Mr Spread Betting is back, be careful everyone

  • Thread starter Thread starter milka
  • Start date Start date
  • Watchers Watchers 84
He's risking 35% per trade, and I think he said the stops were 20 points. Might be better to just let it run its course.

he doesn't ever last long at all, a day or so tops. its the bit where he drags it out before he starts, that's the dangerous phase, that's where the mugs get taken every time.
why can't these chumps just be honest and start a fred like this>

i'm gonna turn 50 k into 100 nicka by the end of the year starting from now
Its hard to have sympathy with anyone from first day novice onwards losing cash here by being sucked in............100% scam, might be a derren brown type of scam similar to the horse racing one? small starting funds, multiple accounts?

Probably giving him too much credit here in ways to scam, probably a lot simpler than the brilliant derren.

Anyhow, entertaining at the least though.......
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Given the recent bucketshop push to demonstrate how their punters are winning big, I think his thread is related. I think he will be able to come up with a video showing winnings. It's all part of the same game.
so you believe he's a cs stooge joe?

under his various guises he's not held back downing city index.

in any case the flaw and his undoing in this scam variant, is the thread title itself "I Made £620,000+ Spread Betting" that size of win won't have slipped under any radar, if a punter won that much i'm sure they'd have invited him to the office to present the cheque, photoshoot, papers, the whole razzmatazz.

he refuses to show a statement, will any sb come forward and claim this clown as their winning punter....?
so you believe he's a cs stooge joe?

under his various guises he's not held back downing city index.

in any case the flaw and his undoing in this scam variant, is the thread title itself "I Made £620,000+ Spread Betting" that size of win won't have slipped under any radar, if a punter won that much i'm sure they'd have invited him to the office to present the cheque, photoshoot, papers, the whole razzmatazz.

he refuses to show a statement, will any sb come forward and claim this clown as their winning punter....?

Also the fact he stated he had problems filling orders at certain sizes, surely with his winnings his focus would be on the right broker and account yet he is going back to the SB with £100, its beyond stupid 😱
so you believe he's a cs stooge joe?

I reckon a special stooge for the industry as he was confident of having access to accounts in different shops. One thing he did not offer to demonstrate is using a regular broker account.

Being able to make videos using simulated real time data takes sophistication and likely to involve a team of specialists, and co-op from the shops. This is why he couldn't do it any other way, not even a call out. As for a statement, given this experience, he will have one on the next iteration.
so you believe he's a cs stooge joe?

under his various guises he's not held back downing city index.

in any case the flaw and his undoing in this scam variant, is the thread title itself "I Made £620,000+ Spread Betting" that size of win won't have slipped under any radar, if a punter won that much i'm sure they'd have invited him to the office to present the cheque, photoshoot, papers, the whole razzmatazz.

he refuses to show a statement, will any sb come forward and claim this clown as their winning punter....?

and Simon from CS is absolutely not a stupid man, and the post is totally ridiculous on many levels and do not believe for a second there is a relationship here, it would be done a lot smarter if it was......which is wasnt, no way. Seriously Joe you need to be careful what u are saying.
in the scam thread mr woozel says
So what if the guy is a fraud? Why not just let him get on with it? Anyone who hands money over to AG in the hope of getting rich, deserves everything they get. AG isn't going to care about you lot giving him grief, he will probably enjoy it as it's just more advertising for him. People who are dumb enough to hand money over to him will do it regardless of what any of you say and if it's not him they hand it over to, then it will be to someone else to.

he's not going to get on with anything other than bluff and bluster his way into the pockets of hapless fellow forum members. it's an obvious front and it shouldn't be allowed. yes it's lulz but we shouldn't just stand by and let it happen, there's a line. he's crossed it.

sorry couldn't post directly to your thread reply, the clown is blocking naysayers from there.
Also the fact he stated he had problems filling orders at certain sizes, surely with his winnings his focus would be on the right broker and account yet he is going back to the SB with £100, its beyond stupid 😱

absolutely, he claims to have done it already, so why go through it all over again claiming it an experiment, he hasn't of course, we know that, the whole thing is a charade.

Double huh??

You can use MT4 to make simple videos using yesterday's real data very easily.


and that is precisely why it shouldn't be allowed, but looks they are giving him the time to give it a go. hopefully not so many people will get hooked in and lose too much 🙁

Money to be made as a stooge with specialists skills and equipment.

Double huh??

You can use MT4 to make simple videos using yesterday's real data very easily.


He's likely to do something more convincing, with real time news running, a clock, radio playing in background, bucketshop account showing the winning balance, etc, etc. It takes a lot more than you think. Otherwise everyone will be playing stooge for some easy money.
in his previous scam attempts he's tried live twitter calls, skype calls and even a myfx feed or zulutrade whatever it was, each and every time he's fallen flat on his face, but not without cleaning up on some subs first before he starts.

even mr sb, as hard as it is to believe, is going to learn from his mistakes, he learned that live is no good for him and has come up with the delayed vid scam.

if he's not stopped and told to live call it in thread there's going to be momentous lulz.
Has anyone ever set up a live feed and given full transparancy to their trading, not their charting of course but the trading account live on a second screen type thing? Takes good sized balls i guess.