Don't know if he's grown a pair, but he's posting his ****e under his own name at the moment..
He just sent this email out.....
Davie Robertson here from twitter.
A few days ago my twitter account got hacked for the 3rd or 4th time, I had to contact twitter to get it unlocked and today I was able to get back on. To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty fed up with twitter, trolls are a waste of time and I see no point on being on twitter as its really just an unmoderated ground for lowlife to chuck abuse around on subjects they have no clue about.
Someone who follows me came up with the suggestion of a private SKYPE group, this sounds like a good idea as I can post more than the 160 characters what twitter limits me to, also I can fully control who is in the group and its much easier for communication.*
I know a few people will not be able to monitor SKYPE during the day because they have day jobs, so I will continue to post trades on twitter.
Recent results/trades I have provided have not exactly been amazing, I have had lots of distractions...trolls just one of them, but I'm looking to make this change over to SKYPE and limit my activity on twitter to rectify this and get back on track.
My offer to you is that you come on over to SKYPE and see what I can really do on the DAX as a day/swing trader for the next 2 weeks, I can't guarantee you a trade/trades every day as it all depends on the market conditions, however, we should mange to pop out around 150-200 points per week at the minimum on slow weeks.
I will do this for the next 2 or 3 weeks every day to let you see my performance, if the SKYPE/Twitter suggestion fits you and you like my performance, then the service will only be £64pm going forward after the 2-3 weeks. If not, then no problem and good luck in the future.
To follow me on SKYPE just email me back with your SKYPE name and I will send you a contact request then add you to the private group once you accept it.
Blames his poor trading on trolls lol, what a numpty.