My Life as a Forex Trader


Junior member
Hi all,

As you can see, this is my first post in this forum, so to the admin, if I post this in the wrong section, i would like to apologize in advance.

i just wanna share with you guys, my experience and some stuff about my life as a forex trader. i won't express everything in one post, i will add some more from time to time.

im Flizzoe. 21 years old and a law student in one international university and im from Malaysia. i started to trade in forex about two years ago, September 2005 if i not mistaken. during that time i found the banner of marketiva when i was autosurfing.

i opened a new account and received USD 5 in there and starting from that day, i have a new life, a life as a forex trader.

dang! got to go. i have tutorial this evening. will be continued 😀
Hi all...

now i continue my story...

i was so blurr at that time...
what is indicator?
what is leverage?
how does this work?
what is short position, long position?

but from time to time, i started to learn about forex, and now im really passionate about it. i did some googling. visit some websites. the first technique i used was EMA crossing, but ive forgotten the setting. its kinda simple and neat.

i made several small profits and one day, i learn something about this technique which later help me to improve other techniques that i learn: false signals.

at first, i always think that the technique was perfect, since i made some profits. but then when i faced my first loss, i knew that there's something i didn't know. and that makes me wanna learn more and more in forex.

however, my focus in learning the law never fade because of forex 😉
cool. but i think u'll make more money with a law degree.

i think so..
but i think i'll work as a lawyer for a couple of years,
just to make my years learning the law are not a waste of time..

now im making some money from my trading and teaching newbies how to trade..
one IB here offered me to teach their clients.. they'll pay me just USD 5 per head..
the class will be held on August 12th 😉
previously i taught newbies free of charge.. at my home.. McDs.. any comfortable places.. but when i showed them my syllabus of my class.. they gave me the offer...

well.. who knows in future i'll be working as a forex trader and legal advisor/lawyer for a well established broker :cheesy: :cheesy:
Forex Lectures on August 12th 🙂

This August 12th, im gonna give forex lectures to newbies. they are basically new clients of an IB in Malaysia.

4 main things i need to deliver on that day are: Introduction to Forex, Trading Plan, Chaos Theory of Bill Williams and motivational talk.

now i need to prepare the notes to the participants, which i dont really like to do so. i prefer to talk all the things in my head (i dont have my own notes, tho) and let them jot down all the necessary things. 😢

and the admins of the IB told me that i need to give lectures to at least 50 persons or at most 200 persons. i never done that before 😱 😱
now im making some money from my trading and teaching newbies how to trade..

Hello flizoe

I see you are selling a trading method. Well, prove to everyone here you can trade. show your live calls in a live chat room even if its for one day...

And yes, I will post my live calls along side of trades are based on resting orders, so very easy for me to post them😉 .....

The saying goes something like 'put up or shut"....Look forward to your reply....
Hello flizoe

I see you are selling a trading method. Well, prove to everyone here you can trade. show your live calls in a live chat room even if its for one day...

And yes, I will post my live calls along side of trades are based on resting orders, so very easy for me to post them😉 .....

The saying goes something like 'put up or shut"....Look forward to your reply....

nope.. i dont sell..
before the IB hire me, i was teaching forex free of charge..
i taught at my home, or any places those guys want..
usually at McDonalds :cheesy: :cheesy:
i give 4-hour straight lectures yapping this and that..

then one day i talk to my friend, who is one of the admins of the IB..
and he said my syllabus is good, and he wants me to teach his clients..

many requested for me to teach online..
but i decline...
reason? because they talk too much, they'll ask to much when they are online..
its like.. 2 people can type at the same time..
and.. whenever i say a sentence.. telling this and that..
suddenly i receive 10 questions.. why.. how.. this and that..
when i answer one question.. ill receive another 10 more questions..

thats why i teach face to face..
if they dont understand.. then i'll knock thier head :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
when i talk.. they'll listen..
plus i'll get free breakfast and lunch too :cheesy: :cheesy:

regarding to trading method..
i only use Bolinger Bands (BB) with Martingale money management (TF 15M)..
sometimes no BB at all.. kinda naked trading 😉