Moderate Self Regulation Forums

fxmarkets said:
here you go commanderco, the objectives, how best to achieve this, the purpose of the site..

The Objectives.

Trade2Win (T2W) prides itself on being the leading community web site for active traders. Our aim is simple, we want to unite and support active traders across the globe. To this end we provide a range of facilities to enable our members to communciate with one another, share their knowledge and express their views. Furthermore we seek to provide educational and thought provoking content to help better educate our members in their trading lives.

The first part is very good ..."active traders" very well defined.
The last part ... "thought provoking" is well qualified by "trading lives"

And so my suggestion is simply enforce your mission statement.

This will allow active Traders, both active in the art of Trading and active in learning the art of Trading to move forward with their lives.
I know there is a fine line to walk, but coloured lights will not solve the problem.
Perhaps you can direct a preplanned message to a member who has crossed the line,
to the effect that it requires him/her to explain how their post advances the mission statement.
In crafting their explanation, it will bring them back to the reality of this website otherwise they are toast, they are history.
commanderco said:
Perhaps you can direct a preplanned message to a member who has crossed the line, to the effect that it requires him/her to explain how their post advances the mission statement.

Defining the "line" might be a problem. But I'd love to see the responses 🙂
dbphoenix said:
Defining the "line" might be a problem. But I'd love to see the responses 🙂

You have totally missed the point Soc, the emphasis is on the Poster where it belongs.

I understand that the emphasis is on the poster. However, it's up to someone other than the poster to decide if and when he's crossed the line. And, as I said, defining the "line" might be a problem.

However, perhaps Sharky has all of this in hand.
hmm I still see with it growing there needs to be a filter whereby members will learn and gain even more knowledge and growth , I mean year or 2 down the road 100k members........ 🙂

I'm all for positive outlooks, but a system of conditioning of behaviour needs or would help wouldn't it?

Whats wrong with getting members to choose and take ownership of the level of moderation threads they wish to participate and interact in ?

just 2 levels.

again the emphasis, choice is on the poster/member where it belongs.

hmm and maybe the minimal mod threads members can access read content of the considered forums, but not post in them. That way if people read them and think hmm, would like to take part in that thread, but hmmm, I am not allowed to tell them how crap they are n stuff.... hmmm choices choices... wait a minute if i practice communicating with regard to other members I can participate..... DER..... my brain hurts....... 🙂

ok.. ive ran the point far enough ..... lordy...
dbphoenix said:

I understand that the emphasis is on the poster. However, it's up to someone other than the poster to decide if and when he's crossed the line. And, as I said, defining the "line" might be a problem.

However, perhaps Sharky has all of this in hand.

You are a provocative man Soc, without the purpose of trading to win , I suspect.

Sharky ... the line is not a problem, just think it through carefully and always ,always return to yout mission statement.
commanderco said:
You are a provocative man Soc, without the purpose of trading to win , I suspect.

Sharky ... the line is not a problem, just think it through carefully and always ,always return to yout mission statement.

I assume this is your example of crossing the line?
Commamderco, would you explain to us how this comment helps further the topic? How does this comment help with the trading education? Or trading in general?

Could you perhaps rewrite your comment to better explain your position without the insinuations?
Thank you for your cooperation.
just an extra idea for the melting pot - why not pass certain moderation elements onto the thread starter - if the thread starter feels the thread is being disrupted or abused he can nominate posts for deletion or edit by the uber-mods, or something similar
Arbitrageur said:
just an extra idea for the melting pot - why not pass certain moderation elements onto the thread starter - if the thread starter feels the thread is being disrupted or abused he can nominate posts for deletion or edit by the uber-mods, or something similar

That can pretty much be done now without conferring anything onto anybody. But it depends on whom you talk to. Barjon is particularly helpful about cleaning up threads. However, the more specific the requestor can be, the easier it is for barjon to accomplish the task.
hmm maybe it would work, I mean in a way to take power off a person, give them more. The thread starter maybe is totally responsible to mod the threads to his or her standards (some coding on the thread might suggest moderate or sit up straight in this one or something)

obviously the thread starter wants mainly to promote start and engage discussion on the topic and would be in the thread starters interest to make sure his/her baby is nurtured along to provide jolly good reading,interaction and discussion. Again members would know as to what standards were out there and by who and would maybe choose after time to walk on by on step on in based on general standards of that member I suppose.

Might encourage the starters to have regular input more often.... until the member who starts the thread thinks well this ones run its course, member closes the thread, no need to keep a mod eye on it and into the archives it goes.


Maybe this could be piloted in a seperate section, as newbies may just want to throw a simple question out and thats that, but experienced members or those wishing to kcick off an in depth look in some detail at a topic I'm sure would be able to manage.
I know it looks a bit like private forums, but this way more open to all really ,may encourage and promote sensible discussion beyond one or two private threads.

Mods shouldnt need to mod in here at all. maybe this section will grow and grow....
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