Metstock end of day system

  • Thread starter Thread starter cajak
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Hi. I am considering purchasing Metastock EOD for UK trading (at this stage) and wondered if there are any traders who would mind me popping in for a view of the live system. I have checked out the Metastock website video and it looks good but local comments/reviews would be appreciated. I am in the KT12 area of London, UK.

Also, what is the "best value for money" data feed to use?

Many thanks 🙂
cajak said:
Hi. I am considering purchasing Metastock EOD for UK trading (at this stage) and wondered if there are any traders who would mind me popping in for a view of the live system. I have checked out the Metastock website video and it looks good but local comments/reviews would be appreciated. I am in the KT12 area of London, UK.

Also, what is the "best value for money" data feed to use?

Many thanks 🙂

I guess you are probably young and in a great rush to make mountains of dosh ??
Nothing wrong with that. The answers to your questions have been regurlarly asked AND answered on this website. May I suggest you put aside a few hours to read some of the many answers. You will get a much broader and instructive view this way.
Best of luck
PS people will be interested in your comments too..............................
Pat-Thanks for your reply but I think you have totally misunderstood my question. It's disappointing that you make guesses which appear demeaning... No I am not really young but yes I do want to make "mountains of dosh" - just as everyone else subscribed to this service...!! I am not out to make "a quick buck". I just figured that after years of reading and learning and spending hours and hours paging through numerous charts and paper trading I would make the investment in a system that could speed up my research time. I have trolled through the metastock website and also paritech but I was actaully asking if any metastock users near to where I live would mind me dropping in and having a look at the real system..

Thanks anyway for your comments.
Cajak, for some, charting programs are like the materials an 'artist' uses to paint pictures, watercolor, acryllic, oil, etc. Individual artists paint different subjects and render the material used to paint their subjects differently.

MS these days is an expensive charting program, never meaningfully developed beyond its v7.2, and continuing to have problems with its System Tester according to users at

Having been given a copy of MS some time ago I continue to use it with a free forex feed but were I looking to purchase a program, and based on my type of analysis I'd be considering Ensign: — look through 'Newsletter' and see also

An inexpensive and 'better' program compared to MS:

A free charting program:

Don't get sold on the idea that a particular charting program/trading system alone will be a 'money machine' — they won't.
Thanks Trdr 🙂

I totally agree with your comments. Surely you agree that a software system is a valuable benefit to trading - if only as a more efficient way to screen stocks based on your requirements? At this stage I am only looking at EOD UK share trading as I don't have the time or inclination at this stage to try and "beat" the market on daily basis... (start slowly and build up over time...!) I quite like the facility that MS has to report on a selection of stocks based on MACD crossovers. That would at least save me hours of trolling through hundreds of charts.
Cajak, have a look at sharescope. Very good for uk market and reasonably priced IMO
Trdr said:
Having been given a copy of MS some time ago I continue to use it with a free forex feed.

Hi, what free forex feed do you use? Is it realtime?

Trdr said:
Cajak, for some, charting programs are like the materials an 'artist' uses to paint pictures, watercolor, acryllic, oil, etc. Individual artists paint different subjects and render the material used to paint their subjects differently.

MS these days is an expensive charting program, never meaningfully developed beyond its v7.2, and continuing to have problems with its System Tester according to users at

Having been given a copy of MS some time ago I continue to use it with a free forex feed but were I looking to purchase a program, and based on my type of analysis I'd be considering Ensign: — look through 'Newsletter' and see also

An inexpensive and 'better' program compared to MS:

A free charting program:

Don't get sold on the idea that a particular charting program/trading system alone will be a 'money machine' — they won't.

Interesting comments you make there as I was thinking of purchasing MS for EOD US markets.I see MS version 9.1 is now out do you still think your comments are valuable? The main reason why I was looking at MS was because I like the way Daryl Guppy uses it .and it come with an inbuilt scanner which Guppy has made formula for.Previously I have used Updata the first and following version,but later changed to Sierra Charts as they are clear and easy to use.I am testing currently Incredible charts Pro version 4.0.The last 2 of course have no inbuilt scanner.

Best regards PeterB
Hi PeterB, I do forget that a scanner is really a required tool for stock traders, something I've no need for, so that may limit what is a useful program for you.

You'll find some extra comments here:
and I'd suggest you join the equismetastock forum, scan back and read posts as well as asking members there what the short comings of MS are and if anything's been fixed in v 9.1.