Mini Dow daytrading

Wow, free falling. Where will it stop?
As I said the PP are all over the place today, no much direction for me. Waiting to see where the first hour range will fall
Short at 8381. Target 8346. The low of the day was broken (maybe a fake), the trin gave a very bearish signal
The market has already gone down a lot, but this could be one of those really trending days: there is very high volume, the tick stayed a lot in negative territory and the trin is very bearish
Stopped out for -20. I don't really like the position of the PP today; much better to go to play golf in these days, or maybe a bit of forex
Sorry, a bit late today. I was in town shopping.
Just short at 8455, target 8415, monthly R1 and TS daily PP.
Let's see if this gap will close
Too bad I missed the opening, that triple top on 8500 was a piece of cake. That will teach me!
Strong support at 8413 with TS daily PP and monthly R1; the fall stopped there for the moment, but Sonner or later I think the gap will be closed