mini S&P op and close - when?


Junior member

I am a bit confused with charts/quotes showing the 'opening' and 'closing' for the e-mini S&P 500 (I am looking at the ES sept 08) (for that matter any of the e-minis).

Since the trading is 'virtually' 24 hours when is the stake taken to quote EOD op and clo?

I have been unable to match daily EOD and with values on intraday charts on these sites
which both show 24hour movements

and this site which shows intraday quotes opening at 08:00 and clos at 16:00.
ES closes at 16:15 EST
new session starts at 16:30 til 17:30 EST
then resumes 18:00 EST
the cash session runs 09:30 to 16:15 EST
Trading Hours - this shows Central timings

but I typically use 08:00 to 16:15 for my opening/close data
ES closes at 16:15 EST
new session starts at 16:30 til 17:30 EST
then resumes 18:00 EST
the cash session runs 09:30 to 16:15 EST
Trading Hours - this shows Central timings

Hi rath

thanks for your replies. I am a totally new to trading. I picked futures coz of leverage, i know the risks down. I chose S&P 500 mini as a case study for the usual reasons - liquidity, size etc. I picked sept coz I wanted something I could watch / paper trade for a while and the previous contract seemed to be finishing soon. I don't know what you mean by front contract - a stab in the dark - the first contract to be maturing??

I am still a bit confused by the timings / quotes.

Say for instance that www.myfuturesource quoted for 13th May
op 1330
clos 1350

From your timmings (all EST) the Opening could be 18.00 on the 12th or 16.30 on the 13th.

Close could be 16.15 on the 13th or 17:30.

But as you say you choose your own opening and closes, is that what people, websites, generally do; decide their own open close on some logical times like you have done p.s. why did you pick those times?

Also does it change for weekends?

Thanks for the info so far and any more advice.
