Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Hitler was one of the most evil leaders that ever existed. Hitler didnt torture his victims to death.

The deranged society of voices believes in choping there victims arms & legs off.

They believe in torturing people to death.

They torture their victims for days without sleep in hopes to kill them by suicide.

If you believe in homicide torture tyranny or are currently terrorizing someone please stop & get yourself some help.
Before the secret society of psychopaths started torturing me i weighed 180 lbs & exercized daily. Im currently at 330 lbs now & have gained over 150 lbs almost twice my body weight.
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They are evil people that took my mental freedom invaded my privacy & violated my rights. Its been over 7000 days of terrorism in my brain now. Most people would be dead. Im not a quitter tho. I never give up.
I offered to do anything anytime anywhere for my family & to prove my innocense. I love my family & am an innocent human being.
Good Morning.

Hopefully we will all enjoy a nice day today.

I will apologize again for my posts.

At least im not mad or angry today.

I forgive the society for torrmenting me for 20 years.

The voices told me if i speak about healthcare reform or about the unsustainable premium rate increase they would kill me.

I believe in telling the truth about big health care big oil & big coal.

They Tell Us

Affordable Care Act = Bitter Pill Why are Medical Bills Killing Us . Health Care is the least affordable its ever been.

Clean Coal = Coal is Filthy & Slowly Killing Planet Earth. Open Pit coal mines have contamination buckets to capture the coal pollution. Co2 emissions are at an all time high.

Weapons of Mass Destruction in the War in the Middle East = There were no wmds in the middle east. We invaded a region to exploit natural resources fill up oil tankers convert it to gas & fuel our vehicles.

I believe in Affordable Health Care & sustainable health care insurance premium rates.

I believe in renewable energy to replace filthy coal.

I believe in transitioning to electric vehicles so we can phase oil & gas out.

Big Businesses Make Big Bucks.

I Believe in protecting the people & planet at the same time. Protecting Soldiers from future conflicts in the middle east. I dont believe in protecting big profits from oil coal & healthcare.

Choose to transition to sustainable solutions like health care reform electric vehicles & renewable energy.

Lets maximize success rates of cancer & covid treatmemts. Lets maximize profits when we trade on the stock exchange.
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Health Care insurance is rising at an unsustainable rate. We have to reform healthcare. Please raise awareness so the situation doesnt get any worse.

Coal Oil & Gas are not sustainable sources of energy either. Eventually they will run out & we will need to convert to somethimg that is sustainable. Solar Power Wind Power Electric Vehicles please promote some clean & renewable energy solutions to protect our soldiers from fighting wars our civilians from losing their lives & homes from severe weather.

I do believe we have the ability to correct our climate.
I may not be perfect. I may have made some small mistakes after drinking in my youth but i learned from all my mistakes. I never assualted anyone. I was never mean or violent. People continue to lie to me everyday for 20 years. Terrorists that have tortured me say im halucinating & have injected me with all sorts of awful medicine. That awful medicine makes it harder for ppl to think straight & easier for them to torment ppl. Everyday allday they make a mistake & never learn or grow. Its like really evil children that torture animals to death.
In life you may not like all your famlies decisions or choices but i believe you should love them all the same. Find reasons to love our planets people. We are united in our differences. View human beings like one big family. Sometimes families become dysfunctional. That doesnt mean you give up on them. You need to rise up & work things out like going to group therapy.

Approach life like a student. Push yourself to listen read learn & grow. Dont dwell on a mistake. Understand the mistakes. Learn from the mistakes so you can increase your intelligence & make better choices moving forward in life.

When you view the best free throw shooters in the NBA they have probably missed way more shots then most everyone in the world. However they practiced & improved their shooting techniques to achieve better & better results. If they would of been too afraid to take a shot because they might miss maybe they would of never given themselves a chance or oppurtunity to improve & be one of the best.
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HI Folks.

My new placement is working out well.

Everyone is really friendly here & the staff is cool.

Looking forward to organizing a new portfolio for the new year.

Dinner time for all of us.

Everyone have a nice evening tonight.

Take Care.

Happy New Year  2025.jpg