Mobile Phone from IG index


Established member
I got the P900 phone from IG a few months back and have started receiving Dodgy texts, what worse, orange say I may get charged for receiving them and they will have been given the number by someone. Question is, who?? Ive not used the number anywhere. Only people who have it are Orange, IG index and my mum.

Does IG index pass the numbers on to someone?? anyone else with a phone from them receive these texts?? Ive never received them in the past.
AA - why are YOU getting charged to receive texts? I thought the charge was only ever on the person sending the text.
Nope you can be charged to receive them as well. for example if you subscribe to big brother updates on your phone, it cost you each time you receive a text.
OK. Subscription texts being charged to subscriber I can understand.

But unrequested texts?
there must be something in place to stop people just sending them to make a fast buck, although the only thing Orange has said to me is give them the number it came from and they will stop me receiving texts from that number.

They said I must have got my name on a list by put my number on a website or questionnaire or something. I can't even remember the number for this phone, so I always give the number for my other mobile (Because I never answer calls on that one).
Did the charges for the dodgy texts have a spread on them? - this may give a clue as to their origin..... 😕

i have a P900 here in the US and I do get charged for texts I send and texts I receive. That being said, i do not get any spam at all. I guess mobile spamming is much more rampant in Europe than here. However, it may be worth your time to hit up and find the P900 page where someone may have a link to download a filter.