😆 I can well imagine the scene.
To be fair, you personally where onto him pretty early on, and indeed you banned him for his multi identity shinnanagins.
Having said that you let him back in for his train wreck of a live calls thread, which in retrospect, was probably the right thing to do, it could only ever end in tears, and it had the added advantage of providing quality lulz why it lasted.
The point thats being made is that some people on the T2W side of the fense actually predicted the debacle, and yet allowed it to play out. We wont agree on this in public, but I'd argue that the sites integrity (and indeed the integrity of certain senior members dumb enough to walk into the trap, or deperate to save a few bob on a book) was being prostituted in favour of traffic generated by a popular thread. Go on, you know I'm right, it would be good for your soul to publically admit it 😆
Thats the key point, moderators knew the score, but they sacrifised the reputations of senior members, and they failed to protect less experienced members from a known vendor and his shills. You might argue that the site owes no duty of care to its members, and I'd probably agree, but of course there where perfectly legitimate comments made against DR which where regularly deleted (indeed whole threads where deleted).
I'm not talking about comments that I made in the pursuit of lulz, I'm talking about legitimate comments from purchasers of Davie's products and services.
That kind of behaviour crosses the line, at that point, you proactively start working against the interests of members. Its not just Davie is it, T2W are in the habit of deleting critical reviews relating to a number of vendors offerings, and if individuals attempt to redress the balance, they are bullied, harrassed, suspended, and even banned.
All thats cool, its entertaining and its funny, and the sheer ridiculousness of it all is what makes the site worth visiting, but I do object to the hypocrisy. If T2W could just drop the hypocrisy, and keep the lulz you'd have a winning formula.
honestly my soul is fine, you have to understand that everything happens so quickly and dead easy with hindsight to see what should or shouldn't have been done, but one is never sure, its never black or white in moderating, you never have the whole picture until way after the events have passed, a lot of the time its just a judgement call there and then on the spot, easy pickings to have a pop after the event
davey had a lot of supporters, he was a popular guy, until of course he was rumbled for plagiarism, they turned on him then for sure, yep and these threads went walkies, ask davey why, he knows full well, oops you can't lol, well he must have laughed at one of your suggestions to him earlier in this thread. they should have stayed up but thats one of those things, lets be honest, we're not a dedicated scam busting site, i would have thought one would have to have a very large war chest to defend against the scammers and their solicitors, who i guess are paid very well to perpetuate money making scams.
anyway the early threads did stay up as we felt sure we had many bases covered, members liked him, after all he wasn't up to anything major at this early time, just trying to sneak in promo stuff which we kept deleting as soon as he posted them, i think they were closed after he chucked in a multi to promote the second ebook i think, if i recall correctly about a year or so after you questioned as to why they were closed? i don't recall members ever being bullied or banned because they spoke out over this, please furnish the proof of that accusation if you can, i am not aware.
senior members were never as you have put "sacrificed" this is ridiculous to say the least, well, beyond words really, they wanted to participate, were informed as to goings on as i said above, we were looking after them, they were happy to continue, it was a free ebook for gods sake, not some investment scam they were sticking money in, stop bigging up your story for added effect, "duty of care" oh i got a duty of care to stop them getting a free ebook, it might harm and corrupt them, jeez.
hmm, i don't see how we could let davey back in if he was banned for multies, thats a 101 and permanent, back then that would be a very hard feat indeed, you know i think this is akin to your troll statement in another thread re oilfxpro getting banned and where we are accused of letting him back in as oildaytrader, when the fact is oildaytrader had the earlier join date by some 8 months
hypocrisy - yep you tire that word out, not even gonna even try go there any more
its late, have enjoyed the banter, i look forward to replies