips.

I am resolved to not let that happen again ..

Actually yes, this week was not so good, but overall they are good 🙂
Hmm wirral. I was beginning to say your trading and methods were ok and that the pips called were correct. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt on the spikes during your so called scalping. i have to say your trading the last couple of days appears to be questionable shall we say. I think the swan will cross you off his mentor list. why not just accept the loses,you were ahead

Hmmm , have a good weekend
beaky, beaky, beaky

Always the same, always consistently "mean-spirited", inaccurate, two faced and now beginning to sound a little too desperate. Well let me help you along a little.. Never mind eh son? This is my last reply to your nonsense and it can be your "Swansong" get it? ...bless

...suggestion for you to join Phil Newton and/or Dan Armitage should be taken up asap as it's patently obvious to any experienced trader that you are at best an intermediate level trader (like myself).

I am posting an example of your "level" by way of the *only* chart I have got you to post on here. It accompanies a post where you vaguely chicken out of actually listing your day trades and strangely make sure that the the image in question shows a profit take from other "swing" trades (of the sort I am apparently in your World are chastised for occasional taking myself). But then in your Swannyworld, black is the new white and white is the new black. All I am going to do in this post is just mainly use your words, your posts, your chart, your complete lack of any technical analysis (too risky eh?) my posts, my charts, my analysis and simple let whoever wants to read this boring nonsense ( and I doubt many do) make up their own minds.

In no way, shape, or form should you be offering mentorship or advice to Noobs...

I don't, I have only ever given courses to Traders between 3 and 5 years experience.

"it'd be deluded and dangerous for you to offer up guidance to noobs given the mess you got yourself into this week. Hey, we all have bad weeks, but your confusing explanation as to why and how, and then how you extricated yourself from a situation you needlessly found yourself in, revealed so much and once again highlighted your total unsuitabilty to teach.."

Ok lets look at that shall we?

1) I was trading with the trend (bad price good direction)
2) I was trading 1/3 position size on 3 pairs adding up to one position size where if I needed to (and as it happens I didn't on any one of the trades) I could go to 150 pips SL 3% margin as I have always traded and kept reinforcing. (I note your maths by the way where 3 x 1/3 = 9?)
3) I tested the 50.1 Fib on aussie and cable. It found support and rejected up
4) I tested the 20 MA on the 4hr TF - it found support and rejected up
5) I tested the round figure and the 2 dev bollinger on both - it found support and rejected up
6) I tested the daily pivot on the aussie - it found support and rejected up
7) I tested the 4 hr neckline on the aussie - it found support and rejected up
8) The aussie being a commodities currency was bound to follow the existing and persistent trend in the light of Oil's new found strength anyway
9) Long term interest rates in eurozone are rising.
10) The USDX is worsening if anything and the G/O chart shows further weakening of the dollar.

So am I happy to get in to trades within my margin requirements,. that follow those trends - yes I am.
Was I happy with the price I got. No I was not
Were they great trades as the last post said? No they were not, as I pointed out, "great" trades would have been to buy 50 - 100 points lower and make up to 300 pips on them instead of my paltry 45.

Was I sure that I could minimise my losses, or break even or even get out with a small profit - yes I was. Why? You just read it, but one last very very important thing...
11) For 2 days ahead of this week's non-farm payroll, the analysts have been saying the figures were going to be very, very bad and further weaken USD and allow further rises against USD by these 3 pairs. I was up in the early hours the night before and ended up watching CNBC Squawk Box Europe (a favourite of mine for up to the minute fundamental analysis) They devoted and entire hour to NFP with 2 Senior Analysts saying the same, giving the same ballpark figures (which turned out to be spookily accurate) and saying basically one thing "BUY THE USD PAIRS YOU DUMMY"

So here we go, here's my chart, precisely at the point when I already knew what was happening and going to happen, but when you turned up to gloat with:
"Yes, I can *see* why it's "uncomfortable" for you..."

All of the above was my explanation of why the chart showed a recovery with a potential for b/e, small profit/medium profit

So let's talk about my chart.

Firstly. It is on MT4. The most horrible, clunky re-painting, unreliable charting/trading platform known to man. So why is it on MT4? Simple. MT4 is open source and has hundreds of thousands of "developers" which allow for hundreds of specialized signals and indicators to have been developed - more than any other platform apart from maybe Tradestation which we also have here.

But a prof trader use MT4 to actually trade on? You must be joking. Its clumsy, slow, out of date and unreliable. Frankly its just crap.., but the charts have some uses

Firstly there are a number of elements to my chart that are not even showing here as I removed them to post because I thought it was getting too busy and complicated for a simple post, but I will comment on what is actually there and compare it to your chart...

You see that signal bar top right? That gives me 3 of the most important tools for my trading.

Pips to open (day start)
Hi to Lo
Daily Average.

It also includes a "sentiment indicator" which if you were a big indicator junkie (and I'm not, I use a handful of well tried and well chosen tools). This bar shows 5 different indicators including both trend and stochastics indicators, in all TF's, all at the same time. At no point during my trade, did the daily sentiment turn negative and at that particular point the indicator mix was also showing positive/turn around in the smaller TF's, but I knew that already....

You see those MCD dots?

As with the other indicator, the easy coding system on MT4 allows me to change these indicators into my own proprietary versions. In this case as in the other, I have reset those MCD's to show two different but confirming sets of periods. Again on all three daily charts, at no point did any of those MCD's turn negative...

You see those arrows? Those are a mixture of fractals and turning point indicators rolled into one. Again these are set my own proprietary settings. You see the big turning point at the bottom of the 4 hour? Once that has appeared, it is very rare that that price is exceeded. In fact you could almost place a buy just on seeing that alone. So again, did I get a bad price? yes I did, but was I confident of recovery? Yes I was...

But I can see I have probably already lost you by now, so its time to post your chart together with a few beaky gems to savour from this and other of your posts

So here's your chart

Notice the amazing sophistication of your presentation and how you go into great detail to explain you rationale for the chart's features, your reason's for taking this trade or that trade. The careful choice of a chart which show a 40 gain on what is so obviously a DEMO platform.

And here is your stunning get-out which accompanies it:

"Anyhow, not much point in me stating where my swing trades are at, taken two day trades today, given that I only (day trade) 2 pairs it's an OK day thus far;"

And while we are at it here are a few more gems from this and other posts:

The all time classic..

"My *powers* to cut through the B.S. and get to the point are stunning...😉"

Then criticising my choice of pairs:

"Randomly choosing and flitting from pair to pair..."


I swing trade the major pairs and occasionally play the Euro off 5-15min TFs..

and that amazing maths commenting on my 1/3 position sizes

1% per trade, 3% per trade, 3% total, 9% total"

On Money Management help:

".. day trading (on a bad day) I can have, for example, 8 losers 4 winners and only lose approx. 2-3% of the day trading account.."

On Why is it difficult to be consistent ?

when coaching sports I used to often state "don't think just do..." I often visualise that phrase in relation to trading..


I don't need to try and fleece and seduce folk out of their hard earned..You're the one asking for money, therefore you're the one who has to pass the "credibility test", no-one else..

Ok beaky, fine. I run weekend courses here and on that course, as time is limited amongst covering all fundamentals and technical analysis, I also end up by teaching "inconsistent" and unprofitable traders a few simple high probability set-ups in the 4 hr TF to make them consistent and profitable.

I don't charge monthly fees to anyone
I don't charge for signals
There are not more than 4 people present at any one time
We pick you up from the Airport - and we give you lunch

Guess what, most of these guys (we all keep in touch with each other) saw and took one of those trades on Friday on cable. Why don't I take those trades? I did and I do. That second position on cable was exactly that trade. The chart is at the bottom of this post

and here it is, simple but effective

1) Price hits support - in this case 2 or 3 dev boll and 50.1 fib and retracts forming a bullish hammer
2) 4hr TF candle finishes
3) Next one creates higher low also from support.
4) Trader switches to lower TFs to use as an indicator to gain best entry price using boll & S&R
5) Trader places buy in direction of Trend (see earlier)
6) We all make 50ish pips (on a Friday) and up to 100 (on any other day using the daily av, price to open etc and S&Rs to extract the pips to max and time the exit.

Simple innit?

The fact is beaky, I have sussed you. You can dish it out, but I know you can't take it. But "Intermediate Trader"? Mate you haven't got a clue.. You can't give any tech or fundys analysis for anything to anyone on here because you simply don't got none. Your chart is, well, childishly simple and is so obviously a demo account.

Anyway TTFN, but please go ahead and post some more facebooks pis from your stunning folder and pass some more gems for us all to contemplate, please...

Then go back to your day job:

"defecamus luces purpuras" eh son? bless....


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not sure why Black Swan etc. are attacking you here, I have been following your twitter trades and most of them are good calls that result in profits. keep up the posts !
not sure why Black Swan etc. are attacking you here, I have been following your twitter trades and most of them are good calls that result in profits. keep up the posts !

Have you been following him on twitter and taking his trades/shadowing his activities? 😱 He got off to a bad start with me by PM'ing/spamming me details of his 5hitty little offering after day two of being here...To me it's simply a step up from Davie Robertson, this guy tells us he used to own an ISP and knocks up a 5hitty little microsoft office live 50 quid website, I'm sick to death of seeing them tbh..but that's the industry for the most part isn't it? Full of chancers..and despite so many complaints/requests aimed at T2W to vet these guys before allowing them a vendor badge they never do...

So he has what, 80 followers on twitter, perhaps the vast majority gathered for free from T2W..You could argue hes been smart; registers for T2W, attempts to direct folk to his twits where he has his 50 quid website that with 80 followers has managed to sell one course so far...

Based in the beautiful Cheshire countryside, UK, Wirral Traders offer Entry Level, Intermediate and Advanced Forex Trading Courses to empower the home trader. Backed by literally decades of trading experience, WT offer a unique, private and personal "one to one" experience here at our Trade Room.

Whether you attend personally or take the course by Webinar. you will join many other traders who are now making consistently successful trades on a weekly basis, completely changing their lives around. Furthermore, once the course is completed, we "mentor" ourclients with email, phone and Skype contact whenever they need it.

The informal, personal approach guarantees that that all subjects covered are fully understood by no more than 4 people present at any one time on any course making this experience a World apart from the usual, expensive seminar with dozens of participants present.

It's just the surrounding tissue of pathological lies and continual spin that annoy me, "hedge funds following him, move the stop to break even asap..", but to be fair I suppose I had a head start when 2 guys who know him (personally) PM'd me a few months back to let me know about his past, his serviced office business set up, and his trading *ability* and experience..You carry on following him adfn, heh, pay him 500 quid and stay over in Neston for a weekend...your call buddy...🙂

Look at the latest tweets;

I'm happy to report that the majority of previous participants are now making good consistent profits using our philosophy and methods..
8:51 AM Oct 9th via web .

I believe also that this type of course and approach is virtually unique in the UK
8:50 AM Oct 9th via web .

This one to one,very personal approach and learning experience allows for a more intense and successful result than a typical seminar course
8:49 AM Oct 9th via web

The courses are unusual in that they are very personal with one to one presentation with no more than 4 people present at any one time...
8:47 AM Oct 9th via web .

These have become very popular with many Traders learning or re-learning the art from the bottom up..
8:47 AM Oct 9th via web .

These have become know as "Forex Weekends".
8:46 AM Oct 9th via web

As I've mentioned before, we run Forex training courses here at our trade room in a converted property in the grounds of my house
Location Cheshire, UK

Bio Mentors, guides and trading coaches, Wirral Traders offer trading courses at our Trade Room in Cheshire UK - or on Webinar. ... Empowering the Home Trader ...0

Following 84
Followers 1

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Have you been following him on twitter and taking his trades/shadowing his activities? 😱 He got off to a bad start with me by PM'ing/spamming me details of his 5hitty little offering after day two of being here...To me it's simply a step up from Davie Robertson, this guy tells us he used to own an ISP and knocks up a 5hitty little microsoft office live 50 quid website, I'm sick to death of seeing them tbh..but that's the industry for the most part isn't it? Full of chancers..and despite so many complaints/requests aimed at T2W to vet these guys before allowing them a vendor badge they never do...

So he has what, 80 followers on twitter, perhaps the vast majority gathered for free from T2W..You could argue hes been smart; registers for T2W, attempts to direct folk to his twits where he has his 50 quid website that with 80 followers has managed to sell one course so far...

Based in the beautiful Cheshire countryside, UK, Wirral Traders offer Entry Level, Intermediate and Advanced Forex Trading Courses to empower the home trader. Backed by literally decades of trading experience, WT offer a unique, private and personal "one to one" experience here at our Trade Room.

Whether you attend personally or take the course by Webinar. you will join many other traders who are now making consistently successful trades on a weekly basis, completely changing their lives around. Furthermore, once the course is completed, we "mentor" ourclients with email, phone and Skype contact whenever they need it.

The informal, personal approach guarantees that that all subjects covered are fully understood by no more than 4 people present at any one time on any course making this experience a World apart from the usual, expensive seminar with dozens of participants present.

It's just the surrounding tissue of pathological lies and continual spin that annoy me, "hedge funds following him, move the stop to break even asap..", but to be fair I suppose I had a head start when 2 guys who know him (personally) PM'd me a few months back to let me know about his past, his serviced office business set up, and his trading *ability* and experience..You carry on following him adfn, heh, pay him 500 quid and stay over in Neston for a weekend...your call buddy...🙂

Look at the latest tweets;

I'm happy to report that the majority of previous participants are now making good consistent profits using our philosophy and methods..
8:51 AM Oct 9th via web .

I believe also that this type of course and approach is virtually unique in the UK
8:50 AM Oct 9th via web .

This one to one,very personal approach and learning experience allows for a more intense and successful result than a typical seminar course
8:49 AM Oct 9th via web

The courses are unusual in that they are very personal with one to one presentation with no more than 4 people present at any one time...
8:47 AM Oct 9th via web .

These have become very popular with many Traders learning or re-learning the art from the bottom up..
8:47 AM Oct 9th via web .

These have become know as "Forex Weekends".
8:46 AM Oct 9th via web

As I've mentioned before, we run Forex training courses here at our trade room in a converted property in the grounds of my house
Location Cheshire, UK

Bio Mentors, guides and trading coaches, Wirral Traders offer trading courses at our Trade Room in Cheshire UK - or on Webinar. ... Empowering the Home Trader ...0

Following 84
Followers 1


Ummm. 2 different websites? I dont get it. Why do people go down this route of trying to sell their stuff. Ok, so you might know what you're doing, but your trades have been on twitter since june? 4 months? I analyze client flow all the time, and i wont follow them until i have at least one year worth of data, and they are elective professionals and institutional clients.

Why did you go for the sell so soon? Build up your reputation. Are your calls not making enough money for you? It's all about money at the end of the day. Just disappointed.
Ummm. 2 different websites? I dont get it. Why do people go down this route of trying to sell their stuff. Ok, so you might know what you're doing, but your trades have been on twitter since june? 4 months? I analyze client flow all the time, and i wont follow them until i have at least one year worth of data, and they are elective professionals and institutional clients.

Why did you go for the sell so soon? Build up your reputation. Are your calls not making enough money for you? It's all about money at the end of the day. Just disappointed.

Joined T2W May 38th 2010, been on Twitter since June/July, (spams constantly on there) registers domain name in August, begins PM-ing everyone (who shows remotest interest in this thread) to see if they'd like to give him 500 quid for a course, despite not being able to furnish any testimonials from satisfied clients, track record, or prove how long he's been training traders...


Created on: 15-AUG-10
Expires on: 15-AUG-11
Last Updated on: 16-AUG-10
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hi black swan
is there any body complaint to u that his trades are not good and he is repeatedly pm to everybody no such case visible in the forum why u only bashing . so many are following him in twitter or here in this forum . it is their wish to reply or discuss the trades.
Quiet natural if his trades are not good , nobody is going to follow and this thread will die automatically
why don't u contribute positively to the forum. well if u have personal problem do pm to him
hi black swan
is there any body complaint to u that his trades are not good and he is repeatedly pm to everybody no such case visible in the forum why u only bashing . so many are following him in twitter or here in this forum . it is their wish to reply or discuss the trades.
Quiet natural if his trades are not good , nobody is going to follow and this thread will die automatically
why don't u contribute positively to the forum. well if u have personal problem do pm to him

BS claims from time to time that he knows people that trade in my office or who know me. He does not and never has. I do not offer rented office space. He has not spoken to anyone that has taken a course with me. If I have an enquiry, I immediately refer them to a number of people who have taken a course and leave it up to them to decide whether it is of any value. If BS or anyone else wishes to speak directly with anyone who actually has taken a course, then by the same token he can do so.

And you are correct, there is no point in claiming to be able to show people how to be consistently successful over a reasonable period of time unless I can do that myself.

If my trades are bad then no one will be interested. If my trades are good or at least consistently good ( which is more important) then some may follow what I'm doing, its as simple as that.

Im not going to dwell on this anymore as it appears to be BS who has the problem, not me..
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hi WT,

In some respects, you are falling into the trap of clogging your own thread up by replying to the posts.
This makes the thread unreadable, from the view of trades.

I think the concern is your apparent lack of clarity regarding risk. Whilst you have said its to do with changing risk, etc, as a general rule, we (T2W) prefer a trade call, SL and possible target.
This allows clearer testing and assessing risk:reward.

Ideally, if possible, if you just posted a trade, SL, and possible target, then anyone wanting to filter out trades, could do this more easily. Replying to anything else, if you really want to, should be treated as end of day admin tasks. ideally, end of week.
Thanks for your post.

Last post on all of this, I promise but you will appreciate it is difficult sometimes to cut through all of this stuff to the basics of a thread called My Live Trades - ie trading but as I have said the best thing is in future to simply ignore it - and you're right it is a trap that I am resolved to simply ignore from now onwards.

However a by product of all of this as at least mean't my replies to some of this nonsense may also have included some items of interest concerning my charts, my take on the markets in terms of direction. Trade set ups etc etc etc..

99% of the thread has been about trades and trading in the past and it will continue to be so in the future. In terms of risk, let me just say a few points yet again on risk for absolute clarity and for the avoidance of any doubt, before we get back to business as usual.

My margin per trade or combination of trades is and has always been 3% of Capital

That can be 1 trade at 150 pips SL or 3 x 1/3 postions at 150 pips or even 4 reduced size postions at a combination of SL's and postion sizes that don't ever exceeed that figure (I took a second postion on cable on Friday that was posted and never exceeded 50SL for instance at a time when all of the others were under 100 each)

Let me make this absolutely clear - check the posts. At no point did I ever even need a full 150 SL on any of those trades and as you have seen, it is my mission to assess the requirements of any trade (they are all different, that can't be helped) and as soon as possible not only reduce an SL to break even but then to a positive stop that eventually creates the profit take - usually ahead of the actual PL. That has been my mantra from the start and will continue to be so.

The only thing I cannot do or promise to do is to post a trade with a set SL and just leave it. The SL is my main weapon of choice within my margin to manage a trade. The other way of simply leaving a trade and walking away with an immovable SL and PL is not for me - I regard it as the sort of old fashioned stuff that you will only find in books. It has no relevance to me, I won't do it and I'm afraid you won't find it here - there probably are plenty of other places such as those BS mentioned where you will however. I would refer people to them if that's their cup of tea..

hi WT,

In some respects, you are falling into the trap of clogging your own thread up by replying to the posts.
This makes the thread unreadable, from the view of trades.

I think the concern is your apparent lack of clarity regarding risk. Whilst you have said its to do with changing risk, etc, as a general rule, we (T2W) prefer a trade call, SL and possible target.
This allows clearer testing and assessing risk:reward.

Ideally, if possible, if you just posted a trade, SL, and possible target, then anyone wanting to filter out trades, could do this more easily. Replying to anything else, if you really want to, should be treated as end of day admin tasks. ideally, end of week.
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Haven't checked in for a while, just had a good chuckle going over all this stuff. WT, why you're still mentioning me I don't know - I haven't posted here in a while, and that was only to advise you to stop telling lies about me.

I'm past being dismayed that people can't see through these internet marketers / educators. 95 times out of 100, they are scammers flogging cr@p because they cannot actually trade.

This "live calls" thread has got so many holes in it it's hilarious - Black Swan has pointed out some of them, but honestly everyone should be looking askance at this nonsense.

T2W is a festering swamp where a constant stream of noobs is continually fed into the rapacious maw of these snake oil peddlers.

If you think WT is genuine, you should go ahead and give him your money. If it works, great. If not, well you were warned.

For what it's worth I think Black Swan is genuine, and I hope he continues to encourage scepticism. Ask yourselves why a successful trader needs to charge a few hundred quid for education.

It doesn't necessarily mean he's dodgy, and I'm sure there are some genuine educators out there. It's just that you're far more likely to end up with one who makes his money from selling rubbish.

Why BS does it I don't know - I'm beyond caring about noobs getting fleeced. As Gordon says, it's a miracle that a fool and his money got together in the first place. But whatever his reasons, he is a valuable member of this forum, unlike those taking new people for suckers.
Appreciate all the research, BS, but WT wears a badge. Isn't that a disclaimer/caveat? I had always thought so. If that's an insufficient flag, perhaps it should be clearer.
Appreciate all the research, BS, but WT wears a badge. Isn't that a disclaimer/caveat? I had always thought so. If that's an insufficient flag, perhaps it should be clearer.

I think it should be in writing under their name instead or as well as a badge, indicating they receive payment for their services. I only realised more recently what the vendor badge actually looked like, and if like WT when the cursor is over his badge it comes up as "coach/mentor", which is surely misleading as that would imply they actually know what they're doing.
Haven't checked in for a while, just had a good chuckle going over all this stuff. WT, why you're still mentioning me I don't know - I haven't posted here in a while, and that was only to advise you to stop telling lies about me.

I'm past being dismayed that people can't see through these internet marketers / educators. 95 times out of 100, they are scammers flogging cr@p because they cannot actually trade.

This "live calls" thread has got so many holes in it it's hilarious - Black Swan has pointed out some of them, but honestly everyone should be looking askance at this nonsense.

T2W is a festering swamp where a constant stream of noobs is continually fed into the rapacious maw of these snake oil peddlers.

If you think WT is genuine, you should go ahead and give him your money. If it works, great. If not, well you were warned.

For what it's worth I think Black Swan is genuine, and I hope he continues to encourage scepticism. Ask yourselves why a successful trader needs to charge a few hundred quid for education.

It doesn't necessarily mean he's dodgy, and I'm sure there are some genuine educators out there. It's just that you're far more likely to end up with one who makes his money from selling rubbish.

Why BS does it I don't know - I'm beyond caring about noobs getting fleeced. As Gordon says, it's a miracle that a fool and his money got together in the first place. But whatever his reasons, he is a valuable member of this forum, unlike those taking new people for suckers.

Could you show me a succesful trader who is not asking a few hundred quid for education?
Would you give your time to others for free? If you can show me a forex ghandi than do so I really would like to meet him....I think it is absolutley normal to ask money for teaching...

I know those scammers you are talking about but do they call live trades? No. They just show a few month performance and ask for money. What is WT doing? Post live trades what you can follow day by day and you can see it with you own eyes it works or not...
( sorry for my english )
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