May 06 Cocoa


Well-known member
I've entered LONG May Cocoa today at 1548.

Looking for a continuation of the gradual uptrend, with acceleration later.

Obvious target is the large GAP overhead from last march (2005).

It doesn't show up well on this (thinly-traded) May chart - but it's roughly from 1700-1800.

I'm using wide stops in case we break lower first.


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1) Broadening formation could breakout to the upside.

2) Targets in the resistance ZONE @ 1775-1850.


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Looks interesting this one. Fundamentals are mixed 04/05 use > production but still 42% stocks/use ratio. One note was that fertiliser sales to Ivory coast were seen down 60% y/y so it has a chance i would say. Been watching it and trying to convince myself to pull the trigger. Need something to dig myself out of the nasty looking soybean spreads I am involved in.
Did you take the Hog break down? I sold the Live Cattle yesterday on the break but it closed right back on the break line today.
Twalker -

I'm not in the Livestock markets at the moment - concentrating on Softs for now (then grains EVENTUALLY - when bottoming action does show up...).

Thnaks for the Cocoa fundamental data.

I have read recently that world demand for Cocoa products (ie. Chocolate :rolleyes: ) is on a good upswing. This is backed up by today's release of 2005 Eurpoean cocoa grindings, which are UP 5.3% from 2004 (at 1.16m).

I believe there are questions as to the Ivory Coast main crop amounts, and recent logistical problems hampering the output of Ghana. (the world No.2 producer)

Also backing this move is the fall in the US Dollar - the inverse relationship often shows up well in Cocoa, (mostly when it's got nothing else to trade on.)


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Re: NY cocoa:

60-min Chart ( March) looks ready to break out of this consolidation.

Tight Bollinger/ Keltner Squeeze - and it's there on the London March contract as well :


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Barry Callebaut 1st-Quarter Profit Rises on Cost Cuts (Update1)
Jan. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Barry Callebaut AG, the world's largest bulk-chocolate supplier, said fiscal first-quarter profit rose 16 percent as the company cut costs at its European business and invested the savings in faster-growing markets.

Net income in the three months through November rose to 63.9 million Swiss francs ($49.9 million) from 55.2 million francs a year earlier, the Zurich-based company said today in an e-mailed statement. A Bloomberg survey of four analysts showed a median estimate of 61 million francs. Sales rose 3.8 percent to 1.2 billion francs.

``We had a particularly good start in the new fiscal year thanks to the solid growth in our business with industrial and commercial customers and a positive contribution to the operating profit from our European consumer business,'' Chief Executive Officer Patrick De Maeseneire said in the statement.

De Maeseneire, 48, is expanding production of premium chocolate in markets such as the U.S. and has closed German factories as demand for the company's own brands stagnates in Europe. The CEO in October opened a $20 million factory in California to help meet demand from U.S. pastry makers and other manufacturers.

Barry Callebaut last year took a 45 million-franc charge and wrote off another 49 million francs to scale back production of its own chocolate brands in Germany, the company's biggest market. Those measures may save 20 million to 25 million francs this year according to Credit Suisse First Boston analyst Patrick Jnglin, who has an ``outperform'' recommendation on the stock.

Moving East

Some of those savings are being shifted to production further east. The chocolate maker is building a plant near Moscow that's expected to start operating in 2007 and has signed a letter of intent to acquire a factory in China.

Orders for the important Easter season from food manufacturers and at its gourmet and specialty chocolate business ``look good,'' and there are ``positive signals'' from its European consumer business, the company said.

Barry Callebaut confirmed its three-year targets for full- year profit growth of 12 percent to 15 percent and sales growth excluding the effects of acquisitions of 3 percent to 5 percent.

De Maeseneire and Chief Financial Officer Dieter Enkelmann will host a conference call at 9 a.m. Zurich time.
Cocoa supplies still tight

10/01/2006 - Cocoa supplies will remain tight for confectionary companies as production for the last growing season continue to be below demand for the ingredient.

However, estimates for the growing season, which ended September 2005, will come as good news to an industry under increasing pressure from rising global consumption.
Although more cocoa beans are being ground, end of season stocks will be slightly higher that initially forecast, according to the International Cocoa Association (ICCO).

The revised estimate for world production now stands at 3,289 thousand tonnes, up from the ICCO's initial forecast of 3,194 tonnes. The estimated production is down 6.6 per cent on the previous growing season.

World grindings are forecast at 3,298 thousand tonnes, an increase of three per cent to from the original estimate of 3,268, the ICCO stated.

The ICCO says even with the fall in production, the world's cocoa deficit will be cut by more than half, to 42 thousand tonnes from 106 thousands tonnes.

End of season stocks for 2005 are estimated at 1,444 thousand tones, 2.8 per cent down on the previous growing season.

A contributing factor to these revised estimates could be the calmer than expected situation in the world's biggest cocoa producer, the Ivory Coast.
A look at the Weekly nearby continuation chart:

Long-term, the market hasrecently formed a small double bottom within a MUCH larger double bottom, encompasing the entire 3 year consolidation phase.

Long-term Support at 1300.

Resistance Zone at 1700-1825.

Note the old trendline support, which could become resistance as we enter that zone in due course.


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Tensions rise in Ivory Coast; London UP

A key meeting of the International Working group has recommended dissolving the Ivory Coast National Assembly (parliament)

UN cars and vehicles attacked in Abidjan Sunday.

London Cocoa UP 10-11 in early trading Monday (NY closed)
Ivory Coast weather needs watching too -

DJ West Africa Cocoa Weather - Jan 16
2:15 AM, January 16, 2006


SUMMARY- A few isolated to widely scattered showers and t-showers observed in
the southwest weekend, dry elsewhere. Temperatures above normal.

TODAY...A few passing showers/t-showers southwest, dry elsewhere. Above
normal temperatures, warmest northeast.
TONIGHT...Showers diminish overnight.
TOMORROW...Isolated to widely scattered showers southwest, mostly dry
elsewhere. Above normal temperatures, warmest northeast.
OUTLOOK...Isolated showers and thundershowers far west this period, dry
elsewhere. Temperatures mostly above normal.


CROP IMPACT- Drier, hotter weather will reduce soil moisture for midcrop cocoa
in Ivory Coast of West Africa and increase stress to this crop.

copyright 2004, Meteorlogix

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

I would expect NY to gap higher when it re-opens on Tuesday....especially if London holds it's gains today.

Ivory Coast protesters block roads, burn tyres
Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:25 PM GMT

ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Hundreds of youths, some brandishing machetes and sticks, burned tyres and blocked roads in Ivory Coast's main city Abidjan on Monday in protest at a call by foreign mediators for parliament to be dissolved.

Several hundred youths loyal to President Laurent Gbagbo walked towards the city's business district chanting "enough is enough", while in other areas burning tyres blocked main streets. Police fired teargas to repel one group of protesters.

An international working group charged with overseeing a U.N. peace plan in the divided West African country recommended on Sunday that parliament's mandate, which expired last month, should not be renewed.

Ivory Coast has been split into a rebel-held north and government-run south since a civil war in 2002. A string of peace deals have failed to unite the country and presidential and parliamentary elections due last October were postponed.

Reuters witnesses said some of the protesters were planning to head to the headquarters of the country's United Nations mission, which is a short distance from the city centre.
DJ World 05-06 Cocoa Stocks Down By 106,000 Tons - Fortis
7:01 AM, January 16, 2006

LONDON (Dow Jones)--World cocoa stocks for 2005-06 (October-September) are
now forecast to be down by 106,000 metric tons on the year at 1.484 million
tons, analyst Jonathan Parkman said in the Fortis Commodity Derivatives
Research January cocoa market outlook, released Monday.

This is trimmed back by 8,000 tons from the analyst's December estimate,
which showed a 114,000-ton fall in stocks.

Parkman now forecasts 2005-06 world cocoa output at 3.349 million tons, up
32,000 tons from his December estimate. The bulk of this rise stems from an
upward revision in the Ivory Coast mid-crop by 25,000 tons to 275,000 tons.

Parkman's 2005-06 forecast for the Ivory Coast main-crop was left unchanged
at 1.080 million tons, not including 70,000 tons that arrived at export ports
ahead of the 2005-06 marketing season.

"The only significant revision that we have made to our seasonal forecast for
production concerns mid-crop production in Ivory Coast which has benefited from
benign weather conditions," said the report.

Partially offsetting the rise in output, Parkman's figures also showed an
upward revision in world 2005-06 cocoa grinding of 24,000 tons to 3.422 million

While the report cited adequate world cocoa stock levels for the near-term,
it added a further decrease in supplies could be seen in the long-term due to
strong consumption levels and a lack of capacity to expand production.

"The long-term rate of cocoa consumption growth is showing no signs of
slowing," said the report. Meanwhile the world's largest cocoa producer, the
Ivory Coast, is "struggling to expand production" due to political uncertainty
and low farm prices.

-By Lisa Kallal, Dow Jones Newswires; (4420) 7842 9415;
[email protected]
Riots Slow Cocoa Trade At Ivory Coast Main Port
6:44 AM, January 16, 2006

ABIDJAN (Dow Jones)--Rioting youths blocked several key cross roads in Ivory
Coast's main port of Abidjan Monday morning, slowing cocoa trade, drivers and
exporters said.

"We received no (cocoa) trucks this morning and on my way to the office I did
not see any trucks outside the warehouses of other companies," said an
exporter, talking from his office in the Vridi port area of Abidjan.

Another exporter said he also received fewer trucks than usual on a Monday

Leading exporter Cargill closed down its port warehouse and office Monday.

One buyer and two drivers said their trucks were blocked at the entrance of

Youth, mainly of the nationalist FESCI student movement took to the streets
Monday to protest against the decision of the U.N. and other African
multinational bodies not to extend the mandate of Ivory Coast's parliament,
which ended last month.

At 11.00 local time sources at the French embassy and Abidjan residents said
youths had blocked roads in and around the neighborhoods of Cocody, Port Bouet,
Adjame, Yopougon and Abobo.

-By Vincent t'Sas, Dow Jones Newswires; +225 22416436;
Looks like a break-out here. Lets hope it follows through, there was some scale up commercial selling in London this morning but there was also good fund support against it. It is nasty to hope that Ivory Coast devolves into total anarchy but currently it would be rather helpful.
twalker -

A breakout of this flag formation on the daily projects to around 1662 (Basis May), at a minimum. A multiple of that target would be more probable, IMO.

As for the Ivory Coast, well, let's face it, most of the good commodity Bull runs are a product of some widespread misfortune, whether War, civil unrest, drought, flood,or geopolitical fear and tension.....

I guess you can't have too much of a conscience in this business...maybe regular charity donations would create a suitable balance of interests...

Just my thoughts.. :|

Just in:: Ivory Coast plea for calm ignored
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Ivorian party says withdrawing from peace process

ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory Coast's ruling Ivorian Popular Front party (FPI) is withdrawing from a U.N. peace process to reunite the war-divided country, the party's president said on Tuesday.

"The FPI declares it is pulling out of the peace process," President Pascal Affi N'Guessan said in a statement which followed street protests against a call by foreign mediators to dissolve the country's parliament.

It;'s all falling apart..... :rolleyes: