"Mr Spread Betting: Maximum Profit, Low Risk Trading" Book ???

The best bit is, even though you've admitted you took a bunch of suckers for a ride, if you offered the same stuff today, course, book, chat room, calls, mentoring, another bunch of suckers would be fighting to give you their cash.

Its a great business (well apart from having to deal with retards)

Seriously, employ someone to take the flack, and focus on the marketing, and technology. You could probably franchise it to failed traders around the globe, anyone who can spot retrospective trades on a chart could do it. You know the score, get this **** pimped out.

It was a reasonable start, now its time get creative and raise your game, there's money to be made from suckers, and there's a never ending supply.

I wish you luck wiv it


I didn't sucker anyone I actually am a real trader and do very well trading the London session a few days a week.

The point is I created a little buisness to sell some courses to anyone who wanted it.
Everyone came flooding TO ME!

I never held a gun to anyones head and forced them to buy 1-2-3-4 courses from me. They took the decison all by them self to do that!

I cretaed a nice little world which was my forum. People loved it and so they paid their money simple as that.

The screenshot above is only for 2 months 2009, feb/march every month was like that. And why not after all I was running a buisness selling my courses.
Real trader 😆😆

From what I understand you lied to people to shift your toot, broke promises etc, although I only saw a couple of your systems that someone asked me to give an opinion on and saw a couple of recordings, so I don't know about your whole operation. I nearly fell over laughing, and if you were acting you do a very good desperate drunk.

Still, if people want to buy off-the-shelf systems that's up to them. If I was one of your former customers I'd be seeking redress but I don't expect you'll get any come back.

You've pretty much admitted what you are in the last few posts, I'd imagine because the flow of suckers has dried up, so it doesn't matter any more.

Good luck with your next scam - I hear there's a vacancy over at Forex Factory.


Actually there is no scam!

And yes I'am a real trader I have no need to lie about that my bank balance is swelling so if I wasnt a trader I would just tell you that right now plus Iam done with marketing my products so again I dont need to lie about me being or not being a trader.

My little business is legit. It is a sales business and my role is the salesman isnt it ?

I created 4 courses and gave my sales pitch which I'am entitled to do. There is no scam, the products were real hard physical products about trading and systems.

People came to my site/forum made there own mind up and bought them. So where is the scam ?

Product two PDP spread betting techniques: 7 Systems for spread betting. 1 manual and 3 DVD's.

Thats exactly what my customers got! they paid for 7 systems based in a manual and 3 dvds and they received exactly that!
Real trader 😆😆😆😆😆

You've got to stop that, I'm p1ssing myself laughing (which is preferable I suppose to p1ssing oneself due to alcohol induced incontinence) - I've seen some of your videos and a couple of your "systems" and as another poster said, I'd have guessed you made them for a joke.

As for what people were promised and got, I think they were told they'd get ongoing support etc, which quickly vanished once people started to catch on. So I would imagine that would constitute a problem if anyone wished to pursue it further.

As for your sales pitch, well again if any of your victims wished to take it further you might have trouble backing it up.

But to be honest I really don't care. Unlike you, I actually do trade successfully (hence no need to sell "systems"😆😆😆:clap::clap::clap🙂.

Wasted enough time on you - I'm off.


Is that it ? Just another repetitive post, talk about going round in circles lol.

The over use of the LOL's and claping hands show your emotional. Maybe cut down on that and I will take your post a little more serious..
Wasted enough time on you - I'm off.


And there was me thinking you were off.

Still find the time to let your(you're) emotional levels rocket ?

I can't help laughing at you everytime you say you are laughing at me.

I just looked at my bank balance again while having a chuckle at you.
It's time for me to go now. I have said all that I wish and have no more desire to spend time here. Even with it being a marketers paradise lol.

Bye bye.

ps: no doubt you will make some post about beer or something LOL. Cya.
Well you certainly put one over on the mods and "senior" members here at T2W, you had the suckers eating out the palm of your hand, they sold their integrity and reputations for a free ebook (and the best part was you'd copied it from a source where it was actually available free of charge and the dozy sods didnt even realise it)

Quality LULZ. I salute you sir for a job well done.

You cant just cant walk away from such a fertile hunting ground, there's plenty of punters to be juiced, it would be rude not too. 😈

hey! thats not fair, where was my free ebook then? lol

but seriously that story you've made up there isn't strictly true, actually i don't think much of anything factual exists in your post as per usual. what a fairy tale 😆

the truth! cos it needs telling sometime when trolls lurk!

look imo davey tried loading the deck in his favour and quite a few of his mob were seen busy offering themselves up to review the ebook, to big it up obviously, we'd made that out already. but before we'd had chance to plan out how to foil the evil plot, there was one of those omfg!! moments where senior members had offered up their services to review, yep another t2w debacle in the making there we thought.

to make sure senior members weren't inadvertently caught up in any of his shady scam marketing we limited the review to senior members only, thereby barring his shills, we informed each one of the seniors to be on guard, thereby squashing his ploy and keeping the seniors safe. it worked ok to a point, everyone was happy, mr sb got a review, members got a free ebook. talking of which, i wasn't aware that the first ebook was subject to allegations of plagiarism? i thought that later ebooks?, but maybe those that were inolved in the outing of his works as plagiarism may wish to comment on that.

happy days 🙂

oh and before i forget.
thanks davey for popping in on this nick, allowed us to make your other one, you naughty boy you! i do hope your not on a static ip mate - new gismo we've just been given, my first go with it - enjoy 😉
oh and before i forget.
thanks davey for popping in on this nick, allowed us to make your other one, you naughty boy you! i do hope your not on a static ip mate - new gismo we've just been given, my first go with it - enjoy 😉

Mods - dark, dirty & dangerous work eh? But someone has to do it. I don't think I'd be happy to take the flak (when all I'd be doing is trying to make the place worthwhile for the rest of us) even if it was paid - so all credit to you guys.

Re multi-nicks: how about naming and shaming the offenders with a special non-removable icon?
😆 I can well imagine the scene.

To be fair, you personally where onto him pretty early on, and indeed you banned him for his multi identity shinnanagins.

Having said that you let him back in for his train wreck of a live calls thread, which in retrospect, was probably the right thing to do, it could only ever end in tears, and it had the added advantage of providing quality lulz why it lasted.

The point thats being made is that some people on the T2W side of the fense actually predicted the debacle, and yet allowed it to play out. We wont agree on this in public, but I'd argue that the sites integrity (and indeed the integrity of certain senior members dumb enough to walk into the trap, or deperate to save a few bob on a book) was being prostituted in favour of traffic generated by a popular thread. Go on, you know I'm right, it would be good for your soul to publically admit it 😆

Thats the key point, moderators knew the score, but they sacrifised the reputations of senior members, and they failed to protect less experienced members from a known vendor and his shills. You might argue that the site owes no duty of care to its members, and I'd probably agree, but of course there where perfectly legitimate comments made against DR which where regularly deleted (indeed whole threads where deleted).

I'm not talking about comments that I made in the pursuit of lulz, I'm talking about legitimate comments from purchasers of Davie's products and services.

That kind of behaviour crosses the line, at that point, you proactively start working against the interests of members. Its not just Davie is it, T2W are in the habit of deleting critical reviews relating to a number of vendors offerings, and if individuals attempt to redress the balance, they are bullied, harrassed, suspended, and even banned.

All thats cool, its entertaining and its funny, and the sheer ridiculousness of it all is what makes the site worth visiting, but I do object to the hypocrisy. If T2W could just drop the hypocrisy, and keep the lulz you'd have a winning formula.

honestly my soul is fine, you have to understand that everything happens so quickly and dead easy with hindsight to see what should or shouldn't have been done, but one is never sure, its never black or white in moderating, you never have the whole picture until way after the events have passed, a lot of the time its just a judgement call there and then on the spot, easy pickings to have a pop after the event

davey had a lot of supporters, he was a popular guy, until of course he was rumbled for plagiarism, they turned on him then for sure, yep and these threads went walkies, ask davey why, he knows full well, oops you can't lol, well he must have laughed at one of your suggestions to him earlier in this thread. they should have stayed up but thats one of those things, lets be honest, we're not a dedicated scam busting site, i would have thought one would have to have a very large war chest to defend against the scammers and their solicitors, who i guess are paid very well to perpetuate money making scams.

anyway the early threads did stay up as we felt sure we had many bases covered, members liked him, after all he wasn't up to anything major at this early time, just trying to sneak in promo stuff which we kept deleting as soon as he posted them, i think they were closed after he chucked in a multi to promote the second ebook i think, if i recall correctly about a year or so after you questioned as to why they were closed? i don't recall members ever being bullied or banned because they spoke out over this, please furnish the proof of that accusation if you can, i am not aware.

senior members were never as you have put "sacrificed" this is ridiculous to say the least, well, beyond words really, they wanted to participate, were informed as to goings on as i said above, we were looking after them, they were happy to continue, it was a free ebook for gods sake, not some investment scam they were sticking money in, stop bigging up your story for added effect, "duty of care" oh i got a duty of care to stop them getting a free ebook, it might harm and corrupt them, jeez.

hmm, i don't see how we could let davey back in if he was banned for multies, thats a 101 and permanent, back then that would be a very hard feat indeed, you know i think this is akin to your troll statement in another thread re oilfxpro getting banned and where we are accused of letting him back in as oildaytrader, when the fact is oildaytrader had the earlier join date by some 8 months 😆

hypocrisy - yep you tire that word out, not even gonna even try go there any more 😛

its late, have enjoyed the banter, i look forward to replies 😀
Mods - dark, dirty & dangerous work eh? But someone has to do it. I don't think I'd be happy to take the flak (when all I'd be doing is trying to make the place worthwhile for the rest of us) even if it was paid - so all credit to you guys.

Re multi-nicks: how about naming and shaming the offenders with a special non-removable icon?

well yes indeed we do get flack from all sides, thanks for your support, yep bin a thread get moaned at, don't delete get moaned at, sure its not nice at times. look at zup - er i mean 4dLulz he likes keeping us on our toes 😀

we have a thread that was used in the past for naming and shaming, we don't use it anymore, went out of fashion, don't know why it just did.

tell you what i'll connect some dots as this is a davey thread, as to his latest multies that bit the dust earlier.

David Robertson

Xenophobia - had a top tip on this one early yesterday, the fact that davey used another nick was his undoing, completed the picture and we had him bang to rights 😀

Kate Brown

Originally Posted by David Robertson

Fact of the matter is my 4 course generated well over £500,000 in the past 2 years life is a bitch uhh? lol.

Looks like the benefit's office and taxman will find out can work out how much he's earned from the scam.

Im sure this gem will find its way there by somebody who got ripped with his

well yes indeed we do get flack from all sides, thanks for your support, yep bin a thread get moaned at, don't delete get moaned at, sure its not nice at times. look at zup - er i mean 4dLulz he likes keeping us on our toes 😀

we have a thread that was used in the past for naming and shaming, we don't use it anymore, went out of fashion, don't know why it just did.

tell you what i'll connect some dots as this is a davey thread, as to his latest multies that bit the dust earlier.

David Robertson

Xenophobia - had a top tip on this one early yesterday, the fact that davey used another nick was his undoing, completed the picture and we had him bang to rights 😀

Kate Brown


Good to hear your side and appreciate there's not much you can do if he fires off a solicitor's letter every time someone says anything he doesn't like. At least the ongoing publicity may have warned a few off his future scams.

Shame all his posts in this thread have gone but at least there are copies of some in replies. The claim to have made £500k from his systems are delusional. He forgets he had different forums for each product which showed how many members there were. One or two drunken webinars gave a pretty clear idea of how much he had made as well!Hasn't done bad out of it though. Based on the Amazon statement he posted in this thread and a fair idea of how many he's sold I reckon £100k would be the upper end. Not bad for ripping off the likes of Phil Newton and packaging things nicely!

Here's a quickie that sums up the manner of the man well: No names but a fellow trader gave a portion of his trading income to a children's charity that meant a lot to him. He set up a blog to document the trades and donations. Davie found the blog and in the trader's words: "Didnt tell you but he's posted a few times on the charity blog. his commnets ranged from an image of my fiance's house and "I know where you are!" to calling me a queer homesexual faggot"
Originally Posted by David Robertson

Fact of the matter is my 4 course generated well over £500,000 in the past 2 years life is a bitch uhh? lol.

Looks like the benefit's office and taxman will find out can work out how much he's earned from the scam.

Im sure this gem will find its way there by somebody who got ripped with his


He sold 300 various courses, probably *cleared* in the region of £40K. If you take a look at E-Bay now it becomes clear why selling a couple of dvds in a box with a loose leaf binder can't 'work' anymore...

Not defending him or his courses, or the origination thereof, but IMHO folk got exactly what they paid for and bar a bit of tidying up around the edges the info and narrative for £100-£200 quid were fine, in fact quite good as far as the junk that's out there...it (he) did what it said on the tin etc.

IMO Dave's mistake was to enter into dialogue and to organise/engage in debate on his own forums...should have kept it simple, stayed under the radar banging out the courses and improve the marketing and content. The main reason folk moaned is that they expected the Grail for a hundred quid; a couple of cd-roms and a binder...

Enjoyed reading LM's selective and revisionist account, although the threads are closed they're still there if folk want to take a look. And as for the "troll/multi ID policing" LOL, you only have to look at the most active new extremely knowledgeable posters who've suddenly found T2W after 3-5 years successful trading to know that the T2W ownership actively encourages multi IDs, flaming and fall outs, if not this suite of forums would die. 100 active members on line out of 200,000 registered? Them's not good numbers and take away the lulz and fights and plenty wouldn't even book-mark the site/visit it on as daily basis..
Well, after Davie's outbursts last night, it is confirmed that he is a liar and a theif (self admission).

I was an ex-member, and while I did learn some good things from Davie's courses which helped my trading in the early stages, his attitude to his customers is downright disgraceful.

The week in week out web of deceit was addictive at the time, and now looking back, there were so many holes in his stories - quite comical really.

I'm not bitter about what I paid for, I got reasonable value and met some nice people along the way - what I do feel upset about is the complete plagerism of the courses he produced. If I knew this I would never have bought them.

Davie, if you are reading this, and I know you will be - crawl back under your Scottish rock and enjoy what is left of your course money - we all know that any new course you peddle will be a failure - just like your alleged trading.

I suspect it wont be a failure at all ! quite the contary, theyll be queing around the block to buy it, and that includes a fair percentage of the half wits who bought the last 4 !


Given the amount of folk who are supposedly turning to forex/SB to make a living you'd think he'd be onto a winner..however, the competition is now fierce as other folk cotton onto the fact that what Dave did costs approx. 200 quid front end cash. That was his brilliance IMHO, 200 quid, a bit of noise on T2W and folk chuck a bit of loose change on his course to have a go at this spread betting malarky..I'll bet Forex Net Trapper guy is raking it in atm...same tactic, use T2W although his 'Moneyweek' tie up with Agora is clever stuff too...😉

Said it before, but anyone monging off and making an issue out of losing a couple of hundred quid is always going to be a loser at this game..the denial and lack of personal responsibility is fascinating, "Dave said he'd do this, Dave said he'd do that, Dave said he'd fook my wife.." gtf you sad losers, no wonder Wasp and Jacko fleece these lazy, incompetent tw@ts, they fookin deserve it...🙂

"never give a sucker an even chance"
Based on the Amazon statement he posted in this thread and a fair idea of how many he's sold I reckon £100k would be the upper end. Not bad for ripping off the likes of Phil Newton and packaging things nicely!

I'm sorry, remind me how did he rip off Phil exactly? Did Phil have patent protection on TA based trading techniques? Did Phil send out manual and cd-roms?
Why have his posts been removed? To save T2w further embarrassment? Even worse, his comments on the thread that outlined in his own words how he operates? Why on earth delete those?

And you take legal threats from such a person seriously?



yeah sorry, its a consequence of the new tools, a complete cleanse job is done no choices, posts, threads, messages, everything. i believe i can put the posts back? would make sense to do that and showing how these people operate 👍

your next as time allows 😉 leave posts or not?
Thankfully, there really is a sucker born every minute, and yes they deserve it. The issue though is should forums such as T2W (or indeed Forex Factory) proactvely assist them to do so ?

I certainly dont have any moral issues against smarter people exploiting the ignorant, but there is a blatent hypocrisy about how its being done. Jacko and the FF debacle is a great example.

To suggest that a forums objective is to help and assist traders, and then to do practically everything in their power to ensure that anyone gullible enough to fall for this nonsense fails, preferably losing a chunk of change, or possibly even their life savings into the bargain is, at the very least, hypocritical.

There's no doubt that DR will be back pimping something or other at some point, and information that might just have assisted a gullible punter into steering clear, is no longer available here because the management of T2W decided to delete it, as its not their commercial interests.
Its no different to FF admins and mods deleting posts that alerted their members to Jacko's shinnanagins. In both cases, its proactively assisting fraudulant activity, and that is hypocritical when its done under the guise of "helping traders".

Excellent point that cannot be reasonably argued against.
Excellent point that cannot be reasonably argued against.

already been answered if you'd bothered reading properly, i'll repeat, this is not a dedicated scam busting type of site, so it wont have a dedicated war chest to fight off wealthy scammers/vendors that throw money at solicitors to get stuff removed, thats why threads disapear.

personaly i'd rather they stay up but its either that or t2w would go down the tube cos it had no money left, so yes it is a commercal desision but not in the trolling way that zups suggests, stop feeding that troll lol
already been answered if you'd bothered reading properly, i'll repeat, this is not a dedicated scam busting type of site, so it wont have a dedicated war chest to fight off wealthy scammers/vendors that throw money at solicitors to get stuff removed, thats why threads disapear.

personaly i'd rather they stay up but its either that or t2w would go down the tube cos it had no money left, so yes it is a commercal desision but not in the trolling way that zups suggests, stop feeding that troll lol

Simple answer, rather than you mugs doing it for nowt other than the *glory* why not have full time mods that get paid a wage? Less cash for Sharky* to spend on lady boys in Rio but would prevent you getting into a kerfuffle eh son? 😀
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