Mathematics and Economics graduate 2.2 degre :( Need advice!



I am a graduate from warwick university I only could manage a low 2.2 🙁 I am quite sad over that... looking back I got 5 As (80% and above) in A level equivalents... but who cares

I am not a british citizen so thats a problem... as I need work permit in any company I want to apply I am interested in financial world (broking, asset management, investment banking, taxation)
Big companies need 2.1 and small companies which accept 2.2 degree need the person to be british citizen so I am in a fix

I have a moths work experience with an Indian asset management company... my role was based on sales... where I had to go to banks etc to tell them about our structured products so that they can further sell them to general public

I have CFA level 1 exam this December which I think will help me in finding a job...

what should I do? I don't think my father will sponsor me for a masters... as I proved to be a bad investment for undergrad...

how can I flip the situation to my advantage...?
Masters/ further education sounds good...u haven't said where you want to go? what you want to do? i.e asset management,sales and trading etc.
I am a student so wouldn't be able to answer ur questions fully but this wud help anyone else to answer ur questions.

I've found the most revealing question was, why do u want a job in the industry?
masters sounds good to me as well... but I need to earn money by myself for that... so thats why I want a job... I cannot ask my family to sponsor me now...

I have nailed down one single profession... I am still contemplating many options such as a career as a portfolio analyst, fund manager, inter-dealer broker, fund researcher, wealth manager, financial advisor.

I want to get a job so that after getting 2-4 years of work experience I can fulfill my dreams of MBA from a prestigious american school... and I like asset management as I like to invest money in different asset classes and see what returns I would get
As far as I am aware the financial markets in India are exploding. Would you maybe find more joy in India? Maybe start there and move over once you have some relevant experience.....
b4 someone replies with a good answer, it seems those jobs are diverse and getting an mba for the sake of it, isnt worth it. In my personal view, most jobs in this industry just arent worth it.

EDIT: after GJs answer, that is a seriously good idea, a friend at uni going into 4th year couldnt get a job here at all, he is from india and got a job with rothschilds in india comparatively easily.

Yes, I am aware of that... in India one usually needs MBA to get a job... and the starting salaries are minute after what I spent in my undergrad... 🙁
The idea seems plausible to me... I should put more thought into this
My father has a business in India... so if I go back to India... financially I would be better off working with him, but once I start working in a business it becomes extremely hard to get out of it... and I don't really know if great B-Schools like a person who inheritited their dad's business
But what's to stop you going back to India and getting a job in the markets there (or at least trying to).

Seems like the more of the factors working against you that you can reduce / eliminate the better, and if your nationality is an issue here AND there's a jobs explosion in finance in India it makes sense to go there. If you land a job at a bank / fund or whatever down tehre and you're any good eventually opportunities to go elsewhere and work, most likely with a sponsored work visa will come your way. Plus you may be able to build a good network of local contacts. Currently that kind of thing is financial market gold dust.

Seriously, in your position I'd be giving this very serious thought. Or are you saying the minute you set foot back there there's gonna be huge pressure to work in the family biz? If so that's something no-one else can resolve but you and your dad I guess.
Yes, I understand your point... my family is calling me back my dad wants me to work with him for a year and then I can study for my MBA and the thing to look at is... I will be doing my CFA as well... so if I pass that alright... that will be a good thing to build a career on... is that a good plan
Yes, I understand your point... my family is calling me back my dad wants me to work with him for a year and then I can study for my MBA and the thing to look at is... I will be doing my CFA as well... so if I pass that alright... that will be a good thing to build a career on... is that a good plan

Hey, good to know you and me are on the same page. I just graduated with a 4-year master degree of physics, top 10 uni. Well, same as you, I only managed to get a 2.2.
Not many options left for me, no way to Phd, no grad scheme, plus I am not brit, hongkong is not an option for me as a physics degree in HK means working in the education sector (which is the last place I want to work at!)

I am interested in the financial market though, especially in the investment field.
So I came up with the same idea as you did, go for a CFA level 1 exam, then hopefully there would be more doors for my career in the investment sector!

I still haven't registered with the CFA yet, since I am not sure if I can really pass the test in Dec with basically zero level of financial knowledge even with training provided by stalla or kaplan. So are you preparing your exam with courses as above or via self-study?

Hmmm...I see your problem. Have you considered applying to banks with Graduate Schemes?
For example, I work for HSBC (part-time) and they have several graduate schemes, they are:-
Commercial Management, European Management, Executive Management, Operations Management and Retail Management. Now they do all ask for a 2:1, although the Retail Management ask for a 2:2. It might be something to think about?
I am in my 2nd Year at University in Newcastle and I have applied for the Executive Management scheme for 2011. They are accepting applications now.

I don't know it that helps at all.
If you want to chat anymore, just send me a message.

Good luck though, Holly
ladz it very hard these dayes getting a job in London especially financial service's i am a Uk born citizen with a 2:1 degree in accounting and computer science and i am struggling. Their aint many jobs going. 🙁