Market Liquidity


Junior member
Hi, is there a site or does anyone know the time of day that the following pairs have the greatest liquidity:


Does greatest market liquidity directly translate into a 'better' time to trade ? 'better' meaning more opportunities to take advantage of trends and a overall trending market.

Thanks guys
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I dont think it matters as long as england and or america are in then its all good
Hi, is there a site or does anyone know the time of day that the following pairs have the greatest liquidity:


Does greatest market liquidity directly translate into a 'better' time to trade ? 'better' meaning more opportunities to take advantage of trends and a overall trending market.

Thanks guys

As a general rule, if you're having problems with liquidity on any of the majors I'm impressed. I'd avoid about 2300-0600 GMT as they're fairly quiet for most of those except AUD/USD, but the majority of the day they're all fairly busy.

Peak liquidity would probably be around 1200-1700 GMT.
It depends also from figures, interest rate decisions, wars, etc....

I would say 8:00 - 15:30 UK time, since you get PPI, CPI, non-farm
Hi, is there a site or does anyone know the time of day that the following pairs have the greatest liquidity:

You should be careful with your terms here. I don't think you mean liquidity in this context. You probably mean activity. The spot forex market liquidity for retail traders in the major pairs in basically perfect all times of day. The activity, however, varies throughout the day, as others have noted.
market liqudity

Hi, is there a site or does anyone know the time of day that the following pairs have the greatest liquidity:


Does greatest market liquidity directly translate into a 'better' time to trade ? 'better' meaning more opportunities to take advantage of trends and a overall trending market.

Thanks guys
Actually i believe that there isn't a specific time for tradind.and this due to the unstable activity of the market.
Only trade when UK and USA are open. Despite being 24 hours. There is no liquidity night time uk.
It is just not worth it. Unless there is night time news.


Only trade when UK and USA are open. Despite being 24 hours. There is no liquidity night time uk.
It is just not worth it. Unless there is night time news.

Again, I would challenge the use of liqidity here. There's plenty of liqudity in the majors around the clock - meaning you can get in and out of positions with no trouble. There is, however, a decided lack of volatility (meaningful price movement) at times.
What's more interesting on this thread is the wierd and wonderful musings of lovely patricia. Wibble Wibble

LOL. if shes the very same patrica that used to do the advfn radio thing years back then daiim! she was luveerly!😛