hmmm yes possibly - toying with the idea. Just reading the book at the moment, so I'll make a decision after I make some progress with it.
I was also considering going but I have to move out of my current flat that weekend. 👎
hmmm yes possibly - toying with the idea. Just reading the book at the moment, so I'll make a decision after I make some progress with it.
Anyone short on FTSE at the moment, or planning to? FTSE seems weak.
Money where my mouth is time. The FTSE has now broken through its Initial Balance so I am short @ 4236 with a 20 point stop. Target is yesterday's close / big number 4200......
I was watching that IB too. Went short at 4237, stop 4257. Target 4212.
That said, if you look at the FTSE and Dax's IB's, relative to yesterday's IB's, the Dax opened and is sitting at a price that the market accpeted yesterday. The FTSE has opened well outside of range....
Thank you. Am a bit worried that I'm setting myself to look a bit stupid when the market stays rangebound though!!!!
I'm waiting for a retrace to 4247 ish, before going short... or break below 4231. Of course none of that may happen!
market is going up according to my analysis......................full stop!!