The member of the David Jefferson forum calling himself "zwara" (he has the same name on Babypips) has made a very disturbing twitter post about you:
hmmmm will i be allowed to the new forum? or am I on a mission to kill the ****ing *******s like Jshea? Give me my ****ing GUN.
Such things are I believe now taken quite seriously.
And I'm sure if you're still banned from that forum (was it something to do with Donna? I read that thread also) you'll find a very nice home here you stick around.
I believe there have been a few arrests made recently on people threating others through social media outlets. In fact there was a case only last week of a young lad being arrested for threatening to drown Tom Daley.
I'm sure if you reported something like this to the police they would look into the matter.
Only a suggestion of course.
I'm sure if you reported something like this to the police they would look into the matter.
Only a suggestion of course.
Gekko you started the ball rolling at D forum and then I put it into high gear in his live chat room and on twitter!! LOL From there I posted here and all the good lads on this forum took it into high gear!! Well done guys. It's nice to see that the forums members here don't put up with scammers!!
In fact there was a case only last week of a young lad being arrested for threatening to drown Tom Daley.
Where can I report him for a threat on Twitter? They don't put up with that nonsense.
Thank you The Leopard for pointing this out to me. Its been sent in to Twitter and the police!!
And I'm sure if you're still banned from that forum (was it something to do with Donna? I read that thread
No I am not banned anymore from there .....just a slap on the wrist 🙂 but I like this place ....good times!
How would he do that? Isn't he an Olympic diver or something? He must be able to swim like a fish.
Yes, even though it was serious in nature, it was still pretty laughable. If such things were said here I'm sure rather than the police force being called it would been the lulz force.
I've missed all the fun, too.
Jefferson of babypips = Mr spreadbetting(robertson)?
Has this been confirmed or is it more of a witch-hunt, lol.
And Genics/rothschild.
He who claimed to have the genuine holygrail based on his contacts and superior understanding of fundamental analysis - posted impressive statements, had an epic battle with DinosaurToast, and later made a brief re-appearance and admitted to pretty much blowing up.....what's he got to do with it again?
Didn't he claim to have been a bouncer before discovering the market or something?
I don't know what's going on.
What's important is that I made some glorious live calls in the ES and FX threads recently, on account of my genius.
Still doesn't match up to the profits shown on MrSpreadbettings statement from Amazon of the thousands and thousands made from flogging his E-book/super trading course.
Tarry here a while. It is a good place, although it does sometimes get a little bawdy.
But it's adversarial tone is part of its charm - it is a British site, and that is a fine old British tradition. Our legal system, our Parliament, our media and national discourse - all are robustly adversarial. On the continent, parliaments are frequently arranged in a semi-circle - the governing class, all on one side. In Britain, the opposing sides sit on opposite sides, two swords widths apart to prevent bloodshed. Our MPs are expected to be rude to each other, and are applauded for it when they are.
It is in our DNA, going back to the Conquest. Norman and Saxon, Red Rose and White Rose, Cavalier and Roundhead, Whig and Tory. It is ever-present - or was until recently, when our governing class betrayed a thousand years of history by congealing in a gloopy mess of self-interest that agrees on everything of importance for its own benefit.
The lamps of free and frank expression are being extinguished one by one across this once blessed land. But for the moment the old flame of liberty flickers here still, for the most part fairly unmolested by power (although sometimes restrained by authority). It warms those who draw close to it. If sometimes it scorches a little, well that is a price worth paying for the ability to speak one's mind.