Momentum Trading


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if most the market [and increasing likely to be so] is now robots and robots tend to be momentum traders i thought it worthwhile to look at what momentum trading is. the investopedia article on momentum says its not for beginners.

does anyone use a momentum system or have anything to say on it?
This screenshot shows good upwards momentum. Each/most candle/s is making higher lows, higher highs & higher closes compared to the last. This is a consistent & strong mini trend/upwards momentum.


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But what of that? This is tradable only if you have an entry rule which allows to join this movement at early stages and an exit rule which allows to exit the closer to the climax the better. Look at similar situations which lasted about half of this movement shown — they all began indistinguishably from this one. In other words, trading momentum there's high risk to get in right when it would be best to get out.