MaxGriddy's old school stock daytrading journal

OMG! Asia markets bleeding 2%+ and Europe barely keeping positive. May 17 may not provide an exit for me. If I get a chance to exit, I will focus tactics on scalping with bias for the downside tumble.

Keep the faith! The Market will prove its generosity in time. Amen.
"May 14, 2010, 4:52pm #19 fgp seems like you are doing great."

I coulnt find any trading related activity here !
Re: "May 14, 2010, 4:52pm #19 fgp seems like you are doing great."

I coulnt find any trading related activity here !

Well you are right on that. Locked in positions and the market went against me. I wait, patiently.

Patience is an incredibly valuable and profitable trading tactic. 😎