MT4 Setup File Wanted (Not MT5)


Well-known member
I am wanting to setup MT4 to do some historical analysis using the older ex4 files which are not compatible with MT5. I am unable to find where I can get the MT4 setup file as all brokers now are using MT5 and finding the MT4 setup file is proving tricky. Why metaquotes are effectively forcing new users to MT5 when it means that all ex4 files are not compatible makes no sense to me and they will probably regret it unless I have misunderstood something?

So if anyone knows where this can be found or if you have an old setup file can you let me know?
Thank you for your suggestion but even though it says mt4setup what happens is that it loads MT5 as shown in the screenshot and this is the problem. What Metaquotes are doing is loading MT5 on all MT4 setup files which is why it is proving difficult to find the right file to enable MT4 to be installed. It is the same problem with all brokers that I have so far tried when using their setup files, you get MT5 and not MT4.
Try this:

- You'll maybe need to rename it to .exe from .ex4 as was a .exe file.

(But do take all the usual precautions before running the exe file)

Obtained from a trading website that's been around since 2003, so probably safe, but never hurts to run a virus scan anyway.

Supplied as found. Use at own risk.




Thank you for your suggestion but even though it says mt4setup what happens is that it loads MT5 as shown in the screenshot and this is the problem. What Metaquotes are doing is loading MT5 on all MT4 setup files which is why it is proving difficult to find the right file to enable MT4 to be installed. It is the same problem with all brokers that I have so far tried when using their setup files, you get MT5 and not MT4.
View attachment 300917
OMG. My apologies, who would expect mt4setup would install MT5. Metaquotes sucks
Try this:

- You'll maybe need to rename it to .exe from .ex4 as was a .exe file.

(But do take all the usual precautions before running the exe file)

Obtained from a trading website that's been around since 2003, so probably safe, but never hurts to run a virus scan anyway.

Supplied as found. Use at own risk.


Thank you MC I will give it a go and see how I get on.
Thank you to all who have helped. What I have found is that it doesn't matter when or where the setup file has come from because in all cases the file contacts Metaquotes and pulls the latest software direct. This means that even when I tried the file uploaded by MC it still installed MT5. When I tried disconnecting the internet then nothing installs at all which confirms that the setup file is contacting the Metaquotes servers.

This is very short sighted as all code written in MT4 needs converting to MT5 to run. There must be millions of lines of code that will need changing whenever anyone tries to install MT4 on a new pc. The fact that MT5 is not backwardly compatible with MT4 will be a major concern for countless traders.
Thank you to all who have helped. What I have found is that it doesn't matter when or where the setup file has come from because in all cases the file contacts Metaquotes and pulls the latest software direct. This means that even when I tried the file uploaded by MC it still installed MT5. When I tried disconnecting the internet then nothing installs at all which confirms that the setup file is contacting the Metaquotes servers.

This is very short sighted as all code written in MT4 needs converting to MT5 to run. There must be millions of lines of code that will need changing whenever anyone tries to install MT4 on a new pc. The fact that MT5 is not backwardly compatible with MT4 will be a major concern for countless traders.
Sounds like some recent elections.
Doesn't matter who you vote for, the machine allocates your vote according to it's own criteria.

Definitely a challenge to be taken on here to any up for it.

Let the hunt for an offline installer begin !!

Don't know whether I got your needs right.

If you go to a broker like you get a real MT4 version if you select it.

I stayed with the US version and did not take a national one (I'm not a client there and deleted it after installation and test 🙂).


MT4 is changed at Metaquotes to MT5 without changing any description - it looks like they try to fool everybody now.
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I am wanting to setup MT4 to do some historical analysis using the older ex4 files which are not compatible with MT5. I am unable to find where I can get the MT4 setup file as all brokers now are using MT5 and finding the MT4 setup file is proving tricky. Why metaquotes are effectively forcing new users to MT5 when it means that all ex4 files are not compatible makes no sense to me and they will probably regret it unless I have misunderstood something?

So if anyone knows where this can be found or if you have an old setup file can you let me know?
Hi, did you fix this problem or find any solve?