Mechanical Trading Systems The Way to Trade?

no blog

My yahoo group has many files explaining what I do, incuding a free sample of an obsolete version.

To be honest, I find the world of blogging puzzling. Many seem to just enjoy hering themselves talk . Its almost like a new age CB/ham radio thing. or a high tech version of the guy holding forth at the local pub.

call me a mercenary but I'm just interested in making money, rather than holding forth on a blog like I'm some sort of guru.

If you sit back and look at a lot of investment blogs, ask yourself if the guy has said one thing you can take and start investing with......


I find your comments interesting, as I like the "thinking outside the box" approach which you seem to have taken.

Apart from the link to your Yahoo homepage, do you have a blog, etc?
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To be honest, I find the world of blogging puzzling.

I think those people who trade & create blogs do so for many reasons. I agree that some of them may fall into the category that you have described, while others use them as a way to document the journey of where they have been and where they are aiming to get to. Basically like an "open" diary.

I accept that the concept of blogs may or may not appeal to everyone but based on the ones which I try to follow (time permitting!!) they can be of interest. Each to their own I guess....

I'll take a closer look at your homepage then...

All the best....

I would suggest studying - and perfecting - basic bar charts and developing your strategy from there. There are hundreds of technical indicators and thousands of books which alone will absorb one lifetime.

The only TA book I can recommend is Murphy's Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets.


I'm glad we now have a name. Two excellent posts.


yongp, i have e-versions of this book and a couple of other similar tomes (athough Murphy is generally accepted as the TA Bible). if you're interested PM me and I'll email/skype them to you.

Just curious - that's 2 traders that highlight Murphy's book, even though I see it was published in 1986 - does it still have value in today's markets??

Murphy's book is not contaminated with systems resulting from a drug-induced euphoria. Further, it doesn't contain dubious applications from other "scientific" areas - genetics, neurology, numerology, etc. Of course, some use these sysytems sucessfully but I reckon it best to learn basics first (and it may be all you need).


It decent to make the offer but I have enough unread books to be going on with. If I can reciprocate let me know (a few grand, pay for your daughter's education, new car?).

Any of these sites can be audited

They could use Timer Trac or if they wished to set up an independent audit.
Books and experts

I think anyone trading via some system or method they have developed would tell you that you have to be willing to think 'outside the box' like so much of the rest of life.

many of the books on investing come across as if its one clear set of rules and not to be deviated from.

You can gain insights from all of this but must be willing to mentally kick the tires on your own, consider many angles regardless of which expert harrumphed 'that won't work'.


Murphy's book is not contaminated with systems resulting from a drug-induced euphoria. Further, it doesn't contain dubious applications from other "scientific" areas - genetics, neurology, numerology, etc. Of course, some use these sysytems sucessfully but I reckon it best to learn basics first (and it may be all you need).


It decent to make the offer but I have enough unread books to be going on with. If I can reciprocate let me know (a few grand, pay for your daughter's education, new car?).

Yup, it's still pretty much the most comprehensive there is, pretty sure there have been a few more editions since '86.