Marketing techniques for a trading system

Zig Zag North

Junior member
Does anybody have any suggestions for marketing a trading system?

Trading system platform sites come to mind first. Outside of these platforms, what other marketing techniques have you commercial system vendors found that worked and generated leads for subscribers?
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I know you're out there, all you entrepreneurial system creators. 😀 Surely someone here has had success creating a system and making it marketable. It takes one line of thinking to dive into technical details and create a system. Another to make a convincing story for investors looking for systems. Much of the trading system marketing borders on fraud, IMO. But I have seen occasional reputable paraphenalia.

Share your marketing techniques as many of us are interested. What do investors like to see and how do they like to see it?
I think you have the wrong site in asking for this kind of information. Most of the time members are trying to get rid of those people who are marketing systems, not encourage them and telling them how to go about it.

Since you have a sign saying you are a "trading system vendor", why are you asking people here how to run your business?
You don't know already?
You want people here to tell you how best to sell to them? !
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Does anybody have any suggestions for marketing a trading system?

Trading system platform sites come to mind first. Outside of these platforms, what other marketing techniques have you commercial system vendors found that worked and generated leads for subscribers?

Write a really long web page with lots of pictures of yachts and ferraris telling everyone how you discovered the secret of trading and how it changed your life and made you a millionaire within months. And now you are willing to share your secret with a select few individuals because it will make you feel good.
I think you have the wrong site in asking for this kind of information. Most of the time members are trying to get rid of those people who are marketing systems, not encourage them and telling them how to go about it.

Assuming there are other trading system vendors on this site, this is the correct place to ask this question. Why would you try to get rid of someone who is trying to make a business out of a legitimate, value-adding service for you? Understandably, this industry is marked with more fraudulent vendors than legitimate ones so it gets a bad wrap.

There are lots of cynics here, lol, but one person recommended c2 - thanks, I'm already trying to use them and I feel it works well. I was hoping to learn some other creative techniques that vendors have found successful. Sites with Ferraris and yachts fall in the illigitimate camp too, lol. Surely there have been interesting techniques from some of you guys!
Why not have a look at the way Trade2win advertises software and services and imitate something similar ?

why not get a few systems up and build a dedicated site/info around that..... like this one ?

or pay for an advert on here ? how easy is that ? ooohhhhhh! mate it could be a success..

good luck
"Why would you try to get rid of someone who is trying to make a business out of a legitimate, value-adding service for you?"
You are a cockroach praying off other peoples dreams to make a living trading financial markets.
This isn't how it works.
If you were a longtime trader and discovered a system you had traded that makes a profit.
Then sure why not get some spare cash and help other people make a profit.
Win win situation.
But you cockroach are just trying to sell something, anything, to get peoples money, whether it works or not.
That is the lowest form of life there is.
I think the people here are missing the boat and are being way to critial of zig_zag.

I was in the same boat. I developed a few systems that are making money hand over fist but I am severely underfunded. My systems are very capital intensive. 25 or 30k will get you no wheres. You need at least a 100k account with margin to trade this correctly and to make enough money to make it worth your while.

People just dont get it and they bash. You have to have money to make money. For the 1 person who took 2000 bucks and turned it into 2 million is like hitting the lotto. The other 40000 others who try it and go belly up are still wondering what happened because they read it was so easy.

So in all fairness, the bashers have no idea what there talking about.
"Why would you try to get rid of someone who is trying to make a business out of a legitimate, value-adding service for you?"
You are a cockroach praying off other peoples dreams to make a living trading financial markets.
This isn't how it works.
If you were a longtime trader and discovered a system you had traded that makes a profit.
Then sure why not get some spare cash and help other people make a profit.
Win win situation.
But you cockroach are just trying to sell something, anything, to get peoples money, whether it works or not.
That is the lowest form of life there is.

You sir are a complete moron. He wants to market a legitimate product to make money for himself and to help others make money and you dont like it?

Well guess what, you ever heard of capitalism? You are an IDIOT!