MCHP stock analysis help required

Hi mayo367

Good to hear from you again. I agree entirely with your argument. However no system is 100% successful. This applies to those who buy and hold / TA specialists or whatever else one employs to read the market. At the end of the day if I have a system that generates a set of trades that are 90% accurate and gives me a return of 70-80% on my investment over a 12 month period I am more then happy. As with all EOD systems large draw downs can and will occur. These are just part and parcel of trading.
It's true that no system is 100% Lotsofloot, however, understanding & correctly interpreting price is the true language of the markets. The market has a language, think about it for a moment, when a person does not speak a foreign language, he uses an interpreter or indicators for insight or understanding, however, if we know the language, it's not confusing or puzzling anymore. We no longer need an interpreter as it were. Many traders do not understand the ROOT cause or underlying current that cause markets to move, as long as this understanding is not known, large draw downs will occur with great regularity, but not so with price. When we use price, we can pin point with great accuracy from where the bulls or bears will push higher or lower again, thus, large draw downs are nearly non existent. I'll gladly show you or anyone before & after charts that clearly demonstrate the accuracy of using price.