MetaTrader 4 - Brokers ?


Junior member
Hi all,

For the last weeks I was looking for the right Charting & Trading Platform to trade the Forex.

I tried FX Solutions G.T.S, next was VT Trader and just a few minutes ago I ran into Metatrader 4.

Hopefully someone can help me a little:

- Who is the best Forex Broker offering Metatrader 4 ?

- What are the biggest pitfalls of MT 4 if there are any at all ?

- What´s behind the StrategybuilderFX. I couldn´t figure out what´s the connection to Metatrader 4.

- Any other Charting and Trading Platform I should look into?

Thanks in advance & Good Trading
Tom K.
hi tom,
according to me MT4 is the best trading platform out there. although i doubt if there is any broker that is currently offering its services for MT4. a lot of brokers are still on MT3. strategybuilderfx is on MT3 and you have to download their version of MT3 to run there broker services.

hi gabroo and thanks for the reply !

yeah I found out just a few minutes ago that MT 4 isn´t available right now and it might be a good idea to wait a few more weeks or months to make sure the brokers tested enough and the implementation is stable (same with brandnew cars, right ? 😆 )

are you currently using MT 3 using strategybuilderfx ? if so - satisfied? if not what broker would you recommend?

is strategybuilderfx a broker itself or do they use FX Direct dealer?

Any serious and important functions missing in MT3 compared to MT4?

I really liked the VT Trader platform but you have to go with CMS but during my research I found some not so promising threads regarding CMS ... so what to do ? 🙄

thanks & good trading
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Thanks for your reply and the links.

What kind of problems do you have to face with those brokers ?

Do you mean you have with each of them a trading account ?

I thought Metaquotes just provide the software platform - do they also offer brokerage services?

Thanks & Good trading
I just use them for charting.

Sometimes one of the feeds goes out of sync, thats why I use different ones on each PC.