Message For Ftse Traders......

You won't be able to resist trading 🙂

YES, very true but i must fight the ego(Greed) and it will be a good lesson for me.....

and I must help others as in my tradition its is said it is said that if one comes to the aid of others, then you too shall be helped...

"Whatever we perceive in the world around us tends to reflect who we are and what we care about most deeply, as in the old saying, "When a thief sees a saint, all he sees are his pockets."
Sufi quote
Absolute madness..... !!!

yes it is crazy............................but it was in the pipeline for ages!!

They dangled the carrott(stimulus package) and everyone started buying and everyone fell for it.......then the experienced people come in and take their chips off the table.......

I have shorted Barclays before the close at 116..stop loss 120!!
told you people keep shorting everything........pulverised, anihialated!!

just taken 200 point profit on DOW......

I'm not eve going to tell you how much i have made today but i think I am not going to trade all next week........

I will just sit on here and help out the newbies and reply to there emails.....OK!!
What were your thoughts behind the sell off? Don't follow Dow as i think it is to volatile for my style. The FTSE has been trending up and from an earlier post formed an ascending triangle, but cant break higher.
consolidation time people..............take it easy with your shorts!!

I cannot beliave!!

Ive been shorting all morning, I completely knew its was going to happen and as soon as I left my screen a 100 points fall!! 😢😢

Hope you guys got it!!
What were your thoughts behind the sell off? Don't follow Dow as i think it is to volatile for my style. The FTSE has been trending up and from an earlier post formed an ascending triangle, but cant break higher.

I am no expert i just research and when I find people that concur with my analysis then I use it as a re-assurance to go through with my position!!
listen to this chap
Short Term Trading Live with Oscar - Daily Short term Trading Video

I had said earlier today that 4600 was important breakout on DAX...that made me go bearish as before then I was expecting 8400 on DOW??

the comment "trade what you see, not what you think" was very pertinent...... as you can see from my posts i suddenly turned bearish and could sniff a bear trap!! I was suprised with the pullback above 4600 when I had gone short and that all added to my analysis for SHORT.........
7950.........looks like a good buy buy for an oversold pull back..........

EGO says - BUY go long

SUFI says - no refrain, instil discipline .......wax on wax off.....haha!!

those interested in what a SUFI means search on Wikipedia........

over and out!!
7950.........looks like a good buy buy for an oversold pull back..........

EGO says - BUY go long

SUFI says - no refrain, instil discipline .......wax on wax off.....haha!!

those interested in what a SUFI means search on Wikipedia........

over and out!!
lol WS,, Sufi !!!!
7950.........looks like a good buy buy for an oversold pull back..........

EGO says - BUY go long

SUFI says - no refrain, instil discipline .......wax on wax off.....haha!!

those interested in what a SUFI means search on Wikipedia........

over and out!!

Have gone short..... Still chasing that 4140 target...
PIVot 4196 on FTSE plus 200 day EMA will prove like a rock ...............good support level!!

i would have gon long at 4200.........but i must teach myself discipline!!
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Well for a reason I cannot determine I started playing with cable.....

I guess all the talk of people making loads made me ditch the temporarily sideways ftse and got screwed over by the lack of tight stops, then got on super monkey tilt after a perfect set up went against me....

-30 later I am pretty pissed, that is more than a days worth of profit gone. ****.
Well for a reason I cannot determine I started playing with cable.....

I guess all the talk of people making loads made me ditch the temporarily sideways ftse and got screwed over by the lack of tight stops, then got on super monkey tilt after a perfect set up went against me....

-30 later I am pretty pissed, that is more than a days worth of profit gone. ****.

Lots made but also quite a lot lost today if I'm anything to go by. Along with a lot of people I was convinced we'd see the downside pre-US open. That reversal this morning was expensive....
Well for a reason I cannot determine I started playing with cable.....

I guess all the talk of people making loads made me ditch the temporarily sideways ftse and got screwed over by the lack of tight stops, then got on super monkey tilt after a perfect set up went against me....

-30 later I am pretty pissed, that is more than a days worth of profit gone. ****.

You are not alone,It is always frustrating to lose money.I lost big time day before yesterday.I need another 2 week to recover from the shock, Have faith in yourself!!

good luck
Signing off now - have admitted defeat on the FTSE reaching 4140 today so have placed a tight stop and am going to relax....

Glad some of you did well today. For me it was a shocker. I placed a sell order this morning before 7am and the SB company seem to have shifted the order down as the market gapped. Perhaps this is normal and I'll put it down to trial and error, but I was annoyed that what should have been a 8-10 point profit turned into a 6 point loss. I decided to close the order at a small loss which in hindsight was a bad move as the market did then drop quite nicely so I could have turned a nice profit.

Then later in the morning I shorted again but left it a bit too late and as the market bounced I ended up getting stopped out and missed the real drop so I'm quite down today. Frustrating but one of these days I'll hopefully get the hang of it. Just opened an IG account so I can at least get the hang and not lose too much in the meantime.

Does anyone want to give some coaching? 😉

Will try again tomorrow. Good luck all.
take care all......tomorrow is another day and it presents us with many more opportunities to trade and make back our losses so don't worry guys because you are all good have discipline which a lot of people lack and you give me inspiration!!