Metastock BackTesting
Metastock is a great program for developing custom indicators and systems, but it is weak in backtesting.
I had v 7.2 before surrendering to the hype and upgrading to v 8.01 which promised a "new and improved" system tester. Version 8 backtesting has been a big disappointment to me. Worse, the results are buggy and inaccurate. Now v 9 is available but I'm going to be a very hard sell to go any further with this program. I think v7.2 is excellent software and if you can get hold of it you will have the basis of a serious research arsenal for professional trading. Version 8, as an upgrade, has been a waste of money and the jury will be out for a while on v9.
In my view Metastock reached a plateau with v 7.2. At that time it was a market leader but it has made very little headway since being bought out by Reuters.
If you have v7.2 and want to do serious backtesting, I recommend a much better option than upgrading your Metastock ...
This is Australian developer who has written specialised software for backtesting. The product is called TradeSim and it is absolutely superior to Metastock. I have not yet bought the program, but I have thoroughly researched it and have had lengthy interaction with the developer. I am very impressed. There used to be three editions of TradeSim (Standard, Pro and Enterprise) but I believe there are now only two (Pro and Enterprise). In any event, if you are interested in serious system backtesting I recommend that you don't go less than the Pro edition. I think the Pro edition sells for about $US400 and the enterprise version for $USD1200. They are both worth the money. Enterprise edition does Monte Carlo which adds the value.
I sound like a salesman but I have no affiliation with the developer.
I believe Metastock with TradeSim is the leading edge of system development and backtesting.