My 3 Years Forex Experience:)


Junior member
Hi I am forex trader more than 3 years now, and like to have share discussions with new and more experienced traders then me

According to me NEW TRADERS do most big mistake in trading ways for going 50 to 100pips in single trade, it’s not good for retail trader according to my experience and experiments

First of all I am telling you my smart trading which I got taught by some of biggest forex merchant

First thing to know is – we should not go for 50 to 100pips, being professional and retailing forex trader, we need to have small profits per day according to our investment because WE ARE NOT BANKS tradings for high profit WITH HIGH INVESTMENT AND STOP LOSS, what we should do is

Listen – if we could just benefit earning 20 to 25pips daily in this volatile market is best for us

For example – lets take small amount – if I am trading with USD100 with 200X and when market is getting volatile I just earn 25pips safely in single trade in a day no more then it will get profit of USD50, now if we continue working smart like that we will get, in 22 days of forex market in a month, USD1200 from USD100, ok consider 20 days we will get USD1000 from USD100 trading, if we trade with USD200 we should earn USD2000 and so on… in month by trading smartly

What say traders about my opinions?

Second is How and When to trade:-

I am telling you best technical and fundamental analyses mixture I have

When we get Fundamental report – for example we have USD High Impact Fundamental report at 12pm GMT then what we have to do is

Open one hour/5 minutes chart and NOTE THAT

From 11:45pm GMT 15 mins before HOW THE GRAPH IS MOVING – till 12, THEN its 99% sure that the WAY GRAPH was moving 15 mins before report time IT WILL MOVE IS SAME STYLE till next 15 mins after report – TRY IT 

When to enter trade is – we have to analyze chart graph 15 mins before any high impact fundamental report of all major currencies for example – EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD and USD/CAD these are the good smoothly earning pairs

For example at 12GMT we have USD high impact news so from 11:45 if EUR/USD is moving up or down side fast then any pair then

WE HAVE TO OPEN TRADE at 11:59 if EUR/USD or any pair is fastly moving up since last 15 mins then WE WILL BUY IT and after REPORT IT WILL GO UP AS IT WAS 15 MINS BACK


Then we can easily make profit of 25pips

More than that is always risky

Any friends like to discuss how to trade more better then please email me directly at [email protected]
Hi I am forex trader more than 3 years now, and like to have share discussions with new and more experienced traders then me

According to me NEW TRADERS do most big mistake in trading ways for going 50 to 100pips in single trade, it’s not good for retail trader according to my experience and experiments

First of all I am telling you my smart trading which I got taught by some of biggest forex merchant

First thing to know is – we should not go for 50 to 100pips, being professional and retailing forex trader, we need to have small profits per day according to our investment because WE ARE NOT BANKS tradings for high profit WITH HIGH INVESTMENT AND STOP LOSS, what we should do is

Listen – if we could just benefit earning 20 to 25pips daily in this volatile market is best for us

For example – lets take small amount – if I am trading with USD100 with 200X and when market is getting volatile I just earn 25pips safely in single trade in a day no more then it will get profit of USD50, now if we continue working smart like that we will get, in 22 days of forex market in a month, USD1200 from USD100, ok consider 20 days we will get USD1000 from USD100 trading, if we trade with USD200 we should earn USD2000 and so on… in month by trading smartly

What say traders about my opinions?

Second is How and When to trade:-

I am telling you best technical and fundamental analyses mixture I have

When we get Fundamental report – for example we have USD High Impact Fundamental report at 12pm GMT then what we have to do is

Open one hour/5 minutes chart and NOTE THAT

From 11:45pm GMT 15 mins before HOW THE GRAPH IS MOVING – till 12, THEN its 99% sure that the WAY GRAPH was moving 15 mins before report time IT WILL MOVE IS SAME STYLE till next 15 mins after report – TRY IT 

When to enter trade is – we have to analyze chart graph 15 mins before any high impact fundamental report of all major currencies for example – EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD and USD/CAD these are the good smoothly earning pairs

For example at 12GMT we have USD high impact news so from 11:45 if EUR/USD is moving up or down side fast then any pair then

WE HAVE TO OPEN TRADE at 11:59 if EUR/USD or any pair is fastly moving up since last 15 mins then WE WILL BUY IT and after REPORT IT WILL GO UP AS IT WAS 15 MINS BACK


Then we can easily make profit of 25pips

More than that is always risky

Any friends like to discuss how to trade more better then please email me directly at [email protected]

More often than not price will go the opposite way before the news is released to sucker in people, and then shoot off in the other direction. Trading news for the unwary is not recommended!

What about news releases at 9, 10, 1.30? Or are you just talking about a certain event?
If you really make $1,000 in a month from $100 that is fantastic! However, I'm willing to bet $1,000 that you don't!

I also agree with options - no way does the move 15 mins before a 1:30 US news (12:00?) indicate the direction afterwards. Plus, there can be huge fluctuations in both directions that would make 25 pips meaningless.

Life isn't so easy...
If you really make $1,000 in a month from $100 that is fantastic! However, I'm willing to bet $1,000 that you don't!

I also agree with options - no way does the move 15 mins before a 1:30 US news (12:00?) indicate the direction afterwards. Plus, there can be huge fluctuations in both directions that would make 25 pips meaningless.

Life isn't so easy...

Having only $100 in your account is a sure fire way to go bankrupt quickly 🙂. Even one losing trade could render your trading career over. If you are successful it makes more sense to build up your capital instead.
If you really make $1,000 in a month from $100 that is fantastic! However, I'm willing to bet $1,000 that you don't!

I also agree with options - no way does the move 15 mins before a 1:30 US news (12:00?) indicate the direction afterwards. Plus, there can be huge fluctuations in both directions that would make 25 pips meaningless.

Life isn't so easy...

Why not have a $1,000 account and make $10,000 a month? Sounds much better to me.
Looks like a very confusing and muddled way of scalp guessing.
Considering there is no stop loss you will probably blow
your account very soon.
We would be very interested, in seeing a screen shot of your account ,if you have been successful with this.
I completely disagree. The Hourly ATR on most pairs is in the 50-100 range so I would consider looking at trades of that order as a scalp. Forex markets move with direction over extended periods of time. IMO you are best trying to hold on for those to make money with them. Yes - if the trade isn't working out as planned then get out for small amounts (I do this quite often). But the goal should be to take profits a long way with with Forex.

I also avoid news with Forex - I won't open a position near news and will only hold through it if I have a reasonable profit position.

Scalping Forex misses the benefit of trading the most profitable features of these markets IMO.
I think you peoples did't got me exactly,

Well try - if 15mins before any fundamantel news release if we are getting any pair continue up or down remember my words 15 mins before just then we will see almost same kind of graph after report

Example - its EUR/USD is staring falling rapidly 15mins before new then IT EXPECTED MOST HIGLY WITH ITS PROOF OF EFFECT that it will FALL next 15mins

Second Example - If Eur/USD is getting up and down some 15 mins before fundamental news then next 15 mins it will also over all go up and down without any perfect trend


Try and Yes UKTRADERGIRL - big amount is good for safety back business, (I just given example with USD100🙂)

About my false signals - I am not saying "hey peoples i got world i got forex key anything like that, I just told you my experience and YES ITS BETTER TO TRY IF ITS HAPPEN WITH YOU IN DEMO ACCOUNT"

And About Avoiding news - can be risky i mean fundamentals makes forex moves
Its better that we follow fundamentals to know what to trade and technicals to when to trade to get professionally earnings

for quicker reply email in at [email protected] your better trading discussion
Tell you what forexstunt,
I'll risk a $100, I will open an account and deposit $100, you trade it for me and make me 25 pips a day. We split the profit
Making hundreds of small trades per week with a retail forex broker is a fool's errand particularly in today's volatile environment.. If you get in at the right time and then leave your trade alone you can get 1,000 pips in a week off of 1 trade. If you want to stare at a stock ticker all day be my guest. I'd rather have a life.

Euro went from 1.23 to 1.47 in what?? 10 days?? That's 2400 pips .. Good luck trying to scalp 2400 pips in 10 days with a retail broker.

You don't need to be in a trade every single day.
Making hundreds of small trades per week with a retail forex broker is a fool's errand particularly in today's volatile environment.. If you get in at the right time and then leave your trade alone you can get 1,000 pips in a week off of 1 trade. If you want to stare at a stock ticker all day be my guest. I'd rather have a life.

Euro went from 1.23 to 1.47 in what?? 10 days?? That's 2400 pips .. Good luck trying to scalp 2400 pips in 10 days with a retail broker.

You don't need to be in a trade every single day.

unfortunately market just doesnt work that way. everyone always have their own strategy, thats where opportunity come from..

no such thing as everyone would trade the same way as yours..
That's true but scalping with a retail forex broker is a tedious suicide. Retail forex scalping in general is a losing strategy for the vast, overwhelming majority of traders .. Calculate the cost of the spread on hundreds of trades and you'll see that you have to work 100 times as hard as me just to achieve the same thing .. On a 1,000 pip movement you're paying 400 to the broker, I'm paying 4. It just doesn't make sense to operate this way.. Plus there's no amount of money in the world that is worth spending your life looking at stock tickers amd candlestick charts all day. It's very bad for the health of your eyes as well. If you're successful dong this then you are in a very slim minority, but if you're comfortable and successful then best of luck to you.
or why not start with $1 and make $10,000. Yuammy 🙂)


I'm in...



to forexstunt,
If you risk 50% – you will wipe out as soon as you have 2 consecutive losing trades – 1 chance in 4
If you risk 25% – you will wipe out as soon as you have 4 consecutive losing trades – 1 chance in 16
If you risk 10% – you will wipe out as soon as you have 10 consecutive losing trades – 1 chance in 1024
If you risk 5% – you will wipe out as soon as you have 20 consecutive losing trades – 1 chance in 1,048,576 (about a million)
If you risk 2% – you will wipe out as soon as you have 50 consecutive losing trades – 1 chance in 1,125,899,906,842,620 or about a BILLION!
Somewhere between 2-5% is the maximum amount you can risk
if u trade like what u said u will burn your account many time.