Million Dolllar Target

Well there's the problem... Writing calls will not speak for itself...

1) Write Calls
2) Fail to understand tail risk (Note: this step is crucial)
2) Make some small profits
3) Attribute short term success to individual brilliance/intelligence/foresight/hard work
4) Sell trading courses to idiots
5) Blame inevitable blowup on bad luck/highly improbable event
Sorry, I did not know that I was not supposed to post in this forum. My trades will speak for themselves. It's amazing that some want to doubt others in such a short time. I am a darn good trader and only wanted to share. No one has to follow my trades with real money, just paper trade and learn the pattern on the stocks, markets etc. Many traders have contacted me from here asking questions etc. My time & dates will prove me right.


ive made a million and
a) i want to share my calls with you for $99 a month.
b) have enough time frequenting chat rooms and message boards

I dont want to go out and enjoy it.

sorry mate if i made a million i would be out on a boat with my playboy bunnies. anyone who thinks / does otherwise is a fool.

judging by the price of boats its hardly going to be a sea faring vessel but a pedalo with an drinks cooler will do.

i know there are some genuinely kind people sharing strategies for free but i doubt any seriously wealthy person is going to be doing what you are doing.

if it sounds to good to be true then it is.
the only way you will make it is to do it yourself, its called hard work & hard work creates more luck.

amen much love and all that jazz.
Sorry, I did not know that I was not supposed to post in this forum.
You're free to post on any forum you want. My point is that the First Steps forum is a totally innapproprate place to advocate the simultaneous use of 3 financial vehicles (stocks, options and futures) and 2 trading timeframes (day trading and swing trading). Mind you, I can't think of a forum where that would be appropriate and, so far, you are the only trader that I've ever come across that claims to do this.
My trades will speak for themselves.
That's the problem Anna - they don't.
It's amazing that some want to doubt others in such a short time.
If you made some attempt - any attempt - to address the concerns put to you, then you wouldn't feel the need to say that. I have actually been investing my valuable time in your thread to HELP you; time which I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion has been wasted.
I am a darn good trader and only wanted to share.
The threads linked in my earlier post are started by three 'darn good traders who wanted to share'. If you bothered to look at them and followed their lead, you might get somewhere. You only have to read the posts from other members (i.e. not just mine) to conclude that what you're doing isn't working for anyone.
No one has to follow my trades with real money, just paper trade and learn the pattern on the stocks, markets etc.
How? You don't explain anything. Posting calls in hindsight proves nothing and helps no one. The lack of clarity serves only to fuel the supicions of most members that you're the exact opposite of what you claim to be: a bad trader that doesn't know what they're doing and is making a crude attempt to spam newbies.
Many traders have contacted me from here asking questions etc. My time & dates will prove me right.
If they've got the same response to their questions as I have, then they'll be singularly unimpressed. No one in their right mind would ever buy whatever it that you're peddling and, if they did, their trading would almost certainly get worse rather than better as a result. As for time and dates proving you right, on the contrary, they prove sweet FA.
Writing calls in this period with this volatility is fraught with danger.

What are your stop/hedging strategies if the calls go into the money?

You don't explain that writing calls is a limited profit/unlimited loss strategy. One loss can wipe out weeks of profit as for such calls to move into the money means that the volatility also shoots up - increasing your losses even further.
yes... but for the calls to go into the money the volataility will have increased (most likely) 🙂
yes... but for the calls to go into the money the volataility will have increased (most likely) 🙂

It doesn't tend to work like that for index options. Huge moves up lead to a fall in implied vols.
More of an "index of fear".


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