Market Ettiquette


Junior member
Im a trainee dealer with a stockbrokers and Im looking for information on "market ettiquette".?
Ie, how do I approach a market maker with an order that is over market size and/or when should I open my position? Is there a publication that shows this information?
traderjuk said:
Im a trainee dealer with a stockbrokers, how do I approach a market maker with an order that is over market size?

lube up and approach the market maker backwards :cheesy:
traderjuk said:
Im a trainee dealer with a stockbrokers and Im looking for information on "market ettiquette".?
Ie, how do I approach a market maker with an order that is over market size and/or when should I open my position? Is there a publication that shows this information?

all this should have been covered in your SFA traing and "in house" training....although you will find that "clients" don't always follow the rules ! (and vice versa ie MM's also ignore certain rues)

This is not covered in "SFA" exams, in this instance the Registered Rep's exam (unless it's changed - long time ago).

What do I remember of this "professional" exam? "Which countries have (had) five day settlement?" Answer: Netherlands, USA, Australia, ie the three "A's" (Amsterdam, America, Australia). Teaches everything you don't need, nothing you do need. What a crock.


As you will be aware, stockbroking is no longer the exclusive refuse of gentleman and sodomites. I believe a classics degree is no longer considered advantageous, nor a short commission in a cavalry regiment (I hear the RA is even acceptable - country's going to the dogs).

Correspondingly, market-makers have also changed. To a man, they're all from Essex but "connected" to the East End. Therefore, address them accordingly, eg "'ere, gor blimey, guvnor.. naaa, whaat? naaa, wot? fack orf.. leave it out... wot? would you adam an' eve it, boll-ucks, fack orf... you wot.. . you gotta be fackin' kiddin' me.. woot? naaa, fack orf, leave it out, Go' bless 'er, you wot, naaaa, Barbara Windsor... 'ere, wot?, you gotta be fackin' kiddin' me, naa, knock it on the 'ead.. wot? boll-ucks, naaa, fack orf. That's fine, thank you, 100 at 125. We're BZW, 1438. Thank you, Sir. No, thank you, Sir. Thank you. Thank you. 'Bye, 'bye. Cockney fcuk."

Or you could try Debretts Guide to Etiquette.

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grantx said:
. . .

This is not covered in "SFA" exams, in this instance the Registered Rep's exam (unless it's changed - long time ago).

What do I remember of this "professional" exam? "Which countries have (had) five day settlement?" Answer: Netherlands, USA, Australia, ie the three "A's" (Amsterdam, America, Australia). Teaches everything you don't need, nothing you do need. What a crock.

. . .

ha ha ha ha , it's all coming horribly back!

In this instance, I'd intially ask "where's the market for a bit of size?" without revealing which side I am.
grantx said:

This is not covered in "SFA" exams, in this instance the Registered Rep's exam (unless it's changed - long time ago).

What do I remember of this "professional" exam? "Which countries have (had) five day settlement?" Answer: Netherlands, USA, Australia, ie the three "A's" (Amsterdam, America, Australia). Teaches everything you don't need, nothing you do need. What a crock.

Correspondingly, market-makers have also changed. To a man, they're all from Essex but "connected" to the East End. Therefore, address them accordingly, eg "'ere, gor blimey, guvnor.. naaa, whaat? naaa, wot? fack orf.. leave it out... wot? would you adam an' eve it, boll-ucks, fack orf... you wot.. . you gotta be fackin' kiddin' me.. woot? naaa, fack orf, leave it out, Go' bless 'er, you wot, naaaa, Barbara Windsor... 'ere, wot?, you gotta be fackin' kiddin' me, naa, knock it on the 'ead.. wot? boll-ucks, naaa, fack orf. That's fine, thank you, 100 at 125. We're BZW, 1438. Thank you, Sir. No, thank you, Sir. Thank you. Thank you. 'Bye, 'bye. Cockney fcuk."

Or you could try Debretts Guide to Etiquette.

Grant. I remember it !! You're dead right....