Message For Ftse Traders......

Apologies Dentist

No probs - is that the right index? I'm very interested in what you said about it leading the FTSE as I trade the FTSE as my main market.

Apoligies Dentist I think I may have led you up the garden path - I think that symbol is the FTSE Oil & Gas index!! I have had a further read on the site and this seems to be as good as it gets in terms of pricing - / Markets data / Research Data Archive

All the best
Just few interesting questions?
How many trades do you normally do on indices daily?
i have a cmc account and they dont let me trade quickly and requote every order. But i do a lot of trade a day (25-30) mainly indices.They are not very happy about it and also asked me to close my account.
Just want some opinions.



i have done 33 trades so far today on the ftse future, the SB firm i use have no probs with this and they quote DMA then take off a bit for them selfs.

PM me if you want to know more.

good luck
cmc are OK with me, I do at least 10-15-20 sometimes even more a day and I have never had problems!!

10-20 points and I'm out for the nest trade!!

just closed long position on gold and now i'm searching for another trade!
Thanks guys,
I donot know why CMC does it to me. May be i donot take their requotes most of the times.If you look at my trades..... Total trades for e.g..80 but the executed trades are only 50.So i have only done 25 trades and i have rejected the rest of the requotes.
is this the problem?

to mininme69,
Are you talking about futuresbetting? i am interested. but futuresbetting doesnot do daily bets,do they?
Thanks guys,
I donot know why CMC does it to me. May be i donot take their requotes most of the times.If you look at my trades..... Total trades for e.g..80 but the executed trades are only 50.So i have only done 25 trades and i have rejected the rest of the requotes.
is this the problem?

to mininme69,
Are you talking about futuresbetting? i am interested. but futuresbetting doesnot do daily bets,do they?

yes futuresbetting, whats a daily bet?
Well, i mean to say the current market price for ftse,dax.... instead of march 09 ftse,dax....

Well, i mean to say the current market price for ftse,dax.... instead of march 09 ftse,dax....


got you, i have never looked at that properly, H9 ftse for me as i have always done futures. stirs bond and indices.
trending down.we just missed closing beloow 3950.then it would have printed a really bearish picture.instead we rallied from that area on friday.
ignore the chart below


  • ftse100.update.png
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enclosed is the right chart.hourly data.23 points box size.3 reversal.hourly hilo data


  • ftse.hourly.png
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dow..hourly data.30 by 3 hilo
8130 looking to be a very important area


  • dow8130.png
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price now in a minor uptrend.will 4110 area get takn out on the next retest.?
5 min hilo data.10 point box size.3 box reversal
chart showing the last few days price action


  • 24jan09.5min.10by3hilo.png
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a closer look on the 5 by 3 showing that this minor uptrend might be breaking down
there is a minor area of support at 4030.4110 the res
4050 is the support for the after hours trading.


  • 24jan09.5by3hilo.png
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a closer look at the dow
5 min data.hilo 8 pt by 3
price is in a minor at 8000 area


  • dow24jan09.8by3hilo.png
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a look at the trannies,which are confirming a bearish scenario.price is near an all time low.question is ,will it rally from the low.?
chart is eod.20 points box size/3 reversal hilo data


  • trannies.eod.png
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