I am interested in being a mentor to either one or a very small group of traders.
I want to do this because someone did the same for me and helped my progression from trading part time to professional futures trader.
I, in turn, am going to help someone else to achieve the same, whether your goal is to trade for yourself from home or for a firm.
My mentoring is NOT going to be me just giving you a profitable strategy (I have done that already on this forum and if that is what you want then you can save time and go and find my thread).
It is going to be about working with you to help you develop a way of trading that works for you. I am a swing trader (trying to evolve into a position trader).
If you want to be a scalper that is completely fine.
What we will work on is choosing a market(s), understanding why it moves in the way it does, creating a detailed trading plan and learning the discipline to keep to it.
There will be a lot of emphasis on the result of emotion in trading as I think emotional intelligence is what seperates winning traders from those that lose.
I am not going to charge any money whatsoever for my time BUT you will eventually need money to trade with. If finances are limited I can help you build a trading stake. I am also willing to back a trader that I think has potential with my own money.
You should realise that this is going to be a time consuming endeavour that is going to involve you doing a lot of work on your own time. From 9pm Sunday to 9pm Friday I am covering the markets every waking hour I get. I don't expect anyone to have that same level of commitment I do but at the same time if you only have 30 minutes free in the evening then it may be best to forget it 🙂
Because this is a big commitment on my behalf I reserve the right to be selective in who I choose.
Send me a pm if you are interested and we can go from there.