Ms Explorer system: Multi Averages system


This is a metastock the explorer system.Which i have discover with few formuls i use together.
i am not finish all this explorer system yet. i will add a signals and when gave a signal days ago.and sell condition
But now people who wants to test must keep a list at the end of the day explore.and following shares
which enter the list new end of the day.results is very intresting.
This explorer use this formuls
1- When(C,>,Mov(C,4,E)) AND When(Mov(C,4,E),>,Mov(C,9,E)) AND When(Mov(C,9,E),>,Mov(C,18,E)) AND When(Mov(C,4,E),>,Mov(C,18,E))
this is a one of the condition for buy .Close price will be higher than 4 days Daily moving average, 4 days moving average will be higher than
9 days moving average,4 days moving average and 9 days moving average at same day will be higher than 18 days moving average
This is the one leg of buy condition
2- Use a Buff averages for 25 days.Close price must be higher than buff averages.
Buff averages formul is a :
X:=Input("Time Periods",1,500,25);
Sum(V*C, X) / (Cum(V) - Ref( Cum(V), -X))
Now time to how put these on metastock
first click the indicator builder and fill the formul name with :Buff averages
then write the formul buff averages:
X:=Input("Time Periods",1,500,25);
Sum(V*C, X) / (Cum(V) - Ref( Cum(V), -X))
second step is a click the explorer button
column a
col name is a close and wirte close
column b
col name is a buffavrg
click the functions button and add a buffaverages formul in this cell
at the end ,filter cell is a fill with :
When(C,>,Mov(C,4,E)) AND When(Mov(C,4,E),>,Mov(C,9,E)) AND When(Mov(C,9,E),>,Mov(C,18,E)) AND When(Mov(C,4,E),>,Mov(C,18,E)) AND colA > colb

This is the one leg of the explorer system because i m not finish still sell position
you can make with sell position with opposite buy condition but at result gives a signal late.
At last Try on yourself and WATCH THE RESULTS.