My career route....


Hi All,

Long time reader, first time poster and enjoying the fact I'm starting my first post with such a cliche. Anyway, I would sincerely appreciate any advice to the following:

I'm looking to break into the Investment Sector in the City and just wondering what my options are. I do not hold a Degree and have no background in Finance. However, for the past few years I have been in a diverse management role for a College. It's a position of decent responsibility and has put my name to some pretty impressive sounding projects. Previously I have worked Admin and Customer Service roles, but notably had 5+ years in a Sales Executive role (b2b corporate training).

I am on the ball and can smell bull**** a mile off. All of the Alternative Investment Broker jobs I see advertised reek to high heaven as far as I'm concerned. I will not have any part of selling junk (land banking, carbon credits etc). I will not knowingly rob a member of the Public for a penny...I want to make them money. Also, not to blow my own trumpet, but I am better than working in some stuffy boiler room. I have a lot to offer and belong at a reputable company where I have a bright future.

Why the World of Investments? Trading is a personal passion of mine (have done very well as a PI investing on basic fundamentals). I'm hungry for sucess (money). I want to work in the City for a big company that I can feel proud to work for.

My strengths -

Great people person, fearless seller, extremely hard working and have a high stress threshhold, charismatic

My weaknesses -

Awful with the "technical side" of trading (went for an interview for the Schneider Trading Programme and realised just how much I would have hated trading), no Degree.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what role I should be looking into and how best can I get into a decent Brokers/Investment house?

Many thanks for any help.

You have absolutely no chance of getting any investment roles job in the city without financial qualifications
Ouch that kind of sunk my Battleship before it even left the port scose.

So nobody rolls the dice on someone they think has what it takes to make it then, regardless of qualifications? I have a NVQ Level 2 Business Admin, NVQ Level 2 ITQ, NVQ Level 3 Customer Service and NVQ Level 4 Leadership and Management.
Sorry mate but it's the reality. I'm in a similar boat to you which is why I know so well. Maybe you could swing something in broking if you can play your sales experience but that would be a stretch and even then you'd have to do some FSA stuff off your own bat before you get a look in. Your best bet is to get off of these boards and give BPP, Kaplan or 7 City a call and tell them what you're after. They'll be able to recommend which academic course would be best for you but you're still talking huge gamble on getting to interview and the courses are as difficult as difficult as sh*t when you're not working so if you have to keep your full time job get ready for a world of immense pain.

Hope you feel better and good luck 🙂

PS "Having what it takes" usually involves a very good numerate degree from a highly regarded institution and knowing someone.
In terms of qualifications you'll need a mathsy degree from a top 5 uni, but you can break into prop trading firms with some track record.
Thanks again for the replies guys. I was hoping that there was more of a Sales Exec side within some of the bigger houses, account opening, product upselling etc.
You have absolutely no chance of getting any investment roles job in the city without financial qualifications, you'll need a maths degree from a top 5 uni, but you can break into prop trading firms with some track record.
im guessing you could go back to uni, i have noted that IB is the only job in the world where prior management experience is held against you, but hey ho, you gotta go to uni mate, if you want in unfortunately, but you might have enough points to do that?
as above said, try to get a certification is much more easy than other ways.