Hi Juan
If its the same guy that Vince S deals with, then I tried him a few years back as a recommendation from VS that he was a good short term trader. I think I paid £90 a month if I recall ON TOP of VSs £50 a month that I started paying him for 6 months after being nieve to him.
Although I had to admitt VSs service was correct in the Direction for the Dow 5 out of 6 months on a long term basis, I was totally annoyed wjhen I found that he suggested I used a 1000 point stop loss.
Thats when I was later passed on to try M.H at £90 a month. I tired about 3 or 4 months and was very disappointed. I had been told how well he had been doing. Possibly he may have , BUT NOT when I tried him.
I am surprised to see his name mentioned as Id forgot about him.
Another VS connested disappointment