MT4 corner for starters & others

A big question is should one leapfrog MT4 and go on to MT5 ?
There are many EAs for both.

The demo at for 5 has an expert called mama. I have just tested it on 11 forex pairs. Only 1 day but it produced 3 winners and 8 losers, with an overall loss. Not definative but not good.

On Monday I will test another of it's EAs called MAPSAR. Hope it will be better.

I hope others can test some and we can all get to a profitable one sooner !!
How to Pick an Expert Advisor
Learn How to Find the Best MetaTrader Trading Robot
Factors Affecting Our Decisions
When making any sort of decision we need to be able to measure, as well as rate things based upon a variety of diverse criterion. Whether it is deciding between what type of car to buy, or something as simple as which type of candy to get from a vending machine, there are ultimately a magnitude of factors affecting our decisions. These statistics are a highly influential factor in any decision making process. Which meal will give the most satisfaction for the price? Or which TV will give the highest quality picture and resolution? Similar to these examples, a variety of variables can be weighed when deciding on a Expert Advisor to trade with. Throughout this two part report, we will spotlight the quantifiable factors that affect our decision. The procedures and statistics we have chosen to focus upon are some of the essential variables that must be considered before finally choosing and trading with a specific EA.

Understanding the Statistics
Cold hard quantitative stats are very important and relevant figures, that you'll need to study during the course of selecting a trading robot. As you can imagine thousands of equations exist to measure risk and performance but there are just a handful of measures that are widespread and should consistently be taken into account. It is very important to keep one's risk tolerance in mind when appropriately evaluating a trading robot. We will show different examples, along with the numerical statistics that will detail how traders may assess an Expert Advisor. Keep in mind that it is likewise important that you consider your individual risk appetite and preferences when deciding which EA is the best fit for you. Although these are not the only statistical measures you may choose to view, ignoring any of them could lead you to miss a critical aspect of an EA, and ultimately adversely affect your trading.

Profitability Measure
The goal of trading is to create and grow wealth. Although this is a very simplistic and holistic way to look at a complex activity, such as trading, ultimately it is the reason all trades are made. With this in mind, the first factor you need to consider is "Will this EA produce positive or negative returns?". Although it is impossible to predict the future, especially in trading, one helpful way is to forecast using historical data. Keeping in mind that historical results do not indicate future performance, it makes very little sense to choose an EA with a losing record. Obviously you will want to choose a profitable EA. However just picking a profitable EA will do you no good. You will need to compare it with other profitable EAs, and therefore profitability needs to be quantified. One of the best measures that we have found is known as the profitability factor. This equation is a simple calculation that not only shows whether or not you can expect a positive or negative return on your capital, but also takes into consideration a very important risk factor which we will talk about shortly. The profitability factor is the ratio of how much you can expect to gain for each dollar put in over how much you are at risk to lose. The equation is calculated as: (profit - commission)/(max drawdown + commission). Any EA with a value less than 1 represents a historically poor EA where returns do not outweigh losses and risk. For all intensive purposes you will always want to eliminate any EA that has a profitability factor of less than one. Below are the statistics for 3 hypothetical EAs:

Initial Deposit Total Gain Total Loss Commissions Max Drawdown Profit Factor
EA 1 5,000 3,200 2,400 75 350 1.706
EA 2 4,500 2,200 1,259 125 585 1.149
EA 3 6,500 4,335 3,890 65 500 0.673

Although there is very limited information provided above, it is already possible to eliminate EA 3 because its Profit Factor is below 1. You may also choose to eliminate EA 2 even though it is above 1, as it may not meet your minimum requirement of return. Although all these EAs have produced positive returns after commissions, the reason we do not see EA 3 as profitable is due to the risk factors associated with its max drawdown. The following section will highlight the various characteristics of the drawdown as well as explain why max drawdown is such a critical statistic.

Understanding the Drawdowns
The drawdown of an EA is one of the most important risk indicators when choosing an EA. Drawdown is the percentage the EA loses from its peak to trough, or the last high point to its next low. The reason it is such an important statistic is because of the information it portrays about potential drops in value and the overall volatility of the EA. The initial drawdown analysis should be done visually by assessing the equity curve of the EA. Large choppy movements are indicative of an EA with high volatility and a substantial amount of drawdowns, which can often be quite drastic. An example of one EA might look like so:

On the other hand, a smooth steady equity curve is a depiction of an EA with less volatility and normally lesser and smaller drawdowns; which could look like this:

Although your initial analysis will be through visual assessment of the equity curve chart, further quantifying this information to a set measure can be extremely useful; especially when comparing two similar EAs. The three key measures dealing with drawdowns are; max drawdown, average drawdown, and drawdown recovery. The first, max drawdown, is the best indicator for a worst case scenario analysis, and is vital in deciding whether or not one could stomach the potential risk associated with the particular EA. Like the name implies, max drawdown is the largest drawdown in percentage terms that the EA has incurred over its lifetime. From a moderately conservative approach, it is prudent to assume that this max drawdown occurs almost immediately after funding your account. By doing this you can assess whether or not you would feel comfortable with this potential risk. If not, it would most likely be best if you chose an alternative EA. In the next report we will continue on with our analysis of drawdowns as well as focus on the statistics associated with trading performance.
I was in two minds whether to post here to Pat's thread which appears to be dormant - or start a brand new one. Needless to say . . .

I'm not too sure how it happened, but I find myself playing around with MT4. I'm struggling with these EA thingies and my hope is that one of you EA experts out there can help me out. I want to display Renko charts and have found a free EA (attached) on the net and loaded it into MT4. However, I can't get it to work. I've tried following various tutorials, but the ones I've found appear to be aimed at people with a natural flair for techie stuff - and that ain't me!

Any help would be much appreciated.


Tim, you need the compiled version of that file, the ".ex4" file. That file needs to be placed in the indicators folder within your MT4 program folder.


ADDED: double click the file above that you listed. It should open in mt4 editor. Save it to indicators folder. Click "Compile" button. Close all MT4 programs and folders. Restart MT4.
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Ahhh, my stupidity knows no bounds some days....

The compiled file needs to be in your experts folder.
Make sure in your MT4 screen the "Expert Advisors" button is on.

I haven't looked at the EA so I don't understand how it works.

Good Luck!

Hi Peter,
Thanks for the swift response - but I'm afraid I'm not following you. You appear to be asking me to double click on a file and save it to my computer when it's already there? Or, if you mean click on the EA in MT4 - then I get the top window opening in the attachment. When I click 'save', the bottom window then opens up - and that's as far as I can get. Doubtless, I'm sure I'm doing something very, very stupid.

I don't know if it helps, but this is where I downloaded the original file from: RenkoLiveChart. Perhaps I haven't done it right?


  • MT4.png
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Tim, from the looks of things in your pic it appears that the EA is working. After looking at the ea code it draws an OFFLINE chart, it DOES NOT draw anything on your original chart that you placed the ea on. See pic below. You should see in the top left corned the comment to open an offline chart labeled M2. To do that select from the MT4 menu: File>Open Offline>(the M2 chart that is listed in the comment).



  • eurenko.PNG
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Here is the renko chart resulting from the chart pic I posted above.


  • eurenko_2.png
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Hi Peter,
Thanks for the input - but this is beyond my extremely limited technical abilities. I still can't create the chart in the way that you've managed to and, even if I could, I doubt I'd use it as I assume that the 'offline' element means that it won't update in real time and could only really be used for EoD purposes. Time for me to re-think this - thanks again for your efforts!
P.S. Looking at your chart again I see that it's wrong, so I don't have faith in this EA anyway. I liked it because, unusually for Renko, it included candle wicks. However, there's no point in having them if they're not drawn correctly - as in this case.
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Hey great to see some others are persevering with MT4.
Personally I have landed up with a demo MT4 and a live MT5 account.

I never really got MT4 to download successfully. Like Tim I am pretty hopeless at the finer coding etc. so I have been testing out MT5's free downloads.
The big advantage of MT4 downloads is that one can get one's hands on the code and maybe tweek it up a bit.
Tim, from the looks of things in your pic it appears that the EA is working. After looking at the ea code it draws an OFFLINE chart, it DOES NOT draw anything on your original chart that you placed the ea on. See pic below. You should see in the top left corned the comment to open an offline chart labeled M2. To do that select from the MT4 menu: File>Open Offline>(the M2 chart that is listed in the comment).

Hi Peter,
Progress . . .


However, like your chart it's not right (bizarre long wicks, lol!) and, more importantly, it's offline. I want it to update in real time. Any idea if / how I can do that?
Hi Tim,
I believe the chart does update in real time even though it's an offline chart. Keep the renko chart on the screen for a while to see if it does. Also, when you first place the ea on your chart a box pops up that allows you to change variables. The 4th one down, "ShowWicks" is automatically set to true. Change it to false and you will get no wicks.

Hi Tim,
I believe the chart does update in real time even though it's an offline chart. Keep the renko chart on the screen for a while to see if it does. Also, when you first place the ea on your chart a box pops up that allows you to change variables. The 4th one down, "ShowWicks" is automatically set to true. Change it to false and you will get no wicks.
Thanks Peter,
Well, after 3 days of trying to do this, I've finally got a Renko chart that updates in real time. However, it didn't last long. As soon as I try and change any of the parameters - it freezes. So, my next task is to work out how I can easily toggle between different box sizes and instruments at will. Based on my progress to date, I estimate that I'll have worked that out by around the end of next week.

On a general note, I gotta say, I take my hat off to anyone who has persisted with this software and uses it on a day to day basis, as it's the least intuitive and badly explained bit of kit that I've ever used in my 10+ years of chart gazing! As a non-techie, TradeStation made a whole lot more sense to me than MT4 does! I guess that's the price people are willing to pay to get stuff for free.
Thanks Peter,
Well, after 3 days of trying to do this, I've finally got a Renko chart that updates in real time. However, it didn't last long. As soon as I try and change any of the parameters - it freezes. So, my next task is to work out how I can easily toggle between different box sizes and instruments at will. Based on my progress to date, I estimate that I'll have worked that out by around the end of next week.

On a general note, I gotta say, I take my hat off to anyone who has persisted with this software and uses it on a day to day basis, as it's the least intuitive and badly explained bit of kit that I've ever used in my 10+ years of chart gazing! As a non-techie, TradeStation made a whole lot more sense to me than MT4 does! I guess that's the price people are willing to pay to get stuff for free.

Yes it can be very clunky, but a lot of the time that can be attributed to shockingly badly written code....such as indicators and EA's.😆
Yes it can be very clunky, but a lot of the time that can be attributed to shockingly badly written code....such as indicators and EA's.😆
Yes, very fair point c_v.

That said, in this day and age, it's pretty extraordinary that a charting package that is so ubiquitous throughout the industry only has three basic chart styles. That users who want Renko, P&F and Range Bar charts etc. should have to go through all this is pretty ludicrous IMO.

PS. I wouldn't mind if Renko and P&F etc. weren't included as standard and were only offered as a plug-in for a fee. I'd happily pay it (within reason, obviously) - and my guess is that other users would too.
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