MrSpreadBetting System

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your not making sense mr moderator! aston martin is only a newbie and he is carrying out a review .

Yes nico_po, astonmartin was selected by MrSpreadBetting to represent site newbies, it was aston's idea, so has been rewarded I guess. Also two highly regarded members of this site were also selected. This is a mix we would like to keep for a fair, honest and independent review.
I've taken a complete step back from trading these last few weeks but this has definitely caught my attention. I'm in need of some real direction in my trading so am looking forward to the outcome of this review.. I sincerely hope it lives up to the hype!
I've taken a complete step back from trading these last few weeks but this has definitely caught my attention. I'm in need of some real direction in my trading so am looking forward to the outcome of this review.. I sincerely hope it lives up to the hype!

Hi there,

I know what new traders go through and how hard things can seem, really I don't think trading is that hard, nor is it hard to make money from it.

Really trading has a big common sense factor to it, far to many people think or treat trading as a sience or tell you that its hard and then churn out all this technical jargon to confuse you more!

Take "technical analysis" the wording Technical Analysis, is a lie. It's not particularly technical at all, and by it's nature is not as if A + B then C will happen.

It creates a further misconception, that by applying 'Indicators' that all you have to do, is wait for these indicators to show a buy or sell, and do as they say, that you'd be a successful trader.

Technical Analysis is a term made by the Financial market, that by its own misgivings, like to believe in their own "self importance". Common sense is dressed up in flowery language or overly technical sounding phraseology - making it sound ever so complex and high powered.

Technical Analysis is really, in it's truest sense, by those that understand it better than most. Is a means of gauging trader and market sentiment, of fear and greed. By applying the techniques you would be taught in manual and CD, you would understand, that analysis, actually has more to do with spotting the changes in market sentiment, from fear, to greed, and watching the patterns, which repeat and trading, with product and market knowledge accordingly.

By applying and believing in Indicators, and loading your tool set with these, creates a reliance on something, in which you should already see with the best indicator and tool you already own - your brain and eyes. Indicators by their nature are lagged to the data in which it analyses. However, what you do need to know, is that there are a handful of indicators, used by some of the biggest market drivers, Institutions, that are used, and if monitored, and correctly applied, along with the above analysis - allow you to trade, at almost the same time the market makers shift the market and the sentiment.

As you can see. It's not technical as such, it's more to do with an understanding that we analyze what we see, using our eyes and knowledge, and apply the tools that are easy to use, but have to be applied in a certain manner, and then read correctly and combined, to create a hugely powerful method of trading.

I'm in need of some real direction in my trading so am looking forward to the outcome of this review.. I sincerely hope it lives up to the hype!

Just wanted to make sure people don't get the wrong idea with this thread. MrSB has clearly stated to me, at least, that this is NOT the holy grail of trading systems or that it will make you a millionaire overnight.

It is for new traders or intermediate traders that do not understand account management, to learn how to manage a trade with a clearly defined entry and exit plan.

The benefits of this approach is that it removes the emotion from trading and supplies the new trader with a clear trading plan and rules. It is this LACK of a clear plan that meansmany traders fail, in my opinion, so this is a very important point.

MrSB has said, much as I did in my Making Money Trading thread, that this is not the only way to trade or that he is 100% but it is a set routine to follow that may lead you onto bigger and better things.

In regards, to the above elements, MrSB has, in my opinion, already delivered as his manual goes over all of this in detail.

However, at the same time, despite this disclaimer, what we want to see is some PROFITABILITY.

This can be judged according to how much is GAINED in comparison to how much is RISKED and what the RETURN is over a paricular TIMEFRAME.

This will be shown in the course of this thread.
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I'm not looking for any holy grail, just some direction. I've read more than i can ever possibly remember and i've still messed it up. Granted, crazy market conditions played a major part but i feel the need for a completely new direction.

This may or may not hold the answers, if your review is positive then I will be willing to pay for it so I can find out 🙂
have you started your trading today or are you still working through the book?

Lol Give 'em a chance Nico.

Patience is one of the first things a successful trader needs. By the bucket load.

Trader Dante makes his living by trading at a firm, so that will take precedence over and above anything else of course.

T333 makes money by trading (He hasn't even got the book yet).

It will take time to digest the book and to put the methods into action. Can't run before you can walk.
have you started your trading today or are you still working through the book?

I haven't started trading yet but I have finished the material.

But I'm glad someone posted because I wanted to explain a few things.

Firstly, putting aside the fact that I've been trading over eight years and have experimented with ALL of the system components before, I have read the manual through twice, watched the CD-ROM and gone through posts on his private forum and I still feel slightly unsure in taking trades simply because there is a lot to THINK about.

The reason for this is that there are several filters that fall outside the realm of the actual entry and exit rules but that a trader has still to be mindful of.

This system is not really a case of: when X happens, look for Y and then exit at Z.

It's more a case of: when X happens, look for Y but be mindful of A, B, C, D and when you're exiting at Z you might also consider E at times.

Now, I don't want to appear disparaging of MrSB BUT what this means is that if the trades work out, then all is fine with the system and no complaints, but if the trade doesn't work out, MrSB has quite a few "get out" clauses.

Let me give you an example. I will refer to my own strategy here that I taught on this forum. Lets apply it to a specific market e.g. the agricultural commodities.

In its simplest form it is the following: When price reaches a s/r pivot that has confluence with either a major fib or a TL, then look for a confirmation candle to act as a trigger (e.g. a pin bar or inside bar). Enter above/below the trigger candle and put your initial stop on the other side of that candle. As an exit, trail your stop below the last low of each candle that closes above or below the next level.

Fairly simple, right?

However, what if I also added the following:

Make sure that you don't:

- Trade the ags that have an undesirable level of volatility
- Don't trade two weeks before a major crop report
- Remember not to trade directly into a s/r pivot just above you
- Also remember that if it reaches your level and forms an inside candle or pin, you can simply exit even if it hasn't closed through the level and is not necessarily a setup you would cut and reverse on.

I might know all these things and take them for granted but a beginner who doesn't know the system may well find it a little daunting.

Also note that with a lot of filters like this you can usually find one to back up not taking a trade that lost money.

Now this doesn't necessarily cast doubt on MrSB's integrity, it just means that from what I understand, he has a lot of experience and therefore considers things as second nature that the rest of us might not realise or even remember if we were told them.

Secondly, let me explain something else.

After reading through the manual and familiarising myself with the system, I was informed that it had now changed.

The components are the same but there are some minor technical adjustments to the indicators and the setup is being moved to another, higher TF.

Now, it's great that MrSB is adjusting for the market volatility and making improvements to the system because this seems to show he is actually trading it and cares about the people that are.

HOWEVER, it is somewhat disconcerting when you have just got to grips with something to now have to change it before you even begin trading. I do feel that MrSB perhaps found it a little confusing himself as he corrected himself several times on his new release video when he referred to the wrong TF!

At any rate, when all is said and done, I went through the strategy and I made myself a shortlist of ten shares that were recommended by MrSB.

Now, the problem is that as we have moved up a TF, none of the ones I have chosen are setting up and may not do so for weeks and I have to say that I simply do not have the time to filter through a large number of individual stocks everynight in the hope that something is setting up.

As a result, I will probably rely on others to do the work by posting setups in his forum and then I will check them for myself.

This is the reason that we may get a slow start here.

Again, I don't want to appear negative, it's just my viewpoints and I am glad that Trader333 and astonmartin are also reviewing the product so that they can give their own opinions.

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'none of the ones I have chosen are setting up '
sorry, but what does this mean exactly? by the way, where can we find your stategy that your talking about trader_dante?? thanks
'none of the ones I have chosen are setting up '
sorry, but what does this mean exactly? by the way, where can we find your stategy that your talking about trader_dante?? thanks

It means they are not giving a signal to take a position.

My thread is called Making Money Trading. Do a search and you will find it.
slowly catchee monkey

'none of the ones I have chosen are setting up '
sorry, but what does this mean exactly? by the way, where can we find your stategy that your talking about trader_dante?? thanks

Click on Dantes name and review his threads

This is why Options tells you to walk before you run. You seem to have a lot to learn judging by the way you appear to not understand simple terms. So - try the search facility at the top of this page and type in the terms you do not understand; read the beginner threads and articles then come back here. Sorry if I appear harsh but it takes time and a lot of patience plus a stable and trained psychological outlook. The biggest obstacle to trading success is yourself🙂
'none of the ones I have chosen are setting up '
sorry, but what does this mean exactly? by the way, where can we find your stategy that your talking about trader_dante?? thanks

On - for only ~150 GBP

>> sorry ignore me .. have been drinking early today .... had a very good trade on FTSE 🙂 <<
yeah do what i did for months log on, go straight to the top right change the option to members, type in dante, go to the one right at the bottom click on stats click on recent posts and work your way through them, theres post after post of valuable goodies to read through and if your lucky and pick it all up (well most of it anyway) you might be able to beat him at a little comp 😛 after a few months of worthwhile hard work 🙂 well kinda beat him 😛

Thanks for the feedback so far from anyone who is reviewing the manual.

I have updated my system because of the current market conditions, and I feel that it was time to tighten thingsup a little and produce higher quality trades and a strong selection policy, as todays markets are a little choppy as you will all know.

This isnt something out of the blue that I had decided to do, I had been working on the update for a good few weeks and this is something I like to do for my customers.

I dont like to sell something and then leave you to it like many book,system, or other product sellers do.

Thats why I have my private forum for all my customers so they can ask me anything they want when they want and I will truthfully answer them everyday and provide on going updates, service, support and so on.

When I update the system or have something to say about it, I alsways post this info on the manual buyers section of the forum.

As far as the current update goes, I have npow changed a few things but use the same tools, we now look for signals on the weekly charts and use daily charts to pin point our exact entrys and stops.
This I feel will provide slightly less trades yes, but better quality and longer trades.

I feel that with the older version of the system we would have around 7-15+ signals per week, and with this new update I expect around 5-10 per week,but like I say they tend to be better quality and higher probibility trades that last from 2-12 days.

As for searching the markets for these set ups I find it to be easy if you have good software, I use sharescope pro and I can easily search the FTSE350 in 15 mins with out filters or data mining. I simple load up SS and press the space bar which takes you through each share, all I do is look for the weekly indicator to be in the right place or getting near to the right place and add it to a file for later analysis, this takes 15-20 mins tops.

I often trade the US market to but in my manual I talk about share personality and this leads me to creating a list of share/stocks that I have placed in a file so really thats the only list I tend to look through each night.
I have both UK and US lists on my forum.

Click on Dantes name and review his threads

This is why Options tells you to walk before you run. You seem to have a lot to learn judging by the way you appear to not understand simple terms. So - try the search facility at the top of this page and type in the terms you do not understand; read the beginner threads and articles then come back here. Sorry if I appear harsh but it takes time and a lot of patience plus a stable and trained psychological outlook. The biggest obstacle to trading success is yourself🙂

your not harsh mate, you just sound like you are stuck up your own **** to be honest!! it was a simple question which trader_dante seemed quite happy to answer. Is that not what forums are all about anyway? Im sure you started somewhere also! I have read 3 books on spreadbetting and never come accross this term 'setting up', so i thought it was a fair question. Sounds a bit American to me.
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I have received the pack this morning and have started reading through it. I will post when I have read the whole manual.

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