Modest Proposal

I came across some of his threads last summer when someone on here referenced them. It is one of the reasons I changed my PoV on this whole lark and decided not to be one of the sheep. It was the trigger for a wholesale change in the way I approached trading. It has made a big, big difference.

Now my needs are more akin to the relationship a PhD has with their supervisor - advisory rather than instructional and it's a dynamic on these boards that is completely missing imo. Letting the Greek back in would probably trigger this kind of discourse to develop which I believe would benefit the site and many of the 'intermediate' level traders that lurk around here. This is likely to increase traffic as a by-product as more people find that the site has value for this kind of trader.

More traffic = greater clickthrough rate = better deals with advertisers = everybody happy.

Just a thought.
How about a 'best of Socco' thread to move things along ? Robster - sounds like you may qualified to put that together.

Question is - would Socco come back ? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet ?
I dont know him personally.

But i believe he used to sell snake oil trading seminars for £5000 at some point in the past.

I dont really care for that type of 'trader'.
I never saw any evidence of snake oil merchant. Then again I wasn't around then. What I have come across is a series of threads where a small number of participants circa 2004 were discussing trading on a more sophisticated level. Socrates was one of the participants. I just think having him around, even with his provocative views would stimulate the forum.
He was banned for telling the truth.

. . . I get it right nearly all the time, am profitable every trading day, and can correctly forecast the instruments which I trade. . . .

Not sure what he was banned for but remember him claiming to have closed out some option trades when he didn't (referenced by the official LIFFE turnover data for that particular contract). IIRC, his estimated margin requirement mushroomed from circa £17k to about £250k.

What, imo, could have been a seriously interesting thread (ie how to dig yourself out of a hole and how much you have to deposit in order to do so) suddenly went quiet.

Divergent views re him being a snake oil salesman to be found here
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Re Socrates: I either wasn't around when he was banned, or just wasn't paying attention to those threads.

However, at a later time it became clear through certain events, that someone, who may well have been him, was spending a good deal of time on another forum making (to say the least) unflattering comments about T2W, its staff, moderators, and its membership.

I may be wrong about this, and am all in favour of forgive, and forget and move on, but I think before any killing of the fatted calf and welcoming back, a certain amount of contrition and declaration of goodwill towards T2W might be in order.

I'm also in favour of a breadth and depth of knowledge and opinion which goes a little further than a lot of the discussion that takes place here. However, I would hope that it could be done without the level of condescension that is regularly displayed by a certain current T2W poster who may or may not be Socrates' alter-ego.
Snake oil salesman or not, if he says something which results in an improvement in your trading, then he is worth having around.

Besides, Barjon (I think) mentioned that he witnessed 50 successful trades in a row. Obviously this depends on whether he was using stops and so on, but still suggests that Socrates was not a poor trader.

I would like to see him unbanned. The only worry about unbanning him is that he may do a Mr. Marcus and delete all posts, which was a big loss in the case of Mr Marcus who had plenty to teach, and the same would be true for Socrates.

Still, I'd say unban him.
I think before any killing of the fatted calf and welcoming back, a certain amount of contrition and declaration of goodwill towards T2W might be in order.


You are failing to grasp the fundemental point that some people have valuable information that they may choose to share. Speaking personally, I dont need or require information from T2W, and Im pretty confident that Mr Socco doesnt either.

To suggest that one of the few people who has ever posted anything remotely of value on this site should display goodwill or contrition to the management of T2W is ignorance beyond belief.

If the management of t2w where remotely interested in assisting the trading community they'd be begging on their bended knees for Mr Socco to return, and offerring the appology he deserves.

The management of t2w are interested only in the dumbing down of content, and attracting a membership demographic stupid enough to fall for the products and services supplied by the adverstisers who fund the sites existance. Whilst that's a perfectly acceptable proposition, and even a position I'd support if it yields the financial returns that they seek, I do feel that if the management had a shred of integrity, they'd delete Mr Socco's threads and posts rather than shamelessly promoting them.

This isnt just about Mr Socco, there are dozens of ex members generally held in high esteem who now have choosen not to contribute, and the quaity of the site suffers as a consequence. Im in the very fortunate position of no longer requiring the type of information and support that T2W once offered, but it does strike me as regrettable that the minority who might have benefited are penalised due to the actions of dunces.
This isnt just about Mr Socco, there are dozens of ex members generally held in high esteem who now have choosen not to contribute, and the quaity of the site suffers as a consequence. Im in the very fortunate position of no longer requiring the type of information and support that T2W once offered, but it does strike me as regrettable that the minority who might have benefited are penalised due to the actions of dunces.

Yeah this is the key part here. Mr Marcus, Socrates, theBramble have mostly disappeared (Soc banned of course but perhaps appearing with an alt) and only occasionally pop their heads in the door to cast a few gems around, before departing again. I think the admin really should try to encourage some of these back. And about the ego and apologies and all that nonsense. I don't think any apologies need to be made from either side. It is a new decade, get over it.
I think the admin really should try to encourage some of these back.

That is the very last thing the admin of this site want. They should at least have the integrity to publically state thats the case, and to delete the content provided by these ex members.
That is the very last thing the admin of this site want. They should at least have the integrity to publically state thats the case, and to delete the content provided by these ex members.

Why must everything here always be a conflict?

Why must there even be 'sides'?

The original socrates, if I am not mistaken*, said that nothing was to be preferred before justice. Perhaps this is why such antagonism.

But he also said something else: Only the extremely ignorant or the extremely intelligent can resist change.

And everyone knows what else he said about intelligence and ignorance.

So... peace, perhaps?

*And, one supposes if Plato and the other chronicallors were not either - and what would Plato make of this bickering?
I dont know him personally.

But i believe he used to sell snake oil trading seminars for £5000 at some point in the past.

I dont really care for that type of 'trader'.

You don't know him, you never attended the seminars, yet you label them snake oil? In this profession it is essential to be able to think for yourself.

Interesting reading.

No, it isn't. It is a bitter knitting circle formed by the unsuccessful to gossip about the tutor and blame him for their failure to do the work. Obvious really, and if it were not so serious it would be funni!

Snake oil salesman or not, if he says something which results in an improvement in your trading, then he is worth having around.
What sort of attitude is this? You would be happy to associate with a scammer if you could get something out of it? What a profound lack of character.

The only worry about unbanning him is that he may do a Mr. Marcus and delete all posts, which was a big loss in the case of Mr Marcus who had plenty to teach, and the same would be true for Socrates.

Why do you feel entitled to any of it? Should he not be permitted to choose where, how, and if to share his knowledge? I say good for Mr M as very few of you lot deserve to be shown anything.