MT4 users - Beware?

I'm not really surprised this sort of thing could be going on.

What does surprise me is that it's written down and stored somewhere so it can be found.

It's almost as if it's a spoof, done just as a wind up.

Mr. X, it should be sufficient to remind you of the fable of the Goose that laid the Golden Eggs. It should be.

Alternatively, I can arrange for one of my ‘representatives’ to pay you a visit and explain things to you…

On an even more serious note, how did anyone imagine MQ managed, and were willing to continue, to provide a product and service such as MT? Regardless of the reality or current status of this plug-in, commercial ventures require commercial backing and in-flow of funds in order to continue to do business and to develop.

All traders (OK, most traders) pay a toll to trade, quite apart from their commissions and fees structures. Whether they are aware of it or not. Those that are aware, get a better deal than those that are not. But that has always been that way, not just in trading either, and I suspect, and hope, it will always remain that way.

The extra 1% of effort in research and due diligence pays more than 1% extra in returns.

Thanks for the links, explains a few things about MT4.

I wouldn't use MT4 for live trading, they miss half the prints that will occur in the underlying market and sometimes 'create' prices that don't occur elsewhere. I use their charts occasionally for testing but whenever their chart is up against IG's for example they will look quite different, overall direction OK but price detail no. Probably OK if trading longer TF's but anyone trading short TF's MT4 is dangerous. Or should I say NOT MT4 but the firms who use it and the manipulation?


Let's hope more people read this. My moral crusade continues.

Good trading,


Let's hope more people read this. My moral crusade continues.

Good trading,


unfortunately, MT was designed to be a spy --- to report back to home !

i had a russian spreadbetter that was fabulous, but was using a delay on manual trades, often on entry and always on exit --- naturally, i used limit orders which stopped them dead and since i dont use stops, they didnt have those to hunt either !

that the program was designed in a country whose "ideals" may not be very ideal and whose "spy" contingent probably outnumbers citizens, it is of NO surprise that the software is set up this way.

one learns to work with the limitations they set up, and after a while its not really too hard, but i DO TRADE FROM A DIFFERENT SET OF CHARTS than i use with my "broker", and so no information gets to them !

but they really do bite if one is interested in truth and justice and some type of decent morality !

enjoy and trade well


Do you mean the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.?



do they make software also ??

notice on every copy of MT4 theres a little piece of code on line 7845 that reads "say hello to mr putin !


Both sides are in each others pockets I'll bet. Interesting if it is Russian. Maybe there's a virus activated on Putin's 65th birthday which causes all brokers quotes to be so far out of kilter, the prolertariat (clients)cleans up big time. Sweet justice. The CIA version probably takes the opposite tack. Oh, it's already doing that, isn't it?


Noticed the increased (positive) intersest on T2W since my first post, including a project by the Leader? They either don't believe it or they are Mossad.


Both sides are in each others pockets I'll bet. Interesting if it is Russian. Maybe there's a virus activated on Putin's 65th birthday which causes all brokers quotes to be so far out of kilter, the prolertariat (clients)cleans up big time. Sweet justice. The CIA version probably takes the opposite tack. Oh, it's already doing that, isn't it?


indeed, while the prolertariat may "clean up", Putin will nationalize the winnings, but allow them to retain their computers, except for dissedent reporters, who must now write in longhand, significantly shortening any government revelations !

The CIA version is already paying off big to Dictators we support, as opposed to the dictators we dont support, who we attempt to pay off big also, but in a slightly different manner ! (actually, since the USA had to release the information that the CIA no longer "nuetralizes" as an effective method of dictator control, we always have to wonder which one of our "groups" does that now !

Now the Mossad is busily involved in counter espionage with the Pope's security people, and are each trying to profit from what was left of the "Iraqi food for oil" campaign.

It strikes me as funny that we simply didnt send in the Mafia to make Saddam an "offer he couldnt refuse" and thus have another dictator to play with --- would have been a whole lot cheaper than Bush's war, although Haliburton would probably not have made as much --- perhaps that was the reason the Italians werent used !

just my opinion
