Mental health

Technical details of a similar distiller.

"This unit can be used to distill alcohol. This is illegal in UK. Prior to order please check the law in your country! "

I am buying one for sure!

About time the Gubbermint allowed a little pleasure at a give-away price ?
I know it sounnds a bit potty but one only has the one brain and if it's stuffed with aluminum ( aluminium) - well one's in trouble.


H2oLabs Home Water Systems

yes yes yes I have bought one before my thinking gear collapses and am awaiting arrival.

Cool clear water as the song goes !

Well, I finally bought one too...Model 300SSE with Glass Carafe...when it arrives I will detox by drinking pure H2O. I expect you will notice the difference in the quality of my posts...they might even be as high a standard as Pat494's :-0 ....Dare to dream...
Well, I finally bought one too...Model 300SSE with Glass Carafe...when it arrives I will detox by drinking pure H2O. I expect you will notice the difference in the quality of my posts...they might even be as high a standard as Pat494's :-0 ....Dare to dream...

Nice of you to say so !
I give a bit of taste to the otherwise tasteless water with a bit of flavouring like Ribena or Robinson's Barley juice. Yummy !
Just to keep the bugs in one's gut happy I do drink a little ordinary water too.

Happy drinking and look forward to your new insights.

I am distilling water right now. So, if I have done things right I will have pure drinking water tomorrow morning...then just watch the quality of my posts!!
Distilled water has all the mineras removed, though, doesn't it? I was taught that it was for batteries and electric irons. Spring water is the best, in the high ground, but uphill from the cattle and farms!

Life in industrialised countries is getting'll go nuts just thinking about it and another thing---leave fish alone, it's full of battery residue and other heavy metal.
Distilled water has all the mineras removed, though, doesn't it? I was taught that it was for batteries and electric irons. Spring water is the best, in the high ground, but uphill from the cattle and farms!

Life in industrialised countries is getting'll go nuts just thinking about it and another thing---leave fish alone, it's full of battery residue and other heavy metal.

I'm not a nutritional expert, but I would say your body gets all the nutrients it needs from food. Water is the universal solvent in which all chemical reactions take place ie/ Metabolism.