Market indices forecas

Classic moment of absurdity there where he called VOD a winner, and upon finding that it dropped his argument was "yes but not as much as the market dropped".

We're arguing with a real Einstein here aren't we.

I bet if VOD had dropped more than the market he still would have found a way to call it a winner. "Yes but it didn't drop as much as Marconi"
Hi guys !

This is really a disaster, 4 out of 8 is not good enough.... But I think I got 2 out of 3 yesterday so actually it is 4 out of 7. I always sell before lunch guys, so don´t be rude....:cool:

I'll keep posting 200 times, try to earn your respect !

Now I´ll have a glas of champagne with three swedish blondes;)

Have a nice weekend !
I think Forumtroll has special powers

Hi guys !

This is really a disaster, 4 out of 8 is not good enough.... But I think I got 2 out of 3 yesterday so actually it is 4 out of 7. I always sell before lunch guys, so don´t be rude....:cool:

I'll keep posting 200 times, try to earn your respect !

Now I´ll have a glas of champagne with three swedish blondes;)

Have a nice weekend !

I count your FTSE prediction also.
so that's 2 out of 5 today and 4 out of 8 total.
keep prediciting, I'll do the counting...
Todays result:

RIO + 4.43%
BHP Billiton + 3.49%
Barclays + 2.27%
HSBC + 2.66%
R Bank of Scotland + 5.01%

and FTSE 100 +1.67%

6 out of 6 today, and a total of 10 out 14 (71%).

Have a nice life guys !