-1. copy project sound files to "\sounds\"- folder your trade terminal
0. copy Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5) to your trade terminal - to "Experts"-folder
1. copy Tracer_SN.ex4 to your trade terminal - to "Scripts"-folder (for MT4) or copy MAKE_tracer_SN_dmp.mq5 to "Scripts"-folder (for MT5)
2. start history recording on your trade terminal in all interested currency-pair by running Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5)
3. creation Tracer_SN.dmp-file from your trade terminal with running Tracer_SN.ex4 (for MT4) or with running MAKE_tracer_SN_dmp.ex5 (for MT5) (make running on non-used and interested currency-pair {i.e. w/o starting EA} chart window - pair by pair - {i.e.: step by step})
3. after 1-2 days recording:
3a. install old trade terminal (Grand Capital - gct4setup.exe) and copy "project sounds"-files in to "\sounds\"- folder your old terminal
3b. copy historical files (ASK,BID,DAT) from "\files"-folder your trade terminal to old trade terminal - in to "\files\Recorder\"-folder (once manual creation this folder i.e.: "Recorder")
(P.S.: before copy, you must remove Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5) from launch-chart-window, after copy you must running (/starting)-again Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5))
3c. copy Tracer_SN.ex4 to old trade terminal: to "Scripts"-folder
3d. copy Tracer_SN.dmp to old trade terminal: to "\files"-folder
3e. launch old trade terminal
3f. from old trade terminal start the Tracer (i.e.: Tracer_SN.ex4)
3g. open from old trade terminal "\files"-folder "CONFIG_SN.txt"-file and change in to this file "START DEPOSIT REAL=5000"-string (change to your starting deposit)
3h. run again Tracer_SN.ex4 and wait speech-message on russian language: "Origin is ready!"
3i. copy from old trade terminal booth origin-files (i.e.: q_CRAZY_NZDCHF.lag, q_result_NZDCHF.lag) in to your trade terminal to "files"-folder
3j. launch Receiver_SN.ex4 (/ex5) on free chart-window - on Origin's symbol on your trade terminal (before send me e-mail by registered to your trade account)
3k. tested the trade
Tester now contains no errors!
Full Project you can download from here: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /ywrzlfwcrucq (link size 11.7 Mb at 01.07.2019 15-days alive)
(please remove the "space" symbol from upper link)
profit for the evening on initial balance: 100 000
-1. copy project sound files to "\sounds\"- folder your trade terminal
0. copy Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5) to your trade terminal - to "Experts"-folder
1. copy Tracer_SN.ex4 to your trade terminal - to "Scripts"-folder (for MT4) or copy MAKE_tracer_SN_dmp.mq5 to "Scripts"-folder (for MT5)
2. start history recording on your trade terminal in all interested currency-pair by running Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5)
3. creation Tracer_SN.dmp-file from your trade terminal with running Tracer_SN.ex4 (for MT4) or with running MAKE_tracer_SN_dmp.ex5 (for MT5) (make running on non-used and interested currency-pair {i.e. w/o starting EA} chart window - pair by pair - {i.e.: step by step})
3. after 1-2 days recording:
3a. install old trade terminal (Grand Capital - gct4setup.exe) and copy "project sounds"-files in to "\sounds\"- folder your old terminal
3b. copy historical files (ASK,BID,DAT) from "\files"-folder your trade terminal to old trade terminal - in to "\files\Recorder\"-folder (once manual creation this folder i.e.: "Recorder")
(P.S.: before copy, you must remove Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5) from launch-chart-window, after copy you must running (/starting)-again Exporter_SN.ex4 (/ex5))
3c. copy Tracer_SN.ex4 to old trade terminal: to "Scripts"-folder
3d. copy Tracer_SN.dmp to old trade terminal: to "\files"-folder
3e. launch old trade terminal
3f. from old trade terminal start the Tracer (i.e.: Tracer_SN.ex4)
3g. open from old trade terminal "\files"-folder "CONFIG_SN.txt"-file and change in to this file "START DEPOSIT REAL=5000"-string (change to your starting deposit)
3h. run again Tracer_SN.ex4 and wait speech-message on russian language: "Origin is ready!"
3i. copy from old trade terminal booth origin-files (i.e.: q_CRAZY_NZDCHF.lag, q_result_NZDCHF.lag) in to your trade terminal to "files"-folder
3j. launch Receiver_SN.ex4 (/ex5) on free chart-window - on Origin's symbol on your trade terminal (before send me e-mail by registered to your trade account)
3k. tested the trade
Tester now contains no errors!
Full Project you can download from here: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /ywrzlfwcrucq (link size 11.7 Mb at 01.07.2019 15-days alive)
(please remove the "space" symbol from upper link)
profit for the evening on initial balance: 100 000

Tracer_SN.ex4476.7 KB · Views: 373
project_cost.txt1.5 KB · Views: 288
INSTRUCTION.txt29 KB · Views: 292
gct4setup.exe.txt4.4 MB · Views: 383
PROJECT_SOUNDS.7z.txt6.6 MB · Views: 393
Variables.txt24.2 KB · Views: 297
MAKE_tracer_SN_dmp.mq5.txt14.1 KB · Views: 343
Exporter_SN.mq5.txt22 KB · Views: 297
Receiver_SN.MQ5.txt81 KB · Views: 332
Cutter_SN.mq418.6 KB · Views: 290